The Great Chinese Hop Buy 2009

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Well you are partly correct Brad. :D I made two posts regarding ziplock (Or any other bags) --- Posts 282 & 284.
Down but not quite out! :icon_cheers:


:lol: I had no idea wether you had or hadnt Pete but I did know i'd keep you busy for a bit finding post numbers, and with posts up into the 300's you made pretty good time. :D
A 'ream' or whatever they come in will be provided centrally as part of the 'contingency fund' so no need to send anything.

Ross made a good suggestion to get somewhat more heavy duty polythene bags which can be heat sealed and he will make his sealer available out of trading hours. Sounds like a deal. In other words if you have ever ordered a 500 or a kilo of Cara from Craftbrewer then that's how the hops will most likely arrive.

Fine tuning in progress.
Thats a bloody good offer by Ross and I reckon we should take him up on it. If time works in our favour.

Pete indeed posted about ziplocks, comments were that seeing as the hops will be arriving with the users within a couple of days and no doubt split up into bags of their own, the use of relatively expensive zip locks would be OTT and best to go with a regular plastic bags either taped or heat sealed.
Pete indeed posted about ziplocks, comments were that seeing as the hops will be arriving with the users within a couple of days and no doubt split up into bags of their own, the use of relatively expensive zip locks would be OTT and best to go with a regular plastic bags either taped or heat sealed.

To me the requirements of packing are simple

1. must hold 1 kg
2. easy to handle, fill and seal
3. wont split, tear or break open with Auspost handling.

I leave it to the packers to work out the best method, material to use. I will say this though. With near 400 bags to process, I think heat sealing all those is a big ask in an afternoon, not only on the time to do it, BUT the sealing unit itself. A heavy duty one should handle it.

Now a vacunm sealer I think is right out of the question.??????????

Wheres the fun in it if you mark what the hops are and the AAs? :p

Seriously though i would consider abbreviating the names and just post the AAs and other info on the forums .. were more then capable of filling in the blanks

writing Marcopolo ??%AA a couple a hundred times will get frustrating


Edit no idea what the aa of MP is right now
Wheres the fun in it if you mark what the hops are and the AAs? :p

Seriously though i would consider abbreviating the names and just post the AAs and other info on the forums .. were more then capable of filling in the blanks

writing Marcopolo ??%AA a couple a hundred times will get frustrating


Edit no idea what the aa of MP is right now
We could be like scientists
Mp= marco polo
Cl= Cluster
Cu= Cascade

Bribie what if you're local? What's the procedure? Just stay up to date with the thread?
We could be like scientists
Mp= marco polo
Cl= Cluster
Cu= Cascade


gee and here was me thinking

Z= Sazz
Swiming pool = Marco polo
F&ck = Cluster
Sh!t beer = Cascade

Bribie what if you're local? What's the procedure? Just stay up to date with the thread?
As long as necessary, I'll just keep bumping the post re getting the postal address.

Everyone on the official ordering list is getting a packing slip made out for their order. As they each send in their satchel the packing slip will be attached to the satchel and will travel with it until it is packed, signed off and sealed. As we get into the last few days then I suppose anyone in Southern Brisbane who has a packing slip but hasn't sent in a satchel and who wants to pickup may have a very narrow window at the end of all the packing to get into the venue and pick up. However it would be at own risk, as townsville says, if hops are left on the table at the end of the day then no guarantees. There's no way of knowing how many workers will be there on the day and the packing will be going flat out, so as you can imagine it's not really fair for everyone to drop what they are doing to attend to someone coming in to collect an order that might not have actually been assembled yet. Orders, at this stage, will be assembled from order no. 1 to order no. n on the list so a Brisbanite calling in to collect would have to wait until their order has been processed and put in the dispatch area.

No point in publicising the venue at this current stage as it's being organised as a post-out exercise only. However if anyone is local and is free to pick up on a weekend (which I assume the packing day will fall on) then a good way to avoid the satchel cost is to come in and lend a hand.

Yeah well I've stated numerous times I may be able to help with the packing if someone can tell me some actual details... But it seems like people are going out of their way to make it easier to just post a satchel so I guess I better just do that in case I can't get the hops I paid for :blink: :wacko:
Actually how about I volunteer to organise the pickup for anyone in Brisbane who doesn't want to waste money with Australia post?

I can either take the order back to my place and people can pickup from where I work or my home or whatever if they want. That is if another sensible option can't be arranged.
Yeah well I've stated numerous times I may be able to help with the packing if someone can tell me some actual details... But it seems like people are going out of their way to make it easier to just post a satchel

The whole system is designed to be as easy as possible for all concerned. Firstly, we cant give actual details as we JUST DONT KNOW when the hops will arrive yet. I dont think we are hiding any details from anyone. As soon as we know what is happening e have been giving details.

As to how the packing will proceed, well again, we again dont know, as it depends on how many people attend to help out with the packing. The more people help out, the quicker and easier it will occur. And as BribieG states, its not possible, or right either to be at some-ones beck and call if they just want to turn up at any ol time and collect their hops.

Ever wonder why many an e-bay store dont allow pickup. It upsets the whole production line if some0one turns up out of the blue.

You ask actual details, and those have been given from the facts already, it will be an afternoon, we have given the suburb, we have told you approximately when, and that drinks and food will be provided. I just dont know what else you want to know.

We just cant be more specific than that til we know more.

I didn't know the suburb had been given, I'm gunna go and check back through the pages.
Aus Post Satchels are now being received and collated. (Bump)

For postal address to send your self addressed Australia Post Satchel(s) to please email me at:

[email protected]

In your email Please state the following essential info:

your "nick" as stated on the purchase list, e.g BribieG, fatgodzilla etc.
your real name as appearing on the bag, as I wouldn't have a clue who Horace Prendergast is whatever

Pls don't PM me to avoid inbox overflows, flood control etc.

As I receive the bags I'll acknowledge by email and also, on this thread, post a progressive list of the ones I have received.

To ensure you get the full weight - bearing in mind that Aus Post can be picky if it goes over a few grams - the bag or bags you will need to send are:

Hop order: bag size

1k - 3kg

2k - 3kg

3k - 5kg

4k - 5kg

5k - 5kg plus a 3kg

You get the idea

Look forward to them getting here from Monday onwards

When sending the satchels you will be pleasantly surprised to find that one of them, folded neatly, will fit nicely into an ordinary el cheapo envelope, a bit like the TARDIS. So won't cost you much to send.
Cool.... You'll all get it back in 90gm packs of Chinese hop dust!!! :p :p

cheers Ross

:icon_offtopic: but I really really want to know cos it bugs me...

Ross - Why do you package all of your hops in 90gm packs? And not 100gms?? I know there has to be a reason???

Cheers :icon_cheers:
A bit of research from yours truly has discovered what Marco Polo is.

Marco Polo = Columbus. The rhizhomes were supplied many years ago by Hopunion.
My understanding is that it doesn't have the finese of the USA hop, but looks like being a great buy :)
My guess is that the Cascade probably had similar origin.

Cheers Ross
Ross, I did some digging on this and didn't locate much. Can you post the details of your discovery so those interested can also have a read?

:icon_offtopic: but I really really want to know cos it bugs me...

Ross - Why do you package all of your hops in 90gm packs? And not 100gms?? I know there has to be a reason???

Cheers :icon_cheers:

I've always guessed at it being hops from the US are sold in imperial.

1 lb of hops = 453.592g
453g = 5 x 90g bags


EDIT: changed oz to lb, oops
:icon_offtopic: but I really really want to know cos it bugs me...

Ross - Why do you package all of your hops in 90gm packs? And not 100gms?? I know there has to be a reason???

Cheers :icon_cheers:

Nothing to do with the USA - It's because it stops people being charged for the next postage rate up the scale. Auspost go up in 500gm increments.
therefore we couldn't pack 500gms in a 500gm satchel. Our business was 100% hops at the start, so designed the packaging to minimise freight.

Cheers Ross
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