So here is the current list from the case swap, keen to know which other beers are ready to sample chaps?
1. QuantumBrewer - Not-so-Irish Not-so-Red; red caps with 'QB'
2. peas_and_corn - Brown Ale
4. Hatchy - New world pale ale
5. Gunna
6. MaltyHops
8. Phillip
9. Goofinder - Brown Porter, bottled 2011-03-07
10. DrSmurto - Bo Pils, bottled and ready to drink
11. Mayor Of Mildura - Stout - Bottled 29-1-11 ready to drink - pour from a great height (low carb)
12. TonyC
13. Kieren - IPA - 8.3% 105 IBU's - ready to drink 9/4/11
15. AussieJosh
16. Nevalicious - South Pacific IPA - Bottled towards the end of Feb 11', RTD
17. Awesome Fury
19. JestersDarts
20. simma
21. Raven19 - Robust Porter2 bottled 15.03.11 6% abv
22. Rooting Kings
23. Amin.
25. Boston