The Great Chinese Hop Buy 2009

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Like hell......I`m buying mine from you, remember? :eek:


too funny :lol:

Thanks for the update Graham...AND a big thanks to the volunteers willing to help pack. Much appreciated.
Graham, can you confirm (once and for all) that all lots that are nominally 1kg lots will really be ~960g so that 3kg of hops will actually fit in a 3kg bag?
Graham, can you confirm (once and for all) that all lots that are nominally 1kg lots will really be ~960g so that 3kg of hops will actually fit in a 3kg bag?

To be clear.

To save time, we wont weigh the hops to .01 of a gram. We will use a scoop of some sort, calibrated to 1 kg. That will make it easy to quickly pack the hops. Some may get a little over, some a little under, BUT it wont be much. Within allowable limits.

BUT, You order will be dictated by the satchel you send. Aus-post it seems dont tolerate even a flys ejactulation error in weight over the satchel limit. So packers have the discression to adjust the weight if its close.

IE a 3 kg satchel. your order may be 1 kg of Cascade, cluster, saaz

you may get
1kg Cascade
1 kg Cluster
0.9 kg Saaz

Does that make sense?????

Graham L Sanders
Crystal. Thanks Graham, that should clear it up for all of us.
If you're getting 3kg buy a 5kg bag just to be safe. The money you are saving on these hops can go towards the extra 2-3 bucks for a 5kg bag.
If you're getting 3kg buy a 5kg bag just to be safe. The money you are saving on these hops can go towards the extra 2-3 bucks for a 5kg bag.

+1 makes total sense and should prevent any whinging.

Also makes it easier for the packers...would be a pain in the proverbial to have to check 100 odd packages to make sure that they are jsut under the 3kg weight limit!
If you're getting 3kg buy a 5kg bag just to be safe. The money you are saving on these hops can go towards the extra 2-3 bucks for a 5kg bag.


I'm getting 5kg so will be sending a 5kg bag & a 3kg bag just so the packers don't have to to stuff around trying to fit it all into 1 bag &/or get it all accurately weighed.

Come on guys, the Brizzy boys are doing us a huge favour so lets make it as easy as we can for em. :beerbang:

I'm getting 5kg so will be sending a 5kg bag & a 3kg bag just so the packers don't have to to stuff around trying to fit it all into 1 bag &/or get it all accurately weighed.

Come on guys, the Brizzy boys are doing us a huge favour so lets make it as easy as we can for em. :beerbang:

Umm, add me to the list of people +1ing this?

I'm getting 3kg of hops and I'll be sending a 5kg bag. There will be more room and there is room for error.
A bit of research from yours truly has discovered what Marco Polo is.

Marco Polo = Columbus. The rhizhomes were supplied many years ago by Hopunion.
My understanding is that it doesn't have the finese of the USA hop, but looks like being a great buy :)
My guess is that the Cascade probably had similar origin.

Cheers Ross
A bit of research from yours truly has discovered what Marco Polo is.

Marco Polo = Columbus. The rhizhomes were supplied many years ago by Hopunion.
My understanding is that it doesn't have the finese of the USA hop, but looks like being a great buy :)
My guess is that the Cascade probably had similar origin.

Cheers Ross

The chinese hop grower told me they sourced all the rhysomes from their "natural sources", whatever that meant. I assumed saaz from europe, Cascade from the USA.

IF indeed Marco polo = Columbus, then that indeed is going to make some very jealious they didn't get any.

A bit of research from yours truly has discovered what Marco Polo is.

Marco Polo = Columbus.

Cheers Ross

Fantastic! :icon_chickcheers:
A bit of research from yours truly has discovered what Marco Polo is.

The rhizhomes were supplied many years ago by Hopunion.
My guess is that the Cascade probably had similar origin.

You might be on to something there Ross. If one thing the Chinese are is efficient. They would have sourced all their hops from one source, and naturally Hopunion would be an obvious source, with the close ties China has with the USA - economically. The Hops in question are all USA based except Saaz. But remember, A-Bush grows ALOT of Saaz for their Bud beers, so again the Saaz could also have come from the USA.

This could also explain why when I querried them on British and european varieties in the future, they went a little shy on why they were not growing them. Perhaps they couldn't source them in big enough quanities from the USA.

Its all speculation of course, BUt interesting nevertheless.

IF indeed Marco polo = Columbus, then that indeed is going to make some very jealious they didn't get any.

To the naysayers!


Up your nose with a rubber hose!!!!
Who want's to trade a kilo of Saaz or Cascade for some Marcolumbus.... stupid saaz lager stuffin hops crap decisions mutter mutter...
Who want's to trade a kilo of Saaz or Cascade for some Marcolumbus.... stupid saaz lager stuffin hops crap decisions mutter mutter...

Ah crap...same boat as you...LMAO
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