Qld 2007 Xmas Swap - Case Consumption

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4(or 7) NickB - UX NickB (aka AAA)
Put on the required suit and kelvar helmet - poured a nice chocolate brown with a tightly packed head. Very nice seppo aromas. Good hop presence up front followed by a malty body - slight cidery note in the background that is a distraction.
Finish may be a touch harsh. Not in any way explosive, but a good beer maybe mash slightly higher? I am starting to really like these AAAs after BD and Mothballs and now Nicks creditable efforts. Good works folks!
15 - StillScottish - Old Jock Strap Musings

Presented a dark brown/black with a slightly off-white head. Difficult style to nail but you've done it. Now bugger off and go pro - very yummy.

26 Ducatiboy Stu - IRA
Hazy red brown erring on the red side. Aroma is low end sweet malt, very smooth palate, delicate malt profile and a sweet malt finish. Sell it and I'd buy it. That said I'll stick with my recipe but you've got me adding some more carared for colour and sweetness. :icon_cheers:
Only glass I've seen is Steelbreeze and Ducatiboy.
Ducatiboy's IRA was great with a low level carbonation.
Steelbrease's Bock was in a stubbie and had some cidery kit defects but not too overcarbed (possible though).
Zizzles PET bottle crapped itself, but that was due to the bottle delaminating at the base under pressure rather than being way over-carbonated (on the big side though). It wasn't one of your old ones was it :p
Couldn't have been one of mine. I've never used that type of bottle. It's a little confusing. Must be bconnery's as it is the only one unaccounted for.
26 Ducatiboy Stu - IRA
Hazy red brown erring on the red side. Aroma is low end sweet malt, very smooth palate, delicate malt profile and a sweet malt finish. Sell it and I'd buy it. That said I'll stick with my recipe but you've got me adding some more carared for colour and sweetness. :icon_cheers:

Gota love carared....BUT the Cararoma helps as well

Its a bit different to all the hoped beers in the case. You can actually taste the malt... B)

Should not be hazy :unsure: ...used US 56 for a while, and it always seems to settle well after 6 weeks
My (1.) Newky Brown is now ready, unfortunately from the few tested over the past couple of weeks it seems the carbonation is way too low. I aimed for a lowish 2 but think it's less than that. A shame as I used a tried and tested recipe and included Fuggle FWH. If there was a touch more carbonic acidity I think it would be ok, sorry brewers, pretty ordinary IMO.

My (1.) Newky Brown is now ready, unfortunately from the few tested over the past couple of weeks it seems the carbonation is way too low. I aimed for a lowish 2 but think it's less than that. A shame as I used a tried and tested recipe and included Fuggle FWH. If there was a touch more carbonic acidity I think it would be ok, sorry brewers, pretty ordinary IMO.

I tried yours the other night screwtop and I'd agree. It was nice but there was just something missing from the overall beer.
Annoying isn't it.
I tried mine the other night and had a similar conclusion. Nice enough but not hitting the mark like you'd like any beer too, but especially a swap one :(

Some other mini reviews
Nick's AAA
Very tasty. I've got an all Amarillo AAA in the keg at the moment but the hop combo in yours was much tastier. I think it worked well to have the hops fade a little, so I think from my taste I had the beer at a good moment.

Actually I think I drank some others that I didn't take notes on. Still got a few to go though...
Actually I think I drank some others that I didn't take notes on. Still got a few to go though...

Ummmm Drank a lot that I forgot to take notes on.. :ph34r:

Frogmans was great for a hoped kit..I do remember that one..in fact I will do that with the kit I have in the cupboard..

Unfortunately kids and a lack of time stopped me from posting anything about anyones beer, be it good or bad....but they are all good so far... :party:

:super: Got to love a swap.....
1 - Screwtop - Kewk Brown
The last of the batch (although Tyred's Porter notes are around here someplace.
Totally agree on the carbonation issue, but from my experience in bottle conditioning glass and PET bottles with the same amount of primer (even though the glass bottle is bigger) the result is glass shiting all over PET. That said nothing from the swap went bang here which is always a good thing, although I did lose most of Zizzles which was a shame. This beer seemed to have too much body? similar to my beers made using Windsor dry yeast. But the profile was good and tasty, sightly sweet for my palate. Would be worth farting about with mashing temps or yeast on this one. Not bad as it was - more carbonation would have been the ducks guts.
I thought Steelbreese's or Ducatiboy_Stu's were the only glass bottles.

Did Ben say that some of his were in glass ? That would fit in with #7

Mine have another lable on each bottle with name/date/alc % - that should help you identify /eliminate.

Back on deck after being away or a few weeks - boy have I missed the posts.

Am reading the assays with huge (but naive) interest. Sorry but my posts after sampling are likely to be Yum, Yummy or bloody yummy. 'fraid I don't have the tech knowledge yet but am looking forward to picking it up.
9. Steelbreese - Coopers Very Strong Ale

Very nice Steelbreese. Is there a recipe for this ?

Just back from sunny/baking Vic and will send you the recipe later this week as I get back into the routine - remember tho its a Kit 'n' Kilo
1 - Screwtop - Kewk Brown
The last of the batch (although Tyred's Porter notes are around here someplace.
Totally agree on the carbonation issue, but from my experience in bottle conditioning glass and PET bottles with the same amount of primer (even though the glass bottle is bigger) the result is glass shiting all over PET. That said nothing from the swap went bang here which is always a good thing, although I did lose most of Zizzles which was a shame. This beer seemed to have too much body? similar to my beers made using Windsor dry yeast. But the profile was good and tasty, sightly sweet for my palate. Would be worth farting about with mashing temps or yeast on this one. Not bad as it was - more carbonation would have been the ducks guts.

Thanks Perry, tried another Newkie tonight, served at 10C it's a little better, and close to the English carbonation level I was looking for. Concerned that you thought it was Windsor yeast, it was FWH'd using Fuggle which I think was a good call, was bittered using EKG but I think I made a mistake using late Styrian Goldings. Thanks for the honest review, I really appreciate it.

It improved as it warmed, I've had nottingham stick before around 1015 but usually its down to 1012 in3 days or less. I love it in bitters but I'm thinking it don't like heavy bodied worts for some reason. Cheers mate.
Hi guys,

Back from holidays, so back to the tasting!

17 Armadillo Ale

Hazed golden colour, next to no head, low carbonation. Loved the aroma, and the related smooth hops in the mouth taste. Very clean finish - just the perfect beer after whipper snipping the creek! Good job!

16 (12?) Mobrien - Regulation 5 Double IPA

Presented a dull brown with a huge billowing head in the glass. Aroma , on the other hand , is anything BUT dull - resiny pine and grapefruit is there in spades. Flavour is interesting, the big hop flavours sit atop a sweet malty backbone that blends with the evident alcohol to provide an almost liquor like quality. Lovely smooth mouthfeel carries through to a resinous hoppy/bitter finish - obviously a very well crafted beer, well done. (got any more?? :D )

Thanks mate - about what I was going for too!

I do have more - a whole keg full :D If you are near ipswich, drop in!

Sorry Perry for the dud bottle. It wasn't a real clearish bottle was it? I recycled many of the bottles from the last swap, so age and history of my bottles was unkown to me.

I haven't tasted all the beers yet, but my faves so far have been Jye's APA, Browndogs IPA and Mobriens IPA. Time to turn in my membership card to the Hop Sooks Club?

I kegged what I didn't bottle of my sawp beer, and wan't real sure about it. But it turned out that the seals in the keg were adding some old softdrink flavours. Tasted a spare bottle a while back and it was fine. Been drinking a bit of Boag's Wizzard Smith's Ale while I've been away and it is a bit similar to my swap beer. Both use EKG so shouldn't be surprising.
18 - Tyred - Something Porterish

Finally found the notes - Looks good, sweet dark malt + plummy molasses + cinimon (sp) nose. Smallish head. On the sweet side of the porter spectrum, which is not my cup of tea really, but it stood up well to the Smoked Robust Porter I'd had before it. Not bad at all.

Zizzle - the bottle looked new - go figure, must have been a friday afternoon bottle :rolleyes:
My (1.) Newky Brown is now ready, unfortunately from the few tested over the past couple of weeks it seems the carbonation is way too low. I aimed for a lowish 2 but think it's less than that. A shame as I used a tried and tested recipe and included Fuggle FWH. If there was a touch more carbonic acidity I think it would be ok, sorry brewers, pretty ordinary IMO.


Not a bad beer by any means, but just confirms that I'm definitely not a fan of Fuggles. Every beer I've made with it, has had a distinct flavour, which it seems is not to my taste. To me, love EKG, but can't really deal with fuggles. On another note, my bottle was really cloudy. Not sure if it's my fridge/handling/pouring, but it was murky as hell. Also. as you mention, virtually no carbonation.

Did enjoy the last sample you sent my way though! Mate of mine that was up and I split the bottle, and both agreed that it was an awesome beer. Keep it up!!


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