VIC-Xmas 2016 Case-Swap Recipe (Cocko's place)

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Stu, RDWHAHB! It'll work it's way out - always has...

OK, let's make it simple:


1. Anyone with a big pot & burners available - bring 'em.

2. Got a pump & cam-lock fittings of any sort? Bring 'em.

3. Got some gash silicone hose? Bring it.

4. Got a moveable HEX? Bring it.

5. Got a big esky/MT? Bring it.

There you go - we'll make-do with whatever we have available to get the job done. There may be "some :p " discussion about how to achieve the goal, but it's always a team effort (ultimately, Stu gets last decision ;) ).

The Kinglake Wee Heavy was a very simple recipe/plan (deliberately). It was only when other(s) jumped-in & started changing things on the fly (without consultation :angry: ), that the plan changed.

Yeah, we've got a LOT better efficiency out of the cobbled-together system than was ever imagined (that's happened a couple of times now) & we ended-up with more available extract & not enough boilers to transfer it to. The 2nd-runnings beer I got out of the wee-heavy mash was run-off the next morning (cold) as a target of opportunity during the clean-up, not planned. I ended-up with about 50L of 1057 post-boil, but I gotta say, it wasn't great.

There's NO IP on swap recipe's, as it gets discussed & worked-out here, so it's open.

We'll get there....
Aah - we also need to sort out the hops.
ie: who's supplying what.

Would either Yob/Hopdealz or Martin/CB be able or keen to supply what's needed? (no pressure, totally fine if not, of course!)

Ideally we need 680-700g each of Brewer's Gold, Hallertau Mitt, and Styrians.

Brewer's Gold goes in at 60mins (**** it, i reckon we go in at FWH). So if we can't get BG, then i'd be happy to go with suggestions, namely anything that seems reasonably close. If needs be, it'll be fine to go with whatever you're happy to throw at it, but i'd like to try for something close if possible.
I notice HDA & CB have a few euro hops at the moment, however most of them have seriously low %AA's. I was thinking maybe Northern Brewer at a pinch, though Magnum or even Warrior could possibly work. Totally dependant on whether either of you are keen to supply some bulk hops, and if so, which ones you're able/keen to supply.
FWIW, I'd normally be much much less picky about hops, and more happy to go with whatever, however given this may be cellared for at least a year on top of normal brewing time/effort (and maybe barrelled!), i'd be keen to get the basics as "right" as possible rather than realise in a year's time "oh yeah, that doesn't quite work".

The Hall Mitt goes in at 30mins and the Styrians goes in at 10mins.
Happy to these 2 to cubed hops and adjust amounts accordingly. That means it's down to the individuals to supply these or whatever else they want.
Otherwise the Hall Mitt could be added at, say, 20mins (plus whirlpool) and the Styrians the only cubed hops (that the individual can worry about).
Thoughts on this aspect?? (especially from Yob or Martin)

EDIT: finished this and replied after Martin's post above. Lol, i'll try to chill, Martin!
technobabble66 said:
Aah - we also need to sort out the hops.
ie: who's supplying what.

Would either Yob/Hopdealz or Martin/CB be able or keen to supply what's needed? (no pressure, totally fine if not, of course!)
My preference is to first ask Yob, as he has been very good with supplying in the past and assume he will want to again. Alternatively, we can get CB/Martin to supply with grain if Yob can't/won't.
Fellas, I have made a few calls, pulled a few favours, spent a few dollars and can confirm that I will be bringing the following gear:
  • Kettle (600 litres) - gas fired
  • White MLT (275 litres) - need to build a manifold
  • Blue MLT (275 litres)
  • White MLT (155 litres)
  • HLT (180 litres) - gas fired - need to build a stand
  • HEX (internal/external element) with 2x STC-1000 - 2x20amp req'd
I can probably cover another HX (quick order with martin should sort the short comings), So probably a couple of gas fired HLTs and we're looking pretty.
idzy said:
My preference is to first ask Yob, as he has been very good with supplying in the past and assume he will want to again. Alternatively, we can get CB/Martin to supply with grain if Yob can't/won't.
Agree. V happy to go with Yob, if he's up for it. I just didn't want to pressure/harass him into feeling obligated. [emoji57]
idzy said:
Fellas, I have made a few calls, pulled a few favours, spent a few dollars and can confirm that I will be bringing the following gear:
  • Kettle (600 litres) - gas fired
  • White MLT (275 litres) - need to build a manifold
  • Blue MLT (275 litres)
  • White MLT (155 litres)
  • HLT (180 litres) - gas fired - need to build a stand
  • HEX (internal/external element) with 2x STC-1000 - 2x20amp req'd
****, dude.
That's massive!
There's ~80% of our gear right there [emoji106][emoji106]

Edit: plus with MJ's HEX, it's looking like we might be getting closer. As Martin mentioned, if a few more can bring HEXs, MLT and HLTs (plus hoses) we should be peachy. Plus many gas bottles! I'll try trawling thru the wee heavy thread to get a gear summary as a comparison.

Again: ****, idzy. Huge amount of gear you're contributing. Most appreciated!
Plate > stepping ..

I like the styrian dry hopping idea Stu,

I'll see if I can met a kilo of Brewers gold ( might even have it) not sure about the Hallertau Mittlefru but will have a look.
Cheers, Jesse (& totes fine Martin).
See what you can organize. If necessary we could use a little of HallMitt (however much you've got to supply) or something similar, and then shift the majority of that addition to cubes as well.
That way everyone else can worry about sorting it [emoji1]
I've got a 70L gas fired (Italian spiral) pot I can bring if it helps/is big enough? Will just need someone to bring back (I've gotta leave mid afternoon for family event) or if Cocko can store until following weekend I can come back and collect as it's not far from me.
I've got a 2000W HEx, pump and 2 x PIDs that only need a 10A plug each. Everything in my system's electric otherwise.
Ed: also got a box of tricks with many camlocks and silicone hose.
Good news/bad news time.....

Good News: The Dingemans Pilsner has been delivered to CB & we've got 100Kg.

Bad News: The Dingemans Pale Ale Malt isn't available.

Good News: CB has 100Kg of Weyermann Pale Ale malt that should fit the substitution bill admirably, so 50Kg isn't a problem.

Good News: We've got the Candi-sugars we wanted.

I'll contact everyone via PM about doing the Candi-sugar split-up & $'s (it's $7/500g except Idzy).
Great on the Pilsner & Candi sugar!
Pity about the ding pale ale, but wey PA should still be great for it, as you say.
Thanks again to CB!

Getting some (bulk) yeast in for this also?
technobabble66 said:
Getting some (bulk) yeast in for this also?
We got a fresh delivery of WLP stuff on Thursday & everything has been loaded to the CB website, so it's dealer's choice on what you want to use for this one.

If anyone wants anything from CB for the weekend & wants to save on delivery charges, get onto me ASAP, as I plan on NOT being at work on the Friday.
malt junkie said:
Are Vic swaps now at a point where we make a formal association, with a commitee. If so we could then as a group fund equipment purchases. $50 each would get us a decent 800-1000L tank. Further aside from swap days there are a few guys around the Melboune area that do collab brew days, and clubs, we could hire the kit out, to allow for further equipment purchases.

A lot of us spent more than $50 in fuel attending the last swap and will do so again to get to future swaps. I'd happily fork over some dough even if I was still on the reserve list.

As it currently stands equipment has fallen on the shoulders of a few, I'm sure they know it's appreciated. Maybe it's time we as a group take on some of that burden.

Late to the party and no longer directly involved with swaps so anyone can (politely) tell me to butt out at any time.

However, if you have concerns about responsibilities falling on the shoulders of a few (common issue) then a committee is simply a way of formalising that. Same people accept responsibility voluntarily, probably do a half decent job and then get voted in to do it next time and all the times thereafter.

Swaps have always been a communal, informal affair. I remember an old swapper getting upset that people were suggesting purchasing malt for the brew rather than everyone just pitching in. Yes, things grow and times change but extending too much from the informality moves more into club territory. Nothing wrong with that but is that where you truly want to head, considering the number of clubs already active in VIC?

Anyway good luck with it and although I'm interstate, I hope at some point I can visit VIC again and time it with a swap. Had some good fun at those swaps.

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