Nsw Xmas In July Case 2007 - Consumption

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Iron Wolf Brewery
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This is the final list of beers in the NSW case swap.
Post you tasting notes below.

1. Thommo - Blonde Ale - Nottingham - Leave it two to three weeks.
2. Josh - German Pilsner - WLP800 - drink 20/07 onwards.
3. davekate - Honey Pilsner - (K-97) - bottled 14/04/07 - drink in Aug/Sep
4. Barramundi - Robust Porter - US 56 - bottled 26/5/07
5. Slurpdog - Choccy Porter - US 56. Bottled 7/4/07 so yeah, it'll ready
6. redbeard - Pale Ale - us56 - ready but low carbonation sad.gif
7. shonky - IPA - Coopers PA yeast, low carb, vigourous pour recommended for head, 6.1%
8. Stuster - Biere de Garde - 1007 - bottled 4/6/07 - August or later
9. DJR - Dusseldorf Altbier - WLP036 - ready to drink
10. Trent - Dry Stout (WY 1084) - Ready to drink, has some smoky phenols, but is certainly dry.
11. Craig - Roggenbier WY 3068
12. Punter - Schwartzbier (WLP 833)
13. T.D. - Honey-Brown Lager (W34/70) - ready to drink
14. Nifty - Some sort of ESB (WLP002) - still in the fermentor, won't be ready for a while.
15. goatherder - Bock - Wyeast 2633 - Forced carbed but could use some clearing time.
16. Stephen - Belhaven Export (Wyeast 1728 Scottish ale) Bottled 27 May 07
17. beer slayer - Oatmeal stout WLP004 Irish Ale Yeast
18. Kabooby - Vienna lager (saflager S23) Bottled 17/6/07. Will prob need another few weeks to carb
19. Petesbrew - Dark Ale (S-04) - bottled 22nd April - ready to drink
20. Gulpa - American Amber (US 56) - bottled 27 May - ready to drink
21. Crozdog - Irish Red Ale (Wyeast 1084) - bottled 11 june I'd leave it till mid July onwards B4 opening
22. Homebrewworld- American Pale Ale (US56)- bottled 27th May
23. Linz - express beer western line As per post 78 + first gen WL004
24. Shmick - Special Bitter (WLP002) - Ready! Drink soon.
25. PoMo - Oatmeal Stout - White Labs WLP017 Whitbread Ale. Bottled late 6/07. Late July onwards should be nice.
26. Brewer - Irish Ale - WLP 004
27.Les the Weizguy - Gose (WLP380) - in a few weeks?
28. Forkboy - Chocolate Porter (WLP007) - ready to drink
I obviously had reason to post this thread, seeing I'm sipping a beer now!
As I had long trip home, I didn't think I'd find a clear beer left in the back of the bus, but I held some up to the light and came across a beer with no sign of aggitated yeast. Good ole US-05.

#20 Gulpa's American Amber

The carbonation is perfect. Poured with a nice small beaded white head. Nice aroma, mix of coloured malt and hops. Clear as a whistle. Fantasic! The flavour reflects the aroma. Nice balance of malt, coloured malt and hops. Strong bitterness without being OTT.

Cheers Gulpa, nice drop! Definitely a good start to the case for me!
Thanks PoMo (or is that Popo, from the Beerfest movie?),

You've helped me pick my first beer. If it's drinking well now, I'm happy to get into it.

I've missed the boat a little in previous case swaps, and drank some beers a little too old.

I hope to catch the boat this time.

Sounds like Craig's roggenbier is close to the top of the list, too

Seth :p
Not sure if I should include the complimentary beers in the consumption, but I had the appropriate glass, so why not! I also am not exactly trained in the fine art of beertastings (you like what you like... end of story)

Here's Stuster's Belgian Blonde.
I struggled to drink this beer slowly, as it was so good. Nice and fresh, but kinda complex as well. Stupidly I drank this too soon after taking out of the fridge. Will have to fix that... and adjust the fridge temp tonight.
Went well with the homemade pizzas last night.
Cheers for that Stu!
I've missed the boat a little in previous case swaps, and drank some beers a little too old.

I've done the opposite in the past and drank some before they were ready. This time I have a print out of the list with the beers, so I won't make that mistake again!
Here's Stuster's Belgian Blonde.
I struggled to drink this beer slowly, as it was so good. Nice and fresh, but kinda complex as well. Stupidly I drank this too soon after taking out of the fridge. Will have to fix that... and adjust the fridge temp tonight.
Went well with the homemade pizzas last night.
Cheers for that Stu!

Glad you liked it. :D You deserved it for putting your hand up for the swap. :super:

Looks great in that glass. Have to get myself a nice range of glasses. B)

I've done the same as you this time, PoMo. I've got a print out by the case of beers. Since it's got some good reviews, I'd better start with that Amber tonight. :chug:
Cheers PM. Glad you enjoyed and thanks for the feedback. Im looking forward to starting on the case next weekend.


I'm drinking yours as we speak, and have to echo PoMo's notes. Good carbonation level, poured very clear, (and I only took the bottles out of the car this morning, and put this beer in the fridge when I got home from work at 6pm.) I am 3/4's of the way through the glass and the small head is still there - very persistent. Please post this recipe, or at least PM me the hopping schedule, as this balance and flavour is what I'm looking for in my American Amber and haven't quite got there yet.

Guys , my swap beer was my first attempt at a full batch all grain beer , so please feel free to be critical with your feedback on it , its been in the bottle for a month so i thinks its ready to drink, like i said be critical but be kind ...

cheers NED
Guys , my swap beer was my first attempt at a full batch all grain beer , so please feel free to be critical with your feedback on it , its been in the bottle for a month so i thinks its ready to drink, like i said be critical but be kind ...

cheers NED
...and may I suggest professional-style feedback. If you can't tell someone why their beer tastes wrong, you shouldn't say it.

It's always good to "sandwich" negative feedback between positive comments. My example: The beer had a great persistent head, but was too bitter and unbalanced. It also possessed great malt and hop character.

If you have to tell someone that their beer was sh!te, you should suggest what was wrong/unbalanced/missing/out-of-place and maybe how to make it right (next time).
Example: Try using hops with less co-humulone, or less hops with co-humulone to decrease the hop harshness exhibited in this ale.

Seth :p
...and may I suggest professional-style feedback. If you can't tell someone why their beer tastes wrong, you shouldn't say it.

It's always good to "sandwich" negative feedback between positive comments. My example: The beer had a great persistent head, but was too bitter and unbalanced. It also possessed great malt and hop character.

If you have to tell someone that their beer was sh!te, you should suggest what was wrong/unbalanced/missing/out-of-place and maybe how to make it right (next time).
Example: Try using hops with less co-humulone, or less hops with co-humulone to decrease the hop harshness exhibited in this ale.

Seth :p

Commonly known as feeding a hungry person a shit sandwich! :D
Commonly known as feeding a hungry person a shit sandwich! :D
Hmmm, I'm sure that's not what I said. :blink:

Let me put it another way. It's about improving the beer, not destroying the soul of the brewer, and it's about helping the brewer to find improvements in the process and ingredients, not focussed on telling someone they can't make beer.

It's all subjective, and very personal, on the feedback-giving and feedback-receiving sides.

Hope this helps, and I hope that I never feed someone a shit sandwich. That would be useless feedback.

I had another complimentary stubby last night. I'm pretty sure MHB brought it down. If not who's was it? I'm a shocker.

It was labelled "104 GSA", and I'm doing my head in thinking what it stands for? Poured beautifully, and the head retention was fantastic all the way to the last drop. On initial taste I thought I was drinking a fruit beer of sorts. It was very fullbodied, and absolutely delicious. I have another stubby of this liquid gold, which I'll crack very soon. Will post a pic of it too, and attempt to take pics of every longneck.

Have to organise myself in what longnecks to start drinking, according to the notes and the yeast types.
Um, Pete
That was one of mine, I think. It was my first attempt at a Belgian and is Golden Strong Ale. I found that there is quite a bit of fruity esters in there, possibly apple and pear, but IMO it is a little too full bodied to be a GSA, but I certainly enjoy it none the less. Be careful after drinking if yer gonna go for a drive, it turned out to be 8.5%, hence the stubbies. I am very glad that you liked it, and that you have another bottle left. You deserve all ya receive for putting yer hands up to do the swap.
All the best
Um, Pete
That was one of mine, I think. It was my first attempt at a Belgian and is Golden Strong Ale. I found that there is quite a bit of fruity esters in there, possibly apple and pear, but IMO it is a little too full bodied to be a GSA, but I certainly enjoy it none the less. Be careful after drinking if yer gonna go for a drive, it turned out to be 8.5%, hence the stubbies. I am very glad that you liked it, and that you have another bottle left. You deserve all ya receive for putting yer hands up to do the swap.
All the best

Ah, thanks for that Trent, and for the others you sent along. From that GSA, I know I'm looking at some quality ales. Will have the next one in a proper belgian glass.
I wish my GSA done at the Hills brewers big brew day turned out even half as good as that. I'll try your IPA next to mine (bottled monday night) in a months time.
Thanks for the alc content as well!
It seems to have fallen off the list but mine's ready to drink.

This one becomes a little dry if left too long so get in early.

Thanks to all the participants and organisers - especially MHB and petesbrew. Well done.

Just got to pick up my cases now get stuck in. :chug:
Gday all
Thanks to everyone that went to all the trouble of making this swap work, great to be involved again.
First cab off the rank for me is TD's HONEY BROWN LAGER, cause I have had alot of it in BC.

Nice caramel malty aroma, with a hint of honey to it, but no real hops (not expecting any anyway!) The carbonation is fairly low, but the colour is a beautiful deep brown, and surprisingly it is a little cloudy. Could be cause I didnt give it much time to settle. There is a faint, yet definite honey flavour in the beer, that is well supported by the malt, that displays a fair caramel element. The body is quite full for a lager, and it is not a bad beer at all. Could get a bit cloying after a few, but I think it is the perfect way to start off the night, especially with the footy on. Quite clean at the end of the palate, so it is very well brewed, and there is plenty of flavour in there. The bitterness is medium high and offsets well against the malt.
If I were to suggest a way to improve, it would probably do something about the cloudiness, and reduce the amount of crystal in there (if any) and maybe get the colour from a touch of pale chocolate? No matter what, this is a good beer, so thanks for sharing, TD.
All the best
PS Go the Blues!
Hmmm, I'm sure that's not what I said. :blink:

Let me put it another way. It's about improving the beer, not destroying the soul of the brewer, and it's about helping the brewer to find improvements in the process and ingredients, not focussed on telling someone they can't make beer.

It's all subjective, and very personal, on the feedback-giving and feedback-receiving sides.

Hope this helps, and I hope that I never feed someone a shit sandwich. That would be useless feedback.


I knew what you were saying Lez. I was just stirring.
Well considering I'm just finishing my keg of chocolate porter I thought it sensible to try Forboys chocolate porter.

This beer pours brilliantly and maintained it's head the whole way through.
Carbonation, I think, is perfect, with a fine bead.
I can only describe the aroma as 'fresh' and 'subtle'.
Nothing really sticks out on the nose, even after letting it warm up a little.
I started drinking this beer a little too cold and could only pick up a slight roasted malt flavour, but as it warmed up I started to detect some very slight chocolate hints.
The beer finishes very dry, almost dusty which would be attributed to the WLP007 yeast.
Personally, I prefer my darker beers with a little bit more body, but I can certainly appreciate the softer flavours of this offering.
I didn't think that a dark beer could be made with such delicate flavours but I stand corrected.
Thanks Forkboy, I really enjoyed your beer.

Mine's going to stick out like dog's bollocks compared to this!
I am going to taste the choccy porters side by side on not-a-school night.

Tonight I tasted Homebrewworld's American Pale Ale because I had some nachos for dinner.

Aroma is of typical American hops. It really jumps out well. Nice colour, excellent clarity in the glass. Head was firm but short lasting and left only minimal lacing. The flavour, like the aroma dominated by the hops, fruity and citrusy. Quite bitter. It drank well and I enjoyed it, but I think it could do with a little more malt profile to back up the hops. Nice beer, tho, just slightly overbiased towards bitterness.

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