2016 NSW Mid Year Case Swap - Tasting & Recipes thread

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#1 Vanilla Chocolate Porter by Pratty1

Pours dark with a medium tan head (I started to pour this with a little more vigour towards the end to get a little head, turns out, it made its own too)
Head doesnt want to go away, it ust stays around for the whole show

Dark roast and touch of coffee when cold. Gets a little sweeter, possibly a hint of vanilla, and fuller as it warms up

Tastes like I just chewed on a handful of cracked dark roast malt, gets smoother and a bit more 'beery' as it warms up, hints of coffee, grain bitterness

Lowish carb, medium low body.

I would think this would lean more towards a stout rather than a porter style, I cant say I got an chocolate, but im sure it is in there hiding

13. Cortez. Oaked Strong Ale.
Had this a few weeks back, so I think I avoided the bomb issues. It was overcarbed but not extreme.
This was a nice beer, I got a rich maltiness and some citrus notes but overall I found the oak to be too much.
May be just me but it detracted from the other flavours. I would have preferred a more subtle presence.
A very well made brew though and I enjoyed the experience.

15. Matfos01. Belgian Golden Strong.
Had this yesterday afternoon, sitting on the back terrace, enjoying the first good warm day of spring after mowing the lawn.......
and it went down a treat.
I normally am not a big fan of Belgian style but I really enjoyed this. The yeast flavour was tart and bitey but restrained, supported by a sweet malt and big body.
Big bubblegum and hints of peppery spice which became sherbet like as it warmed a little. The flavour did become more tart and bitey as went but remained enjoyable.
Must have been a good ABV cause I was certainly feeling it come the end of the bottle, that alcohol was well hidden though and was only the last half glass that it started to become noticeable.
Well done mate.
18. Clayton's no description beer. Immediately I'm getting pineapple and mandarin aromas. Moderate hop bitterness, actually balanced extremely well. Citrus continues on the palate. Golden and light amber colour. This is a beauty. I really like it and one I could drink all night if it wasn't perhaps high 6% ABV at a stab? Perfect beer to accompany me throughout my brew day. A belter of a beer.

#20 Mr 'zilla's concoction.

Bottle gushes
Pours a pale straw with a huge coarse white head that disappears quickly
Aroma of sulfur and carbonic with hints of wet dog. Inviting so far
Tastes like a soggy piece of cardboard, soaked in cheap vodka and set on fire, lingering burning sensation and tangerine
Light body with a soapy mouthfeel.

Overall, I think it was a great beer, however, I would suggest maybe adding another kg of sugar to bring out some more apple notes and heighten the abv, also, maybe strain the beer prior to bottling, I got a hair
#20 American? Stout

Pours black, with low, lingering tight tan head
Coffee and burnt toast up front, with a hint of Christmas pud hiding in there.
Taste follows aroma, with a bit more focus on some dark fruits and roast malt instead of the toast.
Medium carb and medium high mouthfeel.

Overall, the flavors have melded nicely over time since I tasted it at the swap, and I wish I hadn't opened it yet, but my stocks are running low on 'interesting' beer, and I really felt like something different.
I think I would've enjoyed it more if if finished out a touch dryer, but age may help that. Regardless, nice beer.

Morale of this story: if you haven't opened this one yet, give it longer.
I have a feeling that the dark fruits and Christmas pud will really come out to play in time.
#13 Cortez Oaked Strong Ale

Opened this wearing a welding mask after the previous comments re being over carbed. Has been in the fridge a while though.

Pours with a big loose head. Aroma starts oaky vanilla sweet but starts to get phenolic as it warms. Rich mouthfeel, luscious sweetness with a drying mouthfeel. Phenolic note creeps in again and contributes to an astringency.

Pity the bugs got in there because this would have been a lovely beer

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just found
11 marksy - India Pale Lager
bloody nice, i can see it would of been better if i had of drunk it fresher but nice hop note and body.
well done.
#13 Oaked Strong Ale

Appearance - clear, lovely caramel colour with an very large and foamy off white head that lasts once it dissipates.

Aroma - malty with a touch of sharpness. Little bit of sweetness comes through on the nose.

Flavour - rich maltiness, can taste a smooth alcohol. Firm bitterness with no hop flavour. Very subtle oak flavour. No off flavours I could detect. Warms to show some marmalade.

Mouthfeel - medium body with high carbonation.

Overall - over carbonated a touch but a really good beer. Could do with a little more oak and it would be spot on. Cheers!

#8 Kölsch

Appearance - Brilliantly clear, with a loose white head. Plenty of bubbles. Pale straw colour.

Aroma - malty with a spicy hop aroma, smells a little piney with a hint of clove.

Flavour - lovely herbal and light malt flavour. Good sweetness from the malt, honey like flavours. Bitterness balances well.

Mouthfeel - medium/full bodied, lightened by a very spritzy carbonation. Slick on the tongue but gets cleared away and finishes pretty dry.

Overall - fantastic Kolsch! I don't like a lot of Kolsches but this is awesome!

Ps. I know I'm drinking it a bit late, so may be down on hop flavour a little, but it's still in great condition.
n87 said:
#20 Mr 'zilla's concoction.

Overall, I think it was a great beer, however, I would suggest maybe adding another kg of sugar to bring out some more apple notes and heighten the abv, also, maybe strain the beer prior to bottling, I got a hair

Did strain it ............ through my beard!
#17 Kellerbier

No pic or notes, but this was f'ing awesome. That is all.
Couldn't pick between 17 and 20 for a glass filler whilst cooking spag bol.....the missus is out and only chance I get to have it......oh happy days.

Anyway..went with Fatz' American Style Stout...and bloody glad I did.
very bloody nice.
One of the best stouts I have had the pleasure of wrapping my lips around.
Up front the alcohol was very evident then it became just a player in the whole show.
Chewy with a nice amount zip from the hops, no standout flavours but they are clearly there.
Great job Fatz.
#20 Southern Brown

Appearance - dark brown with an off-white head. Quite clear

Aroma - malty and roasty smell, low hop aroma

Flavour - caramel, smoke, roast flavours. Some cherry comes through. Low hop flavour.

Mouthfeel - smooth and creamy with a soft bitterness. Low carbonation, finishes fairly dry.

Overall - drier and toastier than I expected, more dry stout style. Fruity esters come through. Could probably be a little sweeter.
#5 1918 Tooths

Appearance - slightly hazy, thin to no head, golden colour

Aroma - sweet malty aroma, honey with a hint of hops

Flavour - fruity, cherry and apple. Malty with some caramel flavours. Medium bitterness with no hop flavour

Mouthfeel - medium body, nice carbonation

Overall - really interesting, had a cidery flavour (maybe some acetaldehyde?). Almost had a saison like quality. I liked it.
paulyman said:
Cheers guys. Definitely plan on brewing this one again, but I'll make time to bottle condition as I've since listened to Peter on the Session podcast and he mentioned leaving it for 6 months for the flavours to meld, so might do that and sample a bottle every month or so to see how it changes over time.
This beer has been in my fridge for several months and has cleared significantly. May crack it later and provide feedback, along with the remainder of #13.

Also happy to leave Fatz's beer until Christmas, as he recommended to me at ANHC.
#8 DJR's Kolch

Pours pale gold, big fluffy head, lots of bubbles, clear as a bell. Bready aroma with pear esters. Clean malt flavour, sweet pear again, dry finish with some herbal hops on the finish.

Overall a very enjoyable dry ale, emphasis on the fruit esters.

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#20 Fatgodzilla US Stout

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Bit disappointed about the lack of home brand kit notes......

Pitch black, strong tight tan head. Aroma is coffee, vanilla, cocoa, some sweet berry esters as it warms. More cocoa, coffee with dark toffee and liquorice on the palate. Super smooth, carb is present but balanced by the rich mouthfeel. Alcohol is only indicated by the richness, not a fusel character in sight. Depth of flavour only evolves as it warms.

Possibly the best strong stout I have ever had, no ********. So many stouts are too roasty, too thin. It's not a session beer, but it's also not cloying or over the top like the ones at the RIS end.