2015 Hop Plantations, Show Us Your Hop Garden!

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Males eh?! Damn, i was hoping i'd get some cones from it! Was just a spare rhizome i had from a large crown i split and thought i'd take it to work and see what happened. I put it in a 25L bucket with potting mix, drilled some holes in the bottom and used the lid to catch the drainage. Doesn't get much direct sunlight unfortunately. I'll give it another week or so and see what happens. I might think about bringing it home for some full sunlight but it might be more trouble than its worth!

******** they're not male flowers. You folks don't know what you're talking about. They're just the early development of cones. Looks completely normal.
Rob.P said:
Due to this comment I rushed over to google for curiosity sake.

Hops can temporarily revert to producing MALE flowers if under stress, considering the plant above is being grown inside it is a possibility I guess, and will be absolutely interesting to hear about as the flower develops.

I also came across a little link explaining this.


hoppy2B said:
******** they're not male flowers. You folks don't know what you're talking about. They're just the early development of cones. Looks completely normal.
and from the link above provided by Rob P
Lynn, the head hop grower at Great Lakes Hops has over 30 years of experience in the horticultural field. Browse the blog articles here to find useful growing information for humulus lupulus, based on personal experience and observations at Great Lakes Hops.
End Quote.

Quite a blunt reply hoppy2b.

You may want to provide a link to support your observations.....
Light stress can create hermaphrodites with their cousins so I imagine the same applies to hops. This can be caused by both lack of light and too much at the wrong times so entirely possible in an indoor environment where lights are left on at night. Time will tell I guess. Would be interesting if it pollinated itself but can't imagine the seeds would be of any use.

Agree with Dicko that your reply was a bit blunt Hoppy. I hope you're not posting under the effects of alcohol. What kind of a site do you think this is?
hoppy2B said:
******** they're not male flowers. You folks don't know what you're talking about. They're just the early development of cones. Looks completely normal.
But harsh
hoppy2B said:
******** they're not male flowers. You folks don't know what you're talking about. They're just the early development of cones. Looks completely normal.
For Jacob's sake I hope you are right.
This being my second year of growing hops I am no expert and certainly have never seen a male flower.

Time will tell and hopefully the healthy discussion will provide useful information to others that read this thread down the track, thanks for your healthy and informative input.
JT's pic shows immature burrs.

Nothing harsh about my comments, just keeping it real. :ph34r:

this was taken from the main plant shown below as there was too many and it was growing from the corner of the pot.been growing for 2 weeks.piece was about 3-4ins

Here are some pics of my crop so far. Most vigorous start to the season yet, so hopefully a good yield this year. This year I cut back all of the first growth to the ground. Its out of control now at the bottom, so much so that I cant even see the dirt to lay down some mulch! Some of the leaves are way bigger than my hand

By the end of the week the tallest bine will reach the 6.0mtr mark I would say.



In the middle of summer as the rest of the yard dries up, the hops area turns into a lush oasis.


First time growing this year and happy with progress so far. Cascade going nuts on the right. Has actually climbed into the tree. Chinook is a bit slower but still progressing. Laterals on the cascade are spreading pretty wide. Is it worth training them up the twine or just leaving them?

Those flowers look like perfectly fine immature female cones. Maybe a little spindly due to lack of sunlight. Doubt the whole plant would revert to male, possibly if in female company and was on deaths door, not to say it won't happen but it would be rare. Have never witnessed this in hops or their close cousin, although have seen self seeding varieties throw a small male flower above a bud to pollinate it. Most plants will run to seed or flower when things are tough to produce seed for the next generation ensuring Survival of the species.
Sorry but this is not the show us your tattoo thread. :p
hey didn't someone on here get a scarification of hop bines a few years ago? that was pretty impressive.
First year Cascade going swimmingly in coffs harbour... first time growing hops too. What are the chances of flowers in the first year? I hear its pretty slim.
Hi Mick,
I'm in Coffs as well and first year at this. Mine are at various stages, Tallanger has a dozen flowers ATM.

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