Join Australia's Biggest Brew Day 2009

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Hi guys,

Can we get one post (perhaps in a new thread) that consolidates all the info about this great day (when, why, how, who for, payment etc). I would like to be able to direct people (who are sponsoring me) to a post that covers it all rather than for them to trawl through the thread for the details.

If this already exist and I have missed it sorry.

Cheers Cubbie.

Cubbie that is a great idea, the start of this thread pretty much does that. There is also the register thread but sometime it does not work! Im working on something else for registering! Anybody has any problems logging into the spreadsheet please pm or put the details here.
Yeah your first post covers most, maybe you can copy and paste that into a new thread or wiki with the details of who the charities are etc
It has being updated.... thank you Mod's...

PP I wont be around this weekend hiding out in the hills!

My biggest brew day is going to held at Chappo Manor guys. I forgot that Ross told me there is some inferior judging thingo happen at CB's that weekend.


Due to the spreadsheet not working all the time in the ARTICLES...

Im writing a programme which will transfer all the information over to the wiki for us to update. Saves me typing it out and putting all those dots in....

I have one newby brewing with us on the Saturday of the weekend, any PERTH people up for brew on the Sunday.?????
PP I wont be around this weekend hiding out in the hills!

Yeah, but that isn't until tomorrow night. Remember, I'm your Daddy and know everything :D

Chappo, that sounds tops! Hope it works out. If it does, get Katie to be the front person over here. She will come across really well on TV. (I'll get Lloydie to keep her away from the beer until after the interview.) Katie, wear one of your colourful dresses and if you don't want a big do at your place then I'll do one at mine on the Saturday if it makes things easier.

cubbie and others, good idea on consolidating the thread into an easy to find place. You are not the only ones confused. Plenty of time to get it sorted though and I have heard that plans are under way to do this.

What are you brewing? While Katie and Chappo are working on that, what plans do people have for the actual day?

I'm tossing up between one massive day of brewing or doing it over two days - most likely the former depending on others plans. I'm also going to pop my no-chill cherry which is something I'm looking forward too. I'll be doing double-batches and half no-chilling them. I'm thinking four double-batches as follows...

1. Tettnang Pilsener - Recipe from GryphonBrewing and the best beer I have tasted in my life. Downside is it takes 9 months of cold-conditioning to get to this spectacular stage.

2. NRB's All Amarillo Ale - Everyone loves this beer and I'm out of it.

3. Cream Ale - Never done it but would like to see what it tastes like. Will use Jamil's recipe.

4. Blonde - Browndog has a recipe for me. I don't even know what blonde means but browndog will not let me down!

These beers won't win any prizes for being big beers but I'm not a big beer bloke so the above is looking like fun to me.

What have you guys got planned?

What about Chappo in one of Katie's colourful dresses? He has experience with the media.
I'm not convinced yet?

We are convinced. On the phone to Nev now and it looks like Katie is the Western TV rep and Chappo the eastern as long as he wears that exact dress.

(Nev doesn't know I am writing this but that pic above looks like his old girlfriend. Shhh!)
Yeah your first post covers most, maybe you can copy and paste that into a new thread or wiki with the details of who the charities are etc
I sort of found the "new" thread. I still cant cant find whom the charities are.
Haysie one of the mods adjusted the main thread for me.... The Charities are on there. The are The National Breast Cancer Foundation and RSPCA....

Patch the colourful dresses are for Summer! I would get cold!

Liam will be doing a brew with us on either Saturday and then hopefully another newbie on the Sunday.

Please help keep this thread going...


Dear BIAB Daughter!

We will keep helping keeping the thread going but none of us even know what the main thread actually is at the moment - lol!

This is good fun and intriguing - just like a QLD Xmas Case Swap thread!

QLD Swap threads actually started out a little messy and confusing. Now, they are actually organised but have even a higher and more amusing post count! It is also the most coveted Swap in Australia. I think Australia's Biggest Brew Day could also achieve such status.

I think you and chappo have started a great thing.

Relax and enjoy your weekend. Plenty of time to get things fine-tuned.

When you get back, it would be great to see a consolidation of threads and this is an easy matter.

As for the colourful dresses, this aint an option.

BIAB Daddy,
Hey guys

I wish you all the best but i have to withdrawl from this. My new job has me doing 12-12hour days 5-6 days a week and i cant see myself finding the time to brew on the weekend. Look forward to hearing how it goes.

No worry Scotsman.... thats a shame! Ill PM you...

PATCH You just posted on the main thread you ****! Go to page ONE and the details are there. Also on the bottom of the main thread is my signature with links... I have just made it bigger for you. Im not trying to acheive anything like the QLD swap... Please keep sleeping with wives/sisters and sheep out of this THREAD.

I will ammit it has being a bit wacked but its the first time Ive done this. Without Chap Chap it would of being worse his being fantastic. The spreadsheet to register needs a little more work... it will be ready Monday.

Just editing.... though Patch any input is appreciated on better ways of consoldiating this these threads...
To make it easier for all Biggest Brew Day participants, all the latest information on the day can be found in this article (to be edited by Katie or chappo only) and all posts should be made to the accompanying discussion topic.

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