The Great Chinese Hop Buy 2009

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AndrewQLD, seriously, just give it a wash...

Don't try and fight with an idiot, they will bring you down to their level and beat you with experience!


I'm getting out the pressure cleaner.

Dare I say it, BUT have to

Gee I have to deal with all types

Why they allowed them to vote has stuffed up the world

Dare I say it, BUT have to

Gee I have to deal with all types

Why they allowed them to vote has stuffed up the world


This is sooooo simple to answer I dont know why I am bothering, BUT here goes.

The reason I get confidential information is simple, I KEEP IT CONFIDENTIAL. All because the masses want to know who said what wont wash.!!!!!!!!

You might not like me saying "this guy said this or that", BUT live with it.

I get a LOT of info from sources and for very good reason. I dont spill the beans!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

If you dont like it ----------------- well tough ****

Live with it


Again, let me use a different, yet similar, analogy.

A new movie is about to be released at the theatre. Newspaper 'x' claims the movie is breathtaking and full of action, critic 'y' states that the movie is the best of 2009 and magazine 'z' says if you loved the matrix you will love this movie. But without nowing who x, y and z are, it holds absolutely no merit whatsoever...

So please, let us know who in the beer industry has said that these hops are top quality.

I'm confused. The matrix films were ****.
I'm confused. The matrix films were ****.

Well, if you knew who the newspaper / film critic / magazine were then next time they had a critic on a movie, you wouldn't listen to it at all, as their reputation for criticing movies is '****' in your opinion. Without knowing who they are, then it is really hard to get an idea of what is what.

Here is another example, if new to brewing joe says these hops are brilliant and he would brew with them does that hold as much merit as say, murrays brewing co. saying that these hops are brilliant?

Its the same reason why brands get celebrities to endorse their products. If a brand were to make an ad saying, several celebrities have said in confidentiality that they think our products are excellent...what would you honestly think? the letters b and s come to my mind.

Again, let me use a different, yet similar, analogy.

A new movie is about to be released at the theatre. Newspaper 'x' claims the movie is breathtaking and full of action, critic 'y' states that the movie is the best of 2009 and magazine 'z' says if you loved the matrix you will love this movie. But without nowing who x, y and z are, it holds absolutely no merit whatsoever...

So please, let us know who in the beer industry has said that these hops are top quality.


I had a tallie of Carlton Draught this afternoon, whilst at the beach. Based on that gruesome experience I don't think I'd place much credence on what the beer industry thinks.
Well, if you knew who the newspaper / film critic / magazine were then next time they had a critic on a movie, you wouldn't listen to it at all, as their reputation for criticing movies is '****' in your opinion. Without knowing who they are, then it is really hard to get an idea of what is what.

Here is another example, if new to brewing joe says these hops are brilliant and he would brew with them does that hold as much merit as say, murrays brewing co. saying that these hops are brilliant?

Its the same reason why brands get celebrities to endorse their products. If a brand were to make an ad saying, several celebrities have said in confidentiality that they think our products are excellent...what would you honestly think? the letters b and s come to my mind.


Sorry. I wasn't actually confused. I got your point and it is most certainly valid. I just wanted to make a joke about how shabby those movies were. Sorry for ruining this serious and well-disciplined thread.
I have even sent these hops to a number of pro's, and they all say the same thing too. "Nothing wrong with these babies, happy to use them in my brewery"

If fact I sent these to a couple of ultra sensitive brewers, very picky buggers, who again said nothing to worry about with these hops.

BribieG, sorry, I meant pro's...
BTW, this thread made a little more sense (not much more) before dozens of posts were removed.
BTW, this thread made a little more sense (not much more) before dozens of posts were removed.

Yeh, some were classic. Never mind.

So far it seems, no-one has been able to punch holes in my hypothesis on Marco Polo. No scientific paper would leave "unknown" anywhere in a comparative analysis unless there is a very good reason. Yes, I think the Chinese would know EXACTLY its origins and breeding. The paper is probably leaving it as unknown for legal reasons. Yes it does happen in the scientific world too, that papers are "adjusted" for a host of legal reaons.

Still think the reason is Marco Polo is a copy or deriviative of a copywrited hop. whether its "simcoe" or another doesn't phase me, BUT columbus!!!!!!!!!, well big doubts.

Graham Sanders
Skype "Craftbrewer"


oh, and another nail in the coffin of columbus, giving more credence to it being a copywrited hop of high quality, Why the hell is it soooo much more expensive than all the other hops
So please, let us know who in the beer industry has said that these hops are top quality.

I say again (gee I have these conversations a lot - one day it will sink in).

In an episode of Yes Minister, Humpy has a good secret. Bernard leans over to him hoping for the secret. Humpy say "Bernard, can you keep a secret?" Bernard says yes, and leans closer waiting for the secret. Humpy then says a classic line "GOOD - SO CAN I !!!!!!!!!!!!!!" and walks off.

Now when people talk to me confidentially and dont want their name blurted out, I live by that. Confidential is confidential, no matter how much you pester. I seek their opinion for the sound advice they give. And they give that advice, knowing they wont be made public.


this might be hard to grasp

But I can keep secrets too

Graham L Sanders
Skype "Craftbrewer"
Can we get this back on topic? Who's interested in a group order to Hops Direct?

I just contacted hops direct re single buys and bulk buys. Their responses weren't the most helpful. Quite often one or 2 word responses and they would only selectively answer my questions.

Anyway the bottome line was bulk quantities of cascade could be delivered (ie hops plus postage) for USD$30 per KG. Amarillo for USD$35 per kilo. Obviously non bulk qualities were more expensive.

You might have more luck getting a better deal or some more helpful answers.
I`m really pissed off that I didn`t buy any hops because now I can`t be in this shitfight :(

I say again (gee I have these conversations a lot - one day it will sink in).

In an episode of Yes Minister, Humpy has a good secret. Bernard leans over to him hoping for the secret. Humpy say "Bernard, can you keep a secret?" Bernard says yes, and leans closer waiting for the secret. Humpy then says a classic line "GOOD - SO CAN I !!!!!!!!!!!!!!" and walks off.

Now when people talk to me confidentially and dont want their name blurted out, I live by that. Confidential is confidential, no matter how much you pester. I seek their opinion for the sound advice they give. And they give that advice, knowing they wont be made public.


this might be hard to grasp

But I can keep secrets too

Graham L Sanders
Skype "Craftbrewer"

Well said Craftbrewer.

Those demanding that you tell all show little knowledge of how the brewing industry works on trust to keep secrets just that, secret.

The first time that you break the sacred trust you will find yourself 'outside the circle'.
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