2008 Sa Xmas In July Case Swap - Tastings/recipes

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I'm gonna hit my chocolate soldier in an hour or so I think!

Does that sound kinky to you?

Best to ask Wayne what he does after all its his baby :p

BTW I would call a pink appendage kinky :eek:

Absolute beaut, to start on for a Friday night. Had to go and check my case to see if I might have been lucky enough to score 2. I wasn't :angry:

Mate what a top beer. This is very nice. The flavour was not to much at all and it left me wanting more. Again I must say I have a blocked head, but I really enjoyed this beer. Had a nice bitterness on the back of the tongue. Well done. I hope you post the recipe. Would love to give this one a go myself.



Gee, I'm chuffed. Thanks for the feedback.

Here's the recipe
BeerSmith Recipe Printout - http://www.beersmith.com
Recipe: DuffelCoat Alt
Brewer: BenH
Asst Brewer:
Style: Dusseldorf Altbier
TYPE: All Grain
Taste: (0.0)

Recipe Specifications
Batch Size: 25.00 L
Boil Size: 29.07 L
Estimated OG: 1.051 SG
Estimated Color: 17.7 EBC
Estimated IBU: 36.4 IBU
Brewhouse Efficiency: 80.00 %
Boil Time: 60 Minutes

Amount Item Type % or IBU
3.50 kg Pilsner (Weyermann) (3.3 EBC) Grain 69.31 %
1.50 kg Munich II (Weyermann) (16.7 EBC) Grain 29.70 %
0.05 kg Chocolate Malt (886.5 EBC) Grain 0.99 %
85.00 gm Spalter [4.80 %] (45 min) Hops 36.4 IBU
1 Pkgs American Ale II (Wyeast Labs #1272) Yeast-Ale

Mash Schedule: Single Infusion, Light Body, Batch Sparge
75 min @ 65.6 C

Brewed 29/3
Collected 20.5 L of OG 1.050 (11.7 brix).
Fermented at 18 C
Got lazy, and didn't rack this to secondary.
Was kegged on 14/4 (16 days). FG was 1.008 (6.1 brix)
Gassed to 2.7 vols.
Smurto's Mild:

Thought I'd start with this one to warm up to the Chocolate Soldier.

Pours brilliantly clear dark brown with a nice head that sticks like glue. Can't get any aromas.. from the beer, my arse, anything, so no comments there. Chocolatey up front and a bit of ash, finish is a little hoppy and mildly bitter. Sign of a good mild; you wouldn't know its a mid-strength!

Why would anyone drink XXXX gold when you can have this? I could drink this all night.

Reviews straight from the bastard cave. I had the Dufflecoat Alt last night, and aside from it being a little low on carbonation (possibly bottled from the Keg Ben?) I loved it. Beautiful colour, nice maltiness and good bitterness without much on the hop aroma. VERY nice. I'd happily drink that one all night, my one and only wish would be a touch more carbonation. Awesome depth of colour - did I mention that?

Tonight's drinkies,
Kenny (GMK). not sure what to say. oops maybe?
Trios Pistoles...

Then your swap beer...

anyone else have this happen? They were straight out of the fridge, have been in there since Sunday....Trio smelt fine but was very yeasty, swap beer I think was infected. Odd ones out?
I think I'll chuck 'em in the fridge and give them a go tomorrow.
Sorry for the gusher.....

I have had one or 2 like that - the rest have been good.
The trios Pistoles 9% Belgian has the 3864 Belgian Canadian Yeast in it - first time used.

The second is a 10.5 % Xmas Crippler - All Grain Spiced Winter Warmer
As far as I know No infection on any of the bottles i have tried so far...
The Xams Crippler was only bottled approx 4 weeks ago - i have opened a couple to try them and had no problems.

Will find some more for you Wayne.

Guess the other guys will have to check and open theirs slowley and carefully.
Reviews straight from the bastard cave. I had the Dufflecoat Alt last night, and aside from it being a little low on carbonation (possibly bottled from the Keg Ben?) I loved it. Beautiful colour, nice maltiness and good bitterness without much on the hop aroma. VERY nice. I'd happily drink that one all night, my one and only wish would be a touch more carbonation. Awesome depth of colour - did I mention that?

Tonight's drinkies,
Kenny (GMK). not sure what to say. oops maybe?
Trios Pistoles...

anyone else have this happen? They were straight out of the fridge, have been in there since Sunday....Trio smelt fine but was very yeasty, swap beer I think was infected. Odd ones out?


This is not the first time I have had this beer. Surprised you got a couple of gushers. Just chucked the pistoles I received in the freezer to chill down and try, and it did not gush. Popped with a nice carb style pop and poured rather nicely. Took a couple of pics to show what I mean. A rather heavy beer in itself. Going to be the last one I try tonight. Would happlily have a keg of this ready to go for those that appreciate a top but heavy beer.

P1010100.JPG P1010101.JPG

Thanks Ken for a good beer. For me your troubles of making this have been worth it.

Have also tried the x-mas beer. Very nice out of the fermenter and I look forward to the finished product.


I had the Altbier last night never had one before so wasnt sure what to expect.

I also had little head retention, probably due to kegging, it had a nice copper colour with a nice maltiness and light aroma, very easy drinking.

Cheers BenH enjoyed this one

Beerbelly's Chocolate Soldier

Cracked this one tonight (back in line, boy!) Tastes very familiar, like I've had it about 3 or 4 times before...

Chocolatey, a little roasty and very easy drinking. Can't taste/smell anything of that "handful" of B saaz any more, but still nice!

GMK's Trois Pistoles

Opened with a nice fizz, no gushing :) Very nicely carbonated, filled a beautiful head in the Chimay chalice. Fruity aroma, spicy and warming in the mouth and a nice, clean finish. This one will see me through the last quarter of the footy, I think!

Beerbelly's Chocolate Soldier

Cracked this one tonight (back in line, boy!) Tastes very familiar, like I've had it about 3 or 4 times before...

Chocolatey, a little roasty and very easy drinking. Can't taste/smell anything of that "handful" of B saaz any more, but still nice!


I quite liked the chocolate soldier. BYB's porter is also very nice :)

Seems like everyone is going to use my Rocket Fuel to sanitise in their next brew! :)

I have to say I really liked BYB porter, DrSmutos Dark Mild and Jazmans Smoked Porter (second bottle tasted a little soapy :(. )

The BeerBelly chocolate soldier left a strange aftertaste, not nasty but I couldn't put a finger on it.

I guess my list will be short as I only scored 10 bottles in return for my 15 I put in but I liked Ken's Trios Pistoles but the other was not so hot
~Mike's porter was a treat as was BenH's Altbier.
Dave's Imperial Stout was a tasty addition, liked the finish with ashy, chocolately overtones.

I've been sick for the past week, so I haven't been drinking any beer, let alone the case swap beers. However, sore throat, failing voice and sniffles be damned, I'll give some a go. The first on the tasting is Beerbelly's Chocolate Soldier.

There was low head retention, however after reading earlier comments I would blame that mainly on the glass being somewhat 'yeasty' after drinking some of my choc porter out of it and not rinsing it as thoroughly as I really should have. Oops. Aroma is nice, though I'm having troubles putting my finger on exactly what I'm smelling- burnt, smoky? tastes really nice- coffee, burnt toffee flavours all the way through, and well balanced with a nice bitterness that doesn't overwhelm the flavour. Nice!
What happened behind the bar?
Had the chocolate soldier last night very much enjoyed this beer, lots of chocolate and caramel flavours, awaiting the recipie in anticipation!!

This is not the first time I have had this beer. Surprised you got a couple of gushers. Just chucked the pistoles I received in the freezer to chill down and try, and it did not gush. Popped with a nice carb style pop and poured rather nicely. Took a couple of pics to show what I mean. A rather heavy beer in itself. Going to be the last one I try tonight. Would happlily have a keg of this ready to go for those that appreciate a top but heavy beer.

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Thanks Ken for a good beer. For me your troubles of making this have been worth it.

Have also tried the x-mas beer. Very nice out of the fermenter and I look forward to the finished product.



You were lucky Craig you got a girl but like Wayne I got a boy. Once the dust had settled it tasted spicy with a hint of molasses no off flavours that I could notice ;) . BTW it was the xmas in a bottle. Was wondering GMK was there any molasses in the recipe???


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