I ordered two of these a while ago and used them on the two brews I have in my two fermenter fridge. On the strength of what they do I have ordered one more for my fermentasaurus in my other fridge.
I love the way I can track the progress of the fermentation using brewstat.us and how that allows you to upload the .xml file for the recipe. This gives the interface a lovely, detailed feel to it rather than simply the graph or chart using Google sheets, which is pretty cool anyway.
I have found the temp readings to be pretty bang on and as far as I can see the SG readings seem to correlate with hydrometer readings.
On both of these brews I have had times where the SG would rise and fall. In one of the brews, a sweet stout using wy1084, the sg dropped crazy quick and ended up flatlining at 1.021. I wasn't sure if that was an issue with the Tilt at first but this was from a Cheeky Peek FWK and the FG was meant to be 1.023 so that solved that.
My other brew however is a Blue Moon clone using 3944 Belgian Wit. This one has baffled me. The SG has tended downwards over a week but with some not insignificant rises in gravity at times. Like I will check it one time and it might be 1.017 and then it will have gone up to 1.023 for example. Not like single points but 5 or 6 points. It got to the point where it was hovering somewhere between 1.013 and 1.019 so I pitched another starter. And when I opened the lid there was still a hella crazy krausen sitting there waving at me. Pitched it anyway and raised fridge temp to 23 and it dropped further but the ups and downs are still occuring. This makes me wonder whether in fact foam does actually affect some of the readings of the Tilt.
The brew can be seen here
The graph looks reasonably normal but there are plenty of speedbumps along the way.
Any thoughts or has anyone else with a Tilt experienced this? Could it be a calibration issue?