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Thanks to Josh & Nat - well done on a great night... credit for the party/rave lighting to Nev
Hatchy - I logged in to start the winter thread and find you've risen from what can only be described as a nuclear-fallout-resistant slumber. The photos will explain a lot more. We were going to cover you from head-to-toe in apostrophes, but thought you'd enjoy a few exclamation marks thrown at you instead :unsure:
Cheers to all the swappers - I'm looking forward to all these beers! Mine should be ready to drink now, but since it was bottled Friday (CPBF) it probably wouldn't hurt to give it a week or two to mature.
All the best for the winter swap - I'll be a first-time-dad around that time, so I'm sure my plate will be full. I'll try to send a case along anyway.
Hatchy - I logged in to start the winter thread and find you've risen from what can only be described as a nuclear-fallout-resistant slumber. The photos will explain a lot more. We were going to cover you from head-to-toe in apostrophes, but thought you'd enjoy a few exclamation marks thrown at you instead :unsure:
Cheers to all the swappers - I'm looking forward to all these beers! Mine should be ready to drink now, but since it was bottled Friday (CPBF) it probably wouldn't hurt to give it a week or two to mature.
All the best for the winter swap - I'll be a first-time-dad around that time, so I'm sure my plate will be full. I'll try to send a case along anyway.