Queensland Xmas Swap 2010 @ the BatCave

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Squire is your Bruncle?!? :eek:

It's a small world in the AHB community :lol:

Well, would you believe it ...

Just had a call from the cops. They've busted my Bruncle, and they won't bail him, so looks like the wedding's off. Unless my Couster can find a replacement in time, which I doubt.


Looks like i'm back in again.
Ohhhhhh! Isn't that just what I need right now? :icon_drool2:
22 sleeps to go Bonj, still not a confirmed starter & still not showing the world that you're in charge. :rolleyes: :beer:

One step at a time, Pete me old mate... SWMBO doesn't care... just gotta make sure I don't write myself off at ANHC, and with young kids, it's just prudent to leave it 'til the last minute or the little buggers will do something stupid and ruin your plans :p

Little miss 6 year old is the resident Minister in this house, at least she thinks she is... Are all girls bossy at this age?
Stop it you blokes, you bunch of cheap sluts, your irritating my man glans and there's not enough KY to keep everyone happy.

The day is neigh and I'd just like to help with the extras and contribute to the event .
The Aussie flag will be raised at my camp (like it or not.)Apart from that, food and date loaf etc seems catered for.
I could supply coffee sugar milk etc for morning after or willing to help out with other stuff where required,gift for Mrs Batz perhaps?
Let me know Batz. Anything needed?
Batz----- Alt seems to have come up OK( as to previous PMs)
Hmmmmmm! Yes...............think I can see my place from here.....................

Sorry Mike that place is taken..........................ah but will more than likely be vacant sooner than wanted/expected but may need a clean.
I'll bring picies up..

Swap em for some of your swamp juice

Done. Hangovers serviced and installed.


FFS people. Try and make a bit of an effort. I've taken 2 days A/L to be sure of being there.

stepping down from sanctimonious soapbox B)

And that's just for the recovery!

Not as small as my family gene pool :lol:

That's the shallow end with no lifeguards! :beerbang:

Those in the swap
1. TidalPete .... Yellow Peril CIPA.
2. BribieG - Munich Helles I tell you - yes I'll take that tiger by the tail
3. Scruffy. ...Scruffy is going to make his normal brew, so keg of 9% hop syrup.
4. Bradsbrew - Jamaican Rummy Oak Oatmeal Stout
5. scoundrel_rogue - Punk in Drublic strong Xmas Cider
6. Batz - Oktoberfest Lagerboy
7. DKS - Alt
9. Winkle - Tin Tin Dark Belgian Strong ~ 9%, ho, ho f*cking hos.
10. Stillscottish - Hopfen-Weisse. Strong and green, like well-formed snot.
11. geoff_tewierik - Might continue down the Doppelbock path, this one will have age on it.
12. Nick B - Probably a Pils....Maybe
13. Snow - Imperial Belgian coffee oatmeal chocolate vanilla acerola labrador piss.
15. Daemon - Cotton socks + Krausen from NickB's batch + trub from DKS's batch, brewed at 35C
17. Screwtop - De Nutters Coconut Porter
18.Savy - Savys lanlord
19.Clean Brewer - Fermented Semen of Incider
21. Florian - Dortmunder Export
22. Chappo - XXXX Bitter Clone

Reserve swap list.


Those Attending but not part of the swap
1. Batz ???????
2. AndrewQld
3. QldKev
4. InCider
5. Fasty73??
7.Bonj (2 weeks after ANHC, so pending approval from the Minister and the recovery of my liver)

Food & Drinks
Winkle - pizzas? and a keg of something - probably Flying Pig Bitter
NickB - Pizzas + Chilli Con Carne - keg of something, and self respect (to be left afterward)
TidalPete - Keg of whatever's on hand
Scoundrel_rogue - pizza, sea scollops to share, keg of something(???)
Batz - Julie's famous Vindaloo and a couple of pizzas
InCider - rellenos, condoms and keg lube + keg of Cider.
Screwy - Keg of something plus Paul Mercurios Goat Ragu
Chappo - Goat Spoof Curry, Keg of beery stuff
_wallace_ - honey & soy chicken wings
jayandcath - small packet of salt and vineger crips
Scruffy, an almighty curry... good luck folks!
AndrewQLD - Mixed berry baked cheesecake with a Raspberry Coulis
QldKev - not sure yet, any ideas on what is needed?
Stillscottish - Mmmm, Pizza!!
InCider - rellenos, condoms and keg lube + keg of Cider.

Winkle - bacon + mushrooms
NickB - Hash Browns
TidalPete - Lots tomatoes & bread ATM
Batz - I'll see what the chooks come up with.
Chappo - Homemade pork sausages & ********. Swallowing extra.
_wallace_ - gonna say tomatoes, but now i will say a tonne of baked beans (by the time they kick in, everyone would have gone home or over stayed thier welcome..... laugh.gif
jayandcath - Hangover and half a bar hanging out of my jarmies (with Woomoo scribbled on it, without the wrinkles it spells Woolloomooloo), and a pair boxing gloves hanging around my neck.
Scruffy - same curry...
Stillscottish - a forken knife
InCider - toilet paper
Fasty73 Bacon, bread, cheese.???

All those attending are to bring a small Xmas pressy, wrapped to place in the Xmas box. The pressy value not to exceed $6.00, later and pissier in the night we will redistribute the gifts.
Oh everyone to wear some small, or large piece of Xmas attire

Those in the swap
1. TidalPete .... Yellow Peril CIPA.
2. BribieG - Munich Helles I tell you - yes I'll take that tiger by the tail
3. Scruffy. ...Scruffy is going to make his normal brew, so keg of 9% hop syrup.
4. Bradsbrew - Jamaican Rummy Oak Oatmeal Stout
5. scoundrel_rogue - Punk in Drublic strong Xmas Cider
6. Batz - Oktoberfest Lagerboy
7. DKS - Alt
9. Winkle - Tin Tin Dark Belgian Strong ~ 9%, ho, ho f*cking hos.
10. Stillscottish - Hopfen-Weisse. Strong and green, like well-formed snot.
11. geoff_tewierik - Might continue down the Doppelbock path, this one will have age on it.
12. Nick B - Probably a Pils....Maybe
13. Snow - Stone and Wood Draught clone.
15. Daemon - Cotton socks + Krausen from NickB's batch + trub from DKS's batch, brewed at 35C
17. Screwtop - De Nutters Coconut Porter
18.Savy - Savys lanlord
19.Clean Brewer - Fermented Semen of Incider
21. Florian - Dortmunder Export
22. Chappo - XXXX Bitter Clone

Reserve swap list.


Those Attending but not part of the swap
1. Batz ???????
2. AndrewQld
3. QldKev
4. InCider
5. Fasty73??
7.Bonj (2 weeks after ANHC, so pending approval from the Minister and the recovery of my liver)

Food & Drinks
Winkle - pizzas? and a keg of something - probably Flying Pig Bitter
NickB - Pizzas + Chilli Con Carne - keg of something, and self respect (to be left afterward)
TidalPete - Keg of whatever's on hand
Scoundrel_rogue - pizza, sea scollops to share, keg of something(???)
Batz - Julie's famous Vindaloo and a couple of pizzas
InCider - rellenos, condoms and keg lube + keg of Cider.
Screwy - Keg of something plus Paul Mercurios Goat Ragu
Chappo - Goat Spoof Curry, Keg of beery stuff
_wallace_ - honey & soy chicken wings
jayandcath - small packet of salt and vineger crips
Scruffy, an almighty curry... good luck folks!
AndrewQLD - Mixed berry baked cheesecake with a Raspberry Coulis
QldKev - not sure yet, any ideas on what is needed?
Stillscottish - Mmmm, Pizza!!
InCider - rellenos, condoms and keg lube + keg of Cider.
Snow - Ummm... something yummy

Winkle - bacon + mushrooms
NickB - Hash Browns
TidalPete - Lots tomatoes & bread ATM
Batz - I'll see what the chooks come up with.
Chappo - Homemade pork sausages & ********. Swallowing extra.
_wallace_ - gonna say tomatoes, but now i will say a tonne of baked beans (by the time they kick in, everyone would have gone home or over stayed thier welcome..... laugh.gif
jayandcath - Hangover and half a bar hanging out of my jarmies (with Woomoo scribbled on it, without the wrinkles it spells Woolloomooloo), and a pair boxing gloves hanging around my neck.
Scruffy - same curry...
Stillscottish - a forken knife
InCider - toilet paper
Fasty73 Bacon, bread, cheese.???
Snow - some eggs, sausages and mushrooms << Batz, do you need another BBQ? I have the mobile one I've brought to Sqyres a few times.>>

All those attending are to bring a small Xmas pressy, wrapped to place in the Xmas box. The pressy value not to exceed $6.00, later and pissier in the night we will redistribute the gifts.
Oh everyone to wear some small, or large piece of Xmas attire
Updated once again, looking good brewers :icon_chickcheers:

Those in the swap
1. TidalPete .... Yellow Peril CIPA.
2. BribieG - Munich Helles I tell you - yes I'll take that tiger by the tail
3. Scruffy. ...Scruffy is going to make his normal brew, so keg of 9% hop syrup.
4. Bradsbrew - Jamaican Rummy Oak Oatmeal Stout
5. scoundrel_rogue - Punk in Drublic strong Xmas Cider
6. Batz - Oktoberfest Lagerboy
7. DKS - Alt
8. Winkle - Tin Tin Dark Belgian Strong ~ 9%, ho, ho f*cking hos.
9. Stillscottish - Hopfen-Weisse. Strong and green, like well-formed snot.
10. geoff_tewierik - Might continue down the Doppelbock path, this one will have age on it.
11. Nick B - Probably a Pils....Maybe
12. Snow - Stone and Wood Draught clone.
13. Daemon - Cotton socks + Krausen from NickB's batch + trub from DKS's batch, brewed at 35C
14. Screwtop - De Nutters Coconut Porter
15.Savy - Savys lanlord
16.Clean Brewer - Fermented Semen of Incider
17. Florian - Dortmunder Export
18. Chappo - XXXX Bitter Clone

Those Attending but not part of the swap
1. Batz ???????
2. AndrewQld
3. QldKev
4. InCider
5. Fasty73??
7.Bonj (2 weeks after ANHC, so pending approval from the Minister and the recovery of my liver)

Food & Drinks
Winkle - pizzas? and a keg of something - probably Flying Pig Bitter
NickB - Pizzas + Chilli Con Carne - keg of something, and self respect (to be left afterward)
TidalPete - Keg of whatever's on hand
Scoundrel_rogue - pizza, sea scollops to share, keg of something(???)
Batz - Julie's famous Vindaloo and a couple of pizzas
InCider - rellenos, condoms and keg lube + keg of Cider.
Screwy - Keg of something plus Paul Mercurios Goat Ragu
Chappo - Goat Spoof Curry, Keg of beery stuff
jayandcath - small packet of salt and vineger crips
Scruffy, an almighty curry... good luck folks!
AndrewQLD - Mixed berry baked cheesecake with a Raspberry Coulis
QldKev - not sure yet, any ideas on what is needed?
Stillscottish - Mmmm, Pizza!!
InCider - rellenos, condoms and keg lube + keg of Cider.
Snow - Ummm... something yummy

Winkle - bacon + mushrooms
NickB - Hash Browns
TidalPete - Lots tomatoes & bread ATM
Batz - I'll see what the chooks come up with.
Chappo - Homemade pork sausages & ********. Swallowing extra.
jayandcath - Hangover and half a bar hanging out of my jarmies (with Woomoo scribbled on it, without the wrinkles it spells Woolloomooloo), and a pair boxing gloves hanging around my neck.
Scruffy - same curry...
Stillscottish - a forken knife
InCider - toilet paper
Fasty73 Bacon, bread, cheese.???
Snow - some eggs, sausages and mushrooms << Batz, do you need another BBQ? I have the mobile one I've brought to Sqyres a few times.>>

All those attending are to bring a small wrapped Xmas pressy, to place in the Xmas box. The pressy value not to exceed $6.00, later and pissier in the night we will redistribute the gifts.
Oh everyone to wear some small, or large piece of Xmas attire

Now the number on my bottles is wrong, oh the humanity.
Yep, me wants me 13 back.......
Yep, me wants me 13 back.......
Well, you may be in luck.....

I've recently changed jobs which means changing location as well so my chances of brewing in the next few weeks is slim to nil :(
I've finally sold our current house as well as signing a contract this week on a new place so there's a lot going on! Not sure I'll have enough time to attend just yet (LOTS of packing to do).

Those in the swap
1. TidalPete .... Yellow Peril CIPA.
2. BribieG - Munich Helles I tell you - yes I'll take that tiger by the tail
3. Scruffy. ...Scruffy is going to make his normal brew, so keg of 9% hop syrup.
4. Bradsbrew - Jamaican Rummy Oak Oatmeal Stout
5. scoundrel_rogue - Punk in Drublic strong Xmas Cider
6. Batz - Oktoberfest Lagerboy
7. DKS - Alt
8. Winkle - Tin Tin Dark Belgian Strong ~ 9%, ho, ho f*cking hos.
9. Stillscottish - Hopfen-Weisse. Strong and green, like well-formed snot.
10. geoff_tewierik - Might continue down the Doppelbock path, this one will have age on it.
11. Nick B - Probably a Pils....Maybe
12. Snow - Stone and Wood Draught clone.
13. <<<<<< FREE SPOT >>>>>>>
14. Screwtop - De Nutters Coconut Porter
15.Savy - Savys lanlord
16.Clean Brewer - Fermented Semen of Incider
17. Florian - Dortmunder Export
18. Chappo - XXXX Bitter Clone

Those Attending but not part of the swap
1. Batz ???????
2. AndrewQld
3. QldKev
4. InCider
5. Fasty73??
7.Bonj (2 weeks after ANHC, so pending approval from the Minister and the recovery of my liver)

Food & Drinks
Winkle - pizzas? and a keg of something - probably Flying Pig Bitter
NickB - Pizzas + Chilli Con Carne - keg of something, and self respect (to be left afterward)
TidalPete - Keg of whatever's on hand
Scoundrel_rogue - pizza, sea scollops to share, keg of something(???)
Batz - Julie's famous Vindaloo and a couple of pizzas
InCider - rellenos, condoms and keg lube + keg of Cider.
Screwy - Keg of something plus Paul Mercurios Goat Ragu
Chappo - Goat Spoof Curry, Keg of beery stuff
jayandcath - small packet of salt and vineger crips
Scruffy, an almighty curry... good luck folks!
AndrewQLD - Mixed berry baked cheesecake with a Raspberry Coulis
QldKev - not sure yet, any ideas on what is needed?
Stillscottish - Mmmm, Pizza!!
InCider - rellenos, condoms and keg lube + keg of Cider.
Snow - Ummm... something yummy

Winkle - bacon + mushrooms
NickB - Hash Browns
TidalPete - Lots tomatoes & bread ATM
Batz - I'll see what the chooks come up with.
Chappo - Homemade pork sausages & ********. Swallowing extra.
jayandcath - Hangover and half a bar hanging out of my jarmies (with Woomoo scribbled on it, without the wrinkles it spells Woolloomooloo), and a pair boxing gloves hanging around my neck.
Scruffy - same curry...
Stillscottish - a forken knife
InCider - toilet paper
Fasty73 Bacon, bread, cheese.???
Snow - some eggs, sausages and mushrooms << Batz, do you need another BBQ? I have the mobile one I've brought to Sqyres a few times.>>