Sandgroper Xmas 2007 Recipes And Tasting

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I'm almost tempted to organise a mid year one, except I ditched the 16 l of frying oil into the tomato garden. Good thing too, sme pretty nasty sludge at the bottom

Think it through Simon - Turkey in July - 2 extra cases of beer for you (Correllion and Fletch) and adjust your benign dictatorship making entry a 2L bottle of Canola Oil.


2 extra cases of beer for you (Correllion and Fletch)

He's going to start running out of members soon :eek:

If we notice a sharp increase in the number of people signing in from WA, we'll know what's going on <_<
Well, we've made a start. Its interesting how many tried the little bottle first.

Kais Kacka.
A bit hard to share amongst three drinkers and me being a nice bloke, got the mud. So, twas a tad silted up but nevertheless an appealing straw yellow in colour with a creamy well lasting head. It had good mouthfeel and certainly fits the category of Cleansing Ale. As I go sip (of beer) to suck (of pipe), the subtleties of the recipe escape me but the balance between the slight sweetness of malt and the hops was spot on.

Randyrob IPA.
This made us sit up. It was the best of the evening. Was good colour and head with acceptable clarity. Was well balanced with the right amount of lingering hop bitterness without any of the harshness I got when I attempted the style.. Congratulations to the label designer. (and a full measure of 770ml as well!)
As an aside, I reckon you had a bit more than 36 IBU there. Would have come from that end of boil 100 gm. Williamette sitting in the hot wort. Do you counterflow chill? If so, that addition could be steeping happily for 30-40 minutes. Try chewing on a hop pellet. When you swallow, you will pick up plenty of bitterness and even if your Girl thinks youve a hot mouth, its still a lot cooler than your wort.

Doogiechap. Kolsch
Good hard PET bottle, so well carbonated and a good head that lasted about halfway thru the glass (but we were well into the Friday night nibblies by then thus greasy mouth)
At first I thought I was really enjoying this beer then I realised I was just flushing my hop receptors that were fully loaded from the previous tasting. After that all we got was sweet and more sweet, to the extent that we wondered why we were persisting. It was unfair of us to drink this beer when we did. Next session we are going to stack the samples in order of bitterness and start at the low end.
Clay APA

Light Amber, bit cloudy - carbonation was perfect, thick white fluffy head.

Interesting, the strong grapefuit hop aroma would have suggested a big bittered APA - but this was quite dry and delicate. Although I enjoyed my glass of this I just felt that the malt profile didnt carry whatever bitterness was there through the beer - a hollow middle palate? Although all the flavours were present I found this one a little unbalanced.

I had some friends over the other night and got really drunk. Then I decided to open the two case entries I had in the fridge: Rob's APA and Goat's Heifer. Sorry guys I took no notes and am writing a few lines only, based solely on my hazy memory.

Rob's APA
This has gotta be a nominee for best label. From memory, big, malty and full-bodied. I expected more hops on the nose but then that might just be the legacy of all those beers Ant took to the case swap. Anyway, I drained my glass and finished off what my pathetic lager-loving mate couldn't finish. God, I hate beer-sooks.

Goat's Heifer
I don't love this style and never buy it, but after a few years of Xmas Cases I can recognise those wheat beers I like and this was one of them. From memory it was a refreshing beer and seemed not too phenolic or fruity or tart: all the things that concern me when I drink a wit. Sorry I can't remember enough to do better a review.
Doogies Faux Kolsch
Good looking beer: amber to bronze, quite bright, well-carbonated with bubbly white head. Mine persisted unlike other reviewers'. Big estery aromas with a touch of spice. I would love something floral and hoppy in there too. The flavour starts quite full and malty (after reading another review I can taste diacetyl, through probably would have missed it otherwise) then squeezes out dry and tart. I really like the sensation of this beer: the way it feels full-bodied at first and then finishes dry and slightly tart. Makes it very drinkable.
Knocking off one or two nightcaps this evening,

chilla haze altbier:

Name is apt, looks like swimming in the Murray with a skinful at pre-dawn. Pours with a nice tight head that resides to a kiss on the side of the glass. Lovely malty aroma carries right through the palate to a nice hoppy flavour and moderately bitter finish. I get a little creamy butterscotch suggesting some diac. Beer served fairly cold and following a bottle of pinot.
Recharge's golden ale revisited:

Found half a PET of this in the bottom of my fridge. Still quite melony but some great orange flavour present on the first few sips. I would never have picked amarillo either.
Le Fridge Deuchar:

Aroma of citrus rind and burning tobacco, palate is moderately dry and quite sharp. Some cardboard on there but not to the extent where it detracts too much... it's almost nice in a sorta masochistic fashion. Also really reminds me of drinking la chouffe and smoking rollies at the dockside yesterday afternoon. Interesting contribution, barf. Keep it up.
Clay's APA

Pours with a good pillowy head. Mild haze and a colour roughly on the lighter side of Guest Lurker's urine (averaged out). Good balance between hop flavour and malt, I get the hops upfront yet there is some lovely sweet malt backing to meet it. Bitterness feels low. Flavour of banana, mango and gentle pine needles, chiefly mango. This is the second un-amarillo amarillo beer tonight, the first being the recharge repeat. I'm starting to struggle to remember what I think amarillo is supposed to taste like, then again I'm just plain starting to struggle.

PS very nice fresh pine on the reburp.
La kook de saison:

very pale beer that pours with an effervescent head. Had to drop the champers bottle into a pint, a half and a wine glass in one his so I could get to the dregs for reculture purposes.

This is the fourth saison I've had, the first three were all markedly different and this one matches the first one, which was incidentally a home brew jobbie of my own making. Quite hoppy, teetering between suiting the yeast and overbalancing it as the bitterness is quite upfront yet the beer is light, well attenuated and moderately tart & peppery. Also some nice esters on repeating.

I rated my saison as my favourite beer of the ones I've brewed. This saison comes fairly close to it but it's too heavily hopped to suit me.
Sheeesh, sounds like a big night Kai.
Randyrob IPA.
This made us sit up. It was the best of the evening. Was good colour and head with acceptable clarity. Was well balanced with the right amount of lingering hop bitterness without any of the harshness I got when I attempted the style.. Congratulations to the label designer. (and a full measure of 770ml as well!)
As an aside, I reckon you had a bit more than 36 IBU there. Would have come from that end of boil 100 gm. Williamette sitting in the hot wort. Do you counterflow chill? If so, that addition could be steeping happily for 30-40 minutes. Try chewing on a hop pellet. When you swallow, you will pick up plenty of bitterness and even if your Girl thinks youve a hot mouth, its still a lot cooler than your wort.

Heya Tony,

thanks for the interesting remarks/input. the willamette flowers were via a hopback then cfc.

Promash doesn't calculate any IBU's to flameout/hopback additions but you're right i've found that they definately add some IBU's.

Enjoy Rob.

Kai's CACA

mmm... a really good contribution to the case kai and that's being modest. a bit of spicy flavour/aroma and well hidden alcohol enjoyed everything about this beer.


Mike B Halfwit

poured gently with a small head but after a few sips it was nice and fluffy and would not disipate no matter how hard i tried, colour of ginger beer very mellow flavours but they were there


Goat Hefe

low on carbonation so i pour a bit more vigorously cause i like head on a hefe, looks the goods for me. all i have scrawled on my notes is cloves, cloves, cloves
they were a bit over the top for me but i'm sure most people wouldn't have a problem drinking it.

really enjoying the fact i can go to the fridge and i'm spoilt for choice with different styles of beers, it's crazy how everyone managed to brew different styles. i was expecting
a porter or a stout though since everyone is brewing them but hey it is summer and those styles of beers are the ones we want to be drinking. i'm guessing if we were to have a mid year case then there would be alot of winter style beers as compared to the ones being offered in this case.

Finished the box. Folks, I'm impressed. I just love this idea, and hats off for whoever originally came up with the concept. We really should do 2 a year I reckon - summer styles and winter styles. The recurring theme of champagne bottles, flash labels and great summer beers is a dangerous precedent, but it is a surefire winner. Thanks for including me in 2007.

Recharge Golden Ale
Pours cloudy amber, fine white head that dissipates. Caramel /toffee nose with orange/citrus notes. Small carbonic bite with a medium mouthfeel and some roundedness on the top palate. I'm thinking ~25-28 IBU'ish with some orange/grapefruit back palate and a dry finish. Like it better than the Squire version.

Beer by David
Pours hazed copper with thick 1" head. I get what I'm pretty sure is a sweet pineapple aroma (apologies here - tasting notes may be somewhat hazed), with a sharp carbonic bite that continues. Bitterness along side of palate from the front to back. Medium mouthfeel/roundedness with pineapple/grapefruit. Finish is firmly bitter, with carbonation that carries right through.

SimonW Amber Ale
Pours amber clouded colour with good head that persists. Smell of toffee with rockmelon(?), good bite, malt driven with a dark roasted finish. Mouthfeel medium, rounded on side of palate, finishing with a citrus bitterness at the 25-28 IBU'ish level married with a slight roastiness. Good finishing balance that adds to the complexity.

Amita's Wit
Golden straw colour, with firm pillowy head that sticks around tenaciously. Aroma of coriander and maybe a bit of unmalted wheat? Great carb levels in mouth that delivers citrus/coriander like a good wit should, but not overcarbed like it looks like it would be. Finishes crisp with some residual sweetness. Hop levels nice and low and balanced for the style. Happy with this, and when you have a mm of beer in the glass, and 2mm of head in the glass, that is an impressive feat. Nice job.

TonyM Justanor Dinnary Ale
Hazed amber/copper colour pouring with thin white head that suggests an English style. Sweet malt that is present but not overpowering, in line with hopping that makes me think of a can of Golden Circle Fruit Salad. Sharp bite on front palate delivers a medium bodied malt driven beer with an English bitterness (EKG). I still smell the fruit salad, but I'm not tasting it - think my palate is done! Restrained from all sides which gives a balanced beer I'm sure I would smash several of come a slightly cooler eve.

Mika's Xmas Beer
Pours nut brown with a hint of ruby, 1" head that setttels to a persistent 5mm. Aroma of malt and some alcohol (more notable second glass when warmed), I think I'm getting a bit of cinnamon on the nose, and maybe ginger on the palate, but it could be that I'm expecting it. Could up these levels a bit maybe (used to non-subtle flavours now...). Fullish mouthfeel that I'm learning to expect from MO or GP, tastes like it finshed 1.025-1.030. The IBU levels are very balanced; doesn't taste 40 IBU. I'm getting warm alcohol on the nose when it's cold, and on the back palate when it's warm. Drinking OK now, but would be really interesting to put one away for 12 months and see how it ends. Did I mention that I keep thinking of one thing and getting another? I'm happy to be surprised, especially at the end of a night to finish a case.
If the grand convener is tempted to do a mid-year case to give the opportunity for winter beers to shine through, then I would happily support it. I'd even bring 2 litres of oil.
And while I'm here, the sinkster's divine hammer:

Very dark with some nice ruby highlight. No head retention but I'm going to blame my glass. Aroma of caramel, licorice, mild plum and slight autolysis... I only get the last after drinking a somewhat autolytic wheat of my own making, and I don't detect it as I get into the beer. Flavour is a splendid representation of tart chewy licorice. The tartness is reminiscent of sour raspberry. The saliva glands are flowing freely.

Overall it's definitely licorice to me, it actually makes me hungry. I'm having trouble placing it as anything stylewise apart from big, ballsy and awesome. I think if I had the option then I'd have give my bottle a few months in the cellar to think about life, though.
Tony M's Ju Stanor Dinarydinn Erale:

Opened and poured overcarbed, took a few deft twists of the wrist to get the glass properly topped up. The aroma off mine is very clean and neutral with nothing bar a mild carbonic hint. I can see where ant is coming from on the golden circle but the flavour is quite mild. Some great belgian lace on the side of the glass. Good balance leaning towards bitterness. I'm probably having trouble after the hammer and the peanut butter sandwich I just ate, but this seems fairly mild and clean. I'll quite confidently say that it's eminently quaffable though.
Perhaps I am a diacetyl tragic, and I'm beginning to suspect as such, but I get a little off the second pour of tony's ordinary dinner ale after leaving the bottle out on the bench between glasses. It's not out of place though and still a splendid beer. The extra warmth brings out a little more crystal-esque caramel too, as I get into it.