The Great Chinese Hop Buy 2009

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Firstly remember I didn't do this alone, I had help, and those great people should be recognised. Its the brewing community, right down to the packers, that allows this to succeed. Also thanks to the posters who supported the buy and said so. ALL THOSE DOME AND GLOOM PEOPLE should have had more faith.

For those who have come in late

WE have the hops, and packing will be THIS SUNDAY 10.00am. Any Brisbane people who can make it, and want their hops immediately, as well as saving on postage costs, please put your name down here, and ask for details. We will e-mail you with details. We will provide drinks (yes beer) and food for your efforts.

This can be knocked over in a couple of hours if we get a good core of people.

get involved.

Graham L Sanders

Firstly remember I didn't do this alone, I had help, and those great people should be recognised. Its the brewing community, right down to the packers, that allows this to succeed. Also thanks to the posters who supported the buy and said so. ALL THOSE DOME AND GLOOM PEOPLE should have had more faith.

For those who have come in late

WE have the hops, and packing will be THIS SUNDAY 10.00am. Any Brisbane people who can make it, and want their hops immediately, as well as saving on postage costs, please put your name down here, and ask for details. We will e-mail you with details. We will provide drinks (yes beer) and food for your efforts.

This can be knocked over in a couple of hours if we get a good core of people.

get involved.

Graham L Sanders

Graham - I know a great little outfit in China that could pack these for us in no time, real cheap. I'll send through the paper work. :lol:


Firstly remember I didn't do this alone, I had help, and those great people should be recognised. Its the brewing community, right down to the packers, that allows this to succeed. Also thanks to the posters who supported the buy and said so. ALL THOSE DOME AND GLOOM PEOPLE should have had more faith.

Great work Graham and all those who have helped and those who will be helping (packers).

Cheers SJ
For those coming to the packing day I have decided that we will be having a bit of a brew day as well whilst we pack just to give a couple of these hops a burl as it were. I'm sure everybody will be interested on how and what these hops are? Plus it'll be fun to give Sherman a bit or run this side of Christmas. Also got a great BBQ lunch/feast lined up to keep the workers bellies full.

As for the beer does everybody like VB or prefer New?

chappo please tell me you've split off your share already? I wouldn't have been able to resist!


MB you have always been special to me so I have taken extra special care of your hops by maturing them in my by best set of undies... :beerbang:


I'll post some photo's tonight MB. The sight is truely hopsome!

Not real funny for me as I have a daughter that has that problem!

Gryphon HTFU no where was you daughter mentioned or you!. And for your information I used to be pidgeoned toed as a child and was forced to wear very uncomfortable and fashionable corrective shoes, if you could call them shoe's?, more like torture devices and was heavily mocked and riddiculed. FFS this why I barely post to AHB anymore.

I will do my best to get out and help with the packing/splitting/drinking. Not sure when I'll get there - Work Christmas party is Saturday night. Many hands makes a light hangover or something like that...

Matt would be great to catch up again!

Brad make sure to bring some of your GA and stout mate!


Chap Chap
Hurry up & answer your PM's Chap Chap. I'm counting on you. :icon_cheers:


Pete I am some what disturbed that you want to sleep with my dog? Sure he was a good looking in his hay day and I guess in doggie years he is a much older than you. But ultimately it's up to him and whether he feels comfortable enough maybe smear a little PAL on your chest to break the ice... :lol:

TP I have replied
Pete I am some what disturbed that you want to sleep with my dog? Sure he was a good looking in his hay day and I guess in doggie years he is a much older than you. But ultimately it's up to him and whether he feels comfortable enough maybe smear a little PAL on your chest to break the ice... :lol:

TP I have replied


It's not your dog I'm interested in, it's your missus. :ph34r:
I have been hot to trot ever since I heard she was one of the strippers at the Qld Case Swap.
Will smearing PAL on my chest help me out there too?
See you both on Sunday. :party:


It's not your dog I'm interested in, it's your missus. :ph34r:
I have been hot to trot ever since I heard she was one of the strippers at the Qld Case Swap.
Will smearing PAL on my chest help me out there too?
See you both on Sunday. :party:



Mate your welcome to her and you have my blessing. I was thinking of upgrading to newer sleeker model with less saggy suspension anyway... :ph34r:
wait...are you talking about your wife or the dog?
geeze you have a weird lifestyle there chappo, but at least when your wife sends you to the doghouse it doesn't mean you'll be going without sex for the night :lol:
You do log out right, Chappo?
Nah, that really is Chappo..... He just loves being in trouble with the missus..... That being said, I don't think anyone has seen him since he was whisked away from the swap.... Anyone heading to his on Sunday check the garden for fresh mounds..... :ph45r:

Did we get a final AA value for all these hops & are they all confirmed '09 crop?

Cheers Ross

Want to be more Cheap Bulk buys

This from my Chinese source

" China has many other good and cheap products,example beer kegs,draft beer dispenser...,my friends are producing ,if interested you can also consider ."

Dear oh dear, dont know if I could handle another Bulk Buy


Did we get a final AA value for all these hops & are they all confirmed '09 crop?

They are susposed to be 2009 crop, I guess on packing day we can get some-one to get the packages read. I'll ask china on the final AAU
Did we get a final AA value for all these hops & are they all confirmed '09 crop?

They are susposed to be 2009 crop, I'll ask china on the final AAU
tell china we dont want Year of the Rat Hops. We wanted Year of the Ox hops.
cant think of any ofther clever pub to do with bitterness and chinese.

Did we get a final AA value for all these hops & are they all confirmed '09 crop?

This we know

Bloody good customer service

Right from the horses mouth

the production date is : October 16, 2009
Hops are new harvest this year
SAAZ 4.3%
CLUSTER 6.5%~6.8%
NUGGET 11-13%

Graham L Sanders
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