Hub Xmas In July Case Swap

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I'm in. Looks like a good range of beer's how could you not be in!

1. Schooey - Some kind of big IIPA, WLP051
2. Loftboy - TBA, but probably an amber ale or strong ale
3. Les the Weizguy - Weizenbock (by request), O.G. ~1.072 (just to out-do Schooey ) W3638 yeast
4. Schmick - Winter warmer (please?)
5. Ken - Vienna lager
6. DaveL - TBD
7. Scott (goatherder) - Schwartzbier - Wyeast 2487
8. Benniee - either a CAP or a Munich Dunkel. - Wyeast 2308 Munich Lager
9. Geoff (The Ol' Boozeroony) Not sure yet. Maybe a low-carb mid-strength... haha
10 Mark - Golden Barley Lager/Wine (Ok I'll play along 1.100 OG, Danish Lager 2042)
11. Clifftiger - TBA
12. Rurik - Bitter
13. Muggus - Something with smoked malt
14. Danny Boy - tba
15. Keith - tba
16. HarryB - tba
17. Steve - APA, I may change this - (1056)

OK, mine's going into the tun tomorrow. The recipe is along similar lines to my rant the other night:

60% Weyermann Pils
30% Weyermann Munich I
5% Weyermann Carabohemian
5% Baird's Black malt
Mashed at 66 to 1.050
22IBUs Tettnang at 60min
8 IBUs Tettnang at 20min
Big pitch of Wyeast 2487 Hella Bock at 11 degrees

I'm looking forward to the swap...

I just dont trust my beers in bottles these days.

would love too but i cant bring myself to serve up something thats not quite write
Did the first half of mine today; lowest efficiency I've ever got at about 50% into the cube.
Pretty happy with the wort it's a lovely copper/bronze, but it's a bit weird seeing 16 L of wort from 12 Kg of malt but, at an SG of 1.114 I suppose you should expect that. The recipe is:-

Weyermann Pilsner 9 kg
Weyermann Pale Wheat 3 Kg
Mashed into 40 L @ 50 oC

The mash regime was this one from Brewing: Science and Practice, supposed to give about the most attenuateive wort available
In Germany highly fermentable wort may be made by using an exceptionally "intensive" temperature-programmed mash, with rests at 50 oC/30 min.; 62 oC/45 min.; 65 oC/45 min.; 68 oC/30 min.; 70 oC/30 min.; 72 oC/15 min. and then mashing off at 73-74 oC This process takes 3.5-4 h.
Bittering was 200 g of Tettnang @ 3.5% AA boiled for 120 minutes.
All that's left to do is to do it all again, combine the first and second brews, then tweek the OG and the bitterness, make some taste additions and ferment it.
Have to think about what to do with the last runnings (they were only 1.045) going to have about 12-14 litres and it seems a waste to throw it out
Have to think about what to do with the last runnings (they were only 1.045) going to have about 12-14 litres and it seems a waste to throw it out

About 20IBUs of Citra or Galaxy would make a handy American Wheat.
That's a thought, but with the mash program it got I'd be a bit worried about the attenuation could end up very dry. Tossing up a few ideas, like sticking it the rotary evaporator and seeing if you can make beer toffee, knowing me I'll probably just bung it in a pot and render it down and toss it back into the main wort, bit more colour and extract.

Sorry I missed your talk on Schwartz, was looking forward to it, but friends showed up from out of town last minute thing.
Count me in. Got something going now that should turn out well.

1. Schooey - Some kind of big IIPA, WLP051
2. Loftboy - TBA, but probably an amber ale or strong ale
3. Les the Weizguy - Weizenbock (by request), O.G. ~1.072 (just to out-do Schooey ) W3638 yeast
4. Schmick - Winter warmer (please?)
5. Ken - Vienna lager
6. DaveL - TBD
7. Scott (goatherder) - Schwartzbier - Wyeast 2487
8. Benniee - either a CAP or a Munich Dunkel. - Wyeast 2308 Munich Lager
9. Geoff (The Ol' Boozeroony) Not sure yet. Maybe a low-carb mid-strength... haha
10 Mark - Golden Barley Lager/Wine (Ok I'll play along 1.100 OG, Danish Lager 2042)
11. Clifftiger - TBA
12. Rurik - Bitter
13. Muggus - Something with smoked malt
14. Danny Boy - tba
15. Keith - tba
16. HarryB - tba
17. Steve - APA, I may change this - (1056)
18. Dick - Northern English Brown Ale - Wyeast 1882, Thames Valley II

Count me in. Gotta do a larger while its still cold.
I'll just have to scrounge a few extra long necks (re drink), I gave most of them away.

1. Schooey - Some kind of big IIPA, WLP051
2. Loftboy - TBA, but probably an amber ale or strong ale
3. Les the Weizguy - Weizenbock (by request), O.G. ~1.072 (just to out-do Schooey ) W3638 yeast
4. Schmick - Winter warmer (please?)
5. Ken - Vienna lager
6. DaveL - TBD
7. Scott (goatherder) - Schwartzbier - Wyeast 2487
8. Benniee - either a CAP or a Munich Dunkel. - Wyeast 2308 Munich Lager
9. Geoff (The Ol' Boozeroony) Not sure yet. Maybe a low-carb mid-strength... haha
10 Mark - Golden Barley Lager/Wine (Ok I'll play along 1.100 OG, Danish Lager 2042)
11. Clifftiger - TBA
12. Rurik - Bitter
13. Muggus - Something with smoked malt
14. Danny Boy - tba
15. Keith - tba
16. HarryB - tba
17. Steve - APA, I may change this - (1056)
18. Dick - Northern English Brown Ale - Wyeast 1882, Thames Valley II
19. Conrad - Some sort of larger, long controlled ferment, crash cooled
Please don't forget what I mentioned at the last club meet.
If you know a current or potential HUB'er, please ask them to be included in the swap, and post for them, or get them to join AHB.

Your club Prez (for a little while longer)
i'm keeen as well but I also have a lager conditioning

1. Schooey - Some kind of big IIPA, WLP051
2. Loftboy - TBA, but probably an amber ale or strong ale
3. Les the Weizguy - Weizenbock (by request), O.G. ~1.072 (just to out-do Schooey ) W3638 yeast
4. Schmick - Winter warmer (please?)
5. Ken - Vienna lager
6. DaveL - TBD
7. Scott (goatherder) - Schwartzbier - Wyeast 2487
8. Benniee - either a CAP or a Munich Dunkel. - Wyeast 2308 Munich Lager
9. Geoff (The Ol' Boozeroony) Not sure yet. Maybe a low-carb mid-strength... haha
10 Mark - Golden Barley Lager/Wine (Ok I'll play along 1.100 OG, Danish Lager 2042)
11. Clifftiger - TBA
12. Rurik - Bitter
13. Muggus - Something with smoked malt
14. Danny Boy - tba
15. Keith - tba
16. HarryB - tba
17. Steve - APA, I may change this - (1056)
18. Dick - Northern English Brown Ale - Wyeast 1882, Thames Valley II
19. Conrad - Some sort of larger, long controlled ferment, crash cooled
20. Brocky - Something out my recipe book probably a amber ale
Wouldn't miss it!

1. Schooey - Some kind of big IIPA, WLP051
2. Loftboy - TBA, but probably an amber ale or strong ale
3. Les the Weizguy - Weizenbock (by request), O.G. ~1.072 (just to out-do Schooey ) W3638 yeast
4. Schmick - Winter warmer (please?)
5. Ken - Vienna lager
6. DaveL - TBD
7. Scott (goatherder) - Schwartzbier - Wyeast 2487
8. Benniee - either a CAP or a Munich Dunkel. - Wyeast 2308 Munich Lager
9. Geoff (The Ol' Boozeroony) Not sure yet. Maybe a low-carb mid-strength... haha
10 Mark - Golden Barley Lager/Wine (Ok I'll play along 1.100 OG, Danish Lager 2042)
11. Clifftiger - TBA
12. Rurik - Bitter
13. Muggus - Something with smoked malt
14. Danny Boy - tba
15. Keith - tba
16. HarryB - tba
17. Steve - APA, I may change this - (1056)
18. Dick - Northern English Brown Ale - Wyeast 1882, Thames Valley II
19. Conrad - Some sort of larger, long controlled ferment, crash cooled
20. Brocky - Something out my recipe book probably a amber ale
21. Jordan - tba
Wouldn't miss it!

1. Schooey - Some kind of big IIPA, WLP051
2. Loftboy - TBA, but probably an amber ale or strong ale
3. Les the Weizguy - Weizenbock (by request), O.G. ~1.072 (just to out-do Schooey ) W3638 yeast
4. Schmick - Winter warmer (please?)
5. Ken - Vienna lager
6. DaveL - TBD
7. Scott (goatherder) - Schwartzbier - Wyeast 2487
8. Benniee - either a CAP or a Munich Dunkel. - Wyeast 2308 Munich Lager
9. Geoff (The Ol' Boozeroony) Not sure yet. Maybe a low-carb mid-strength... haha
10 Mark - Golden Barley Lager/Wine (Ok I'll play along 1.100 OG, Danish Lager 2042)
11. Clifftiger - TBA
12. Rurik - Bitter
13. Muggus - Something with smoked malt
14. Danny Boy - tba
15. Keith - tba
16. HarryB - tba
17. Steve - APA, I may change this - (1056)
18. Dick - Northern English Brown Ale - Wyeast 1882, Thames Valley II
19. Conrad - Some sort of larger, long controlled ferment, crash cooled
20. Brocky - Something out my recipe book probably a amber ale
21. Jordan - tba
Too many tba's on this list and still a few places.

Newy brewers, anyone you would like to include?
Someone who makes a nice beer and you'd like to drink one of.

MHB's effort is again OTT.

I need to brew a Schneider for a comp, and then the weizenbock.

I still have some of the 10% Quadrupelweizenhellbock, and it's gone a bit sour, so it must have a bug that can live in 10% alcohol beer and still sour it up. May brink one along to the swap.

Lester Lesmond Leso brewer

P.S. stay tuned for more info re upcoming comps

P.P.S. the spelling inspector sez no to Conrad, for the horrendous slaughter of "lager".
1. Schooey - Some kind of big IIPA, WLP051
2. Loftboy - TBA, but probably an amber ale or strong ale
3. Les the Weizguy - Weizenbock (by request), O.G. ~1.072 (just to out-do Schooey ) W3638 yeast
4. Schmick - Winter warmer (please?)
5. Ken - Vienna lager
6. DaveL - TBD
7. Scott (goatherder) - Schwartzbier - Wyeast 2487
8. Benniee - either a CAP or a Munich Dunkel. - Wyeast 2308 Munich Lager
9. Geoff (The Ol' Boozeroony) Not sure yet. Maybe a low-carb mid-strength... haha
10 Mark - Golden Barley Lager/Wine (Ok I'll play along 1.100 OG, Danish Lager 2042)
11. Clifftiger - TBA
12. Rurik - Bitter
13. Muggus - Something with smoked malt
14. Danny Boy - tba
15. Keith - tba
16. HarryB - tba
17. Steve - APA, I may change this - (1056)
18. Dick - Northern English Brown Ale - Wyeast 1882, Thames Valley II
19. Conrad - Some sort of larger, long controlled ferment, crash cooled
20. Brocky - Something out my recipe book probably a amber ale
21. Jordan - Belgian Pale Ale - Wyeast 1214 Belgian Ale
1. Schooey - Some kind of big IIPA, WLP051
2. Loftboy - TBA, but probably an amber ale or strong ale
3. Les the Weizguy - Weizenbock (by request), O.G. ~1.072 (just to out-do Schooey ) W3638 yeast
4. Schmick - Winter warmer (please?)
5. Ken - Vienna lager
6. DaveL - TBD
7. Scott (goatherder) - Schwartzbier - Wyeast 2487
8. Benniee - either a CAP or a Munich Dunkel. - Wyeast 2308 Munich Lager
9. Geoff (The Ol' Boozeroony) Not sure yet. Maybe a low-carb mid-strength... haha
10 Mark - Golden Barley Lager/Wine (Ok I'll play along 1.100 OG, Danish Lager 2042)
11. Clifftiger - TBA
12. Rurik - Bitter
13. Muggus - Something with smoked malt
14. Danny Boy - tba
15. Keith - tba
16. HarryB - tba
17. Steve - APA, I may change this - (1056)
18. Dick - Northern English Brown Ale - Wyeast 1882, Thames Valley II
19. Conrad - Some sort of larger, long controlled ferment, crash cooled
20. Brocky - Something out my recipe book probably a amber ale
21. Jordan - Belgian Pale Ale - Wyeast 1214 Belgian Ale
22. Off'y - beer
1. Schooey - Some kind of big IIPA, WLP051
2. Loftboy - TBA, but probably an amber ale or strong ale
3. Les the Weizguy - Weizenbock (by request), O.G. ~1.072 (just to out-do Schooey ) W3638 yeast
4. Schmick - Winter warmer (please?)
5. Ken - Vienna lager
6. DaveL - TBD
7. Scott (goatherder) - Schwartzbier - Wyeast 2487
8. Benniee - either a CAP or a Munich Dunkel. - Wyeast 2308 Munich Lager
9. Geoff (The Ol' Boozeroony) Not sure yet. Maybe a low-carb mid-strength... haha
10 Mark - Golden Barley Lager/Wine (Ok I'll play along 1.100 OG, Danish Lager 2042)
11. Clifftiger - TBA
12. Rurik - Bitter
13. Muggus - Something with smoked malt
14. Danny Boy - tba
15. Keith - tba
16. HarryB - tba
17. Steve - APA, I may change this - (1056)
18. Dick - Northern English Brown Ale - Wyeast 1882, Thames Valley II
19. Conrad - Some sort of larger, long controlled ferment, crash cooled
20. Brocky - Something out my recipe book probably a amber ale
21. Jordan - Belgian Pale Ale - Wyeast 1214 Belgian Ale
22. Off'y - beer
23. Gus - Sparkling Ale
1. Schooey - Some kind of big IIPA, WLP051
2. Loftboy - TBA, but probably an amber ale or strong ale
3. Les the Weizguy - Weizenbock (by request), O.G. ~1.072 (just to out-do Schooey ) W3638 yeast
4. Schmick - Winter warmer (please?)
5. Ken - Vienna lager
6. DaveL - TBD
7. Scott (goatherder) - Schwartzbier - Wyeast 2487
8. Benniee - either a CAP or a Munich Dunkel. - Wyeast 2308 Munich Lager
9. Geoff (The Ol' Boozeroony) Not sure yet. Maybe a low-carb mid-strength... haha
10 Mark - Golden Barley Lager/Wine (Ok I'll play along 1.100 OG, Danish Lager 2042)
11. Clifftiger - Bock (Wyeast 2124 )
12. Rurik - Bitter
13. Muggus - Something with smoked malt
14. Danny Boy - tba
15. Keith - tba
16. HarryB - tba
17. Steve - APA, I may change this - (1056)
18. Dick - Northern English Brown Ale - Wyeast 1882, Thames Valley II
19. Conrad - Some sort of larger, long controlled ferment, crash cooled
20. Brocky - Something out my recipe book probably a amber ale
21. Jordan - Belgian Pale Ale - Wyeast 1214 Belgian Ale
22. Off'y - beer
23. Gus - Sparkling Ale
Just a yeast update. Its smacked.

1. Schooey - Some kind of big IIPA, WLP051
2. Loftboy - TBA, but probably an amber ale or strong ale
3. Les the Weizguy - Weizenbock (by request), O.G. ~1.072 (just to out-do Schooey ) W3638 yeast
4. Schmick - Winter warmer (please?)
5. Ken - Vienna lager
6. DaveL - TBD
7. Scott (goatherder) - Schwartzbier - Wyeast 2487
8. Benniee - either a CAP or a Munich Dunkel. - Wyeast 2308 Munich Lager
9. Geoff (The Ol' Boozeroony) Not sure yet. Maybe a low-carb mid-strength... haha
10 Mark - Golden Barley Lager/Wine (Ok I'll play along 1.100 OG, Danish Lager 2042)
11. Clifftiger - Bock (Wyeast 2124 )
12. Rurik - Bitter
13. Muggus - Something with smoked malt
14. Danny Boy - tba
15. Keith - tba
16. HarryB - tba
17. Steve - APA, - (Wyeast -2112 Californian Lager)
18. Dick - Northern English Brown Ale - Wyeast 1882, Thames Valley II
19. Conrad - Some sort of larger, long controlled ferment, crash cooled
20. Brocky - Something out my recipe book probably a amber ale
21. Jordan - Belgian Pale Ale - Wyeast 1214 Belgian Ale
22. Off'y - beer
23. Gus - Sparkling Ale
My entry has almost finished fermenting.

1. Schooey - Some kind of big IIPA, WLP051
2. Loftboy - TBA, but probably an amber ale or strong ale
3. Les the Weizguy - Weizenbock (by request), O.G. ~1.072 (just to out-do Schooey ) W3638 yeast
4. Schmick - Winter warmer (please?)
5. Ken - Vienna lager
6. DaveL - TBD
7. Scott (goatherder) - Schwartzbier - Wyeast 2487
8. Benniee - either a CAP or a Munich Dunkel. - Wyeast 2308 Munich Lager
9. Geoff (The Ol' Boozeroony) Not sure yet. Maybe a low-carb mid-strength... haha
10 Mark - Golden Barley Lager/Wine (Ok I'll play along 1.100 OG, Danish Lager 2042)
11. Clifftiger - Bock (Wyeast 2124 )
12. Rurik - Bitter
13. Muggus - Raunchy Scottsman - Smoked Brown Ale - ~5.0%
14. Danny Boy - tba
15. Keith - tba
16. HarryB - tba
17. Steve - APA, - (Wyeast -2112 Californian Lager)
18. Dick - Northern English Brown Ale - Wyeast 1882, Thames Valley II
19. Conrad - Some sort of larger, long controlled ferment, crash cooled
20. Brocky - Something out my recipe book probably a amber ale
21. Jordan - Belgian Pale Ale - Wyeast 1214 Belgian Ale
22. Off'y - beer
23. Gus - Sparkling Ale
1. Schooey - Some kind of big IIPA, WLP051

2. Loftboy - TBA, but probably an amber ale or strong ale

3. Les the Weizguy - Weizenbock (by request), O.G. ~1.072 (just to out-do Schooey ) W3638 yeast

4. Schmick - Winter warmer (please?)

5. Ken - Vienna lager

6. DaveL - TBD

7. Scott (goatherder) - Schwartzbier - Wyeast 2487

8. Benniee - either a CAP or a Munich Dunkel. - Wyeast 2308 Munich Lager

9. Geoff (The Ol' Boozeroony) Not sure yet. Maybe a low-carb mid-strength... haha

10. Mark - Golden Barley Lager/Wine (Ok I'll play along 1.100 OG, Danish Lager 2042)

11. Clifftiger - Bock (Wyeast 2124 )

12. Rurik - Bitter

13. Muggus - Raunchy Scottsman - Smoked Brown Ale - ~5.0%

14. Danny Boy - tba

15. Keith - tba

16. HarryB - tba

17. Steve - APA, - (Wyeast -2112 Californian Lager)

18. Dick - Northern English Brown Ale - Wyeast 1882, Thames Valley II

19. Conrad - Some sort of lager, long controlled ferment, crash cooled

20. Brocky - Something out my recipe book probably an amber ale

21. Jordan - Belgian Pale Ale - Wyeast 1214 Belgian Ale

22. Off'y - beer

23. Gus - Sparkling Ale

24. David Jenkins - Old Ale

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