The Great Chinese Hop Buy 2009

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Bugger! I have to be in Moura for a couple of days work....starting Sunday :(

I'm still going to try and make the packing day, although this weekend is the first one I have needed to work in months! GRRR!

So I probably wont be there for more than a few hours... sorry guys :(
Will be there 10AM with scales and Beer Lets get this nailed.
Cheers Altstart
I should be up for it :icon_cheers: .
Love how they add GST onto GST! :rolleyes:

I'm biting at the bit to use these suckers. Ive got a " Cricketers Light Ale" planned for the weekend with superpride. Maybe a "Ping-ponger's Light Ale" is on the cards next? :icon_cheers:
I cant even remember what I ordered :lol:
I'm still going to try and make the packing day, although this weekend is the first one I have needed to work in months! GRRR!

So I probably wont be there for more than a few hours... sorry guys :(


It seems that quite a few of the listed splitters either cannot make it on the 6th or owing to work commitments can only spend a limited time helping out so I am going to put my head on the block here & propose that the hop split be deferred until Sunday 13th when just about everybody will be available.
After all the trials & tribulations we have undergone in this hop buy (Maximum Thanks Graham :icon_cheers: ) I really can't see how another weeks wait will matter one way or the other?
IF this hop split is deferred rest assured that the hops will be stored at the appropriate cold temps until the 13th.
Your thoughts on this post please.


It seems that quite a few of the listed splitters either cannot make it on the 6th or owing to work commitments can only spend a limited time helping out so I am going to put my head on the block here & propose that the hop split be deferred until Sunday 13th when just about everybody will be available.
After all the trials & tribulations we have undergone in this hop buy (Maximum Thanks Graham :icon_cheers: ) I really can't see how another weeks wait will matter one way or the other?
IF this hop split is deferred rest assured that the hops will be stored in appropriate cold temps until the 13th.
Your thoughts on this post please.


Fine with me.

well you can image I am busy, so I'll keep this sweet


well done graham.... stellar effort mate.

Well done.

Lets hope you can work out how to get some cheaper priced malts into Australia.

Long-live the REAL Craftbrewer



It seems that quite a few of the listed splitters either cannot make it on the 6th or owing to work commitments can only spend a limited time helping out so I am going to put my head on the block here & propose that the hop split be deferred until Sunday 13th when just about everybody will be available.
After all the trials & tribulations we have undergone in this hop buy (Maximum Thanks Graham :icon_cheers: ) I really can't see how another weeks wait will matter one way or the other?
IF this hop split is deferred rest assured that the hops will be stored at the appropriate cold temps until the 13th.
Your thoughts on this post please.

Sorry guys, Christmas has overtaken us.


The hop packing day in Brisbane is definitely THIS SUNDAY. Its too long to explain why. If you dont get an e-mail by tonight post on this forum, AND if you are available and want to be part of this, again post on this forum.

Sorry guys, Christmas has overtaken us.


The hop packing day in Brisbane is definitely THIS SUNDAY. Its too long to explain why. If you dont get an e-mail by tonight post on this forum, AND if you are available and want to be part of this, again post on this forum.Craftbrewer

Well Graham, as asked above I am posting on this forum to let you know that in the interests of those involved in this bulk hop buy I am going to have no choice but to cancel a very important meeting on the arvo of Sunday 6th & bearing in mind that I am going down to Brissy on a Sunday at my own expense when the train times are ratshit at best with no guarantee of a train back that day thanks to QR trackwork maintenance. Not happy about this but will survive. This is not to depreciate all your efforts here & fully understand the implications of sending hops during the Christmas rush.

I'll be there to help out but starting to work out why this website folded. ;)
Rant over & really do appreciate your efforts here Graham. :icon_cheers:

I am in! Will be there at 10.00am with scales but can only stay for 2 hours..........maybe longer.
Why don't you guys do it over both Sundays? Those that can't make it to week 1 can finish the job on week 2. That way there will be less to store and less stress, except for the homeowners at Logan, maybe? Also, who knows, you may get the job done on week 1 with less people.

Just a thought.

What a fascinating adventure this has been. Followed every step.

Sorry everyone but I am not going to be able to help either, I found out this morning that I have to fly to Sydney at 5:20am tomorrow :angry: for at least a week but probably more

Again sorry

Another one! Not your fault Brad. :icon_cheers:


Depends on how much work I get done on Friday arv and on Saturday as to how much time I have on Sunday. Being away from home for a week makes it harder to not do stuff with the girls. But I will be there for as long as I can and will be in work mode which means give me the work plan and no ******* about. We should be able to smash through with a good system in place!


P.S. Any jobs we can delegate to a 3.5 and 1.5 year old, bout time they started to earn their keep. :D ........joken
Sorry everyone but I am not going to be able to help either, I found out this morning that I have to fly to Sydney at 5:20am tomorrow :angry: for at least a week but probably more

Again sorry


Dropping like flies. Dropping_Like_flies.jpg

Just saw your post Brad. :icon_cheers:

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