Nsw Xmas Case 2007 - Consumption

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Into the last beers - the heavies. had a few today so thought I'd try the last of the swaps.

Muggus - Amoured Hawk.

Reviewing this without reading anyone else comments (first)

This beer picked me up and smacked me in the mouth. Hop flavour so strong my first thought was "lemonade" - a Cascade based hop ?? Really lemony / citrusy, if that makes sense. As I got more into it, started to really enjoy it. No real aroma depth to support the taste. Quite annoyed when bottle empty. I won't make a beer like this as not my style, but its good to drink one and enjoy it for what it was. Thanks.

Oblomov - Belgium Dark Strong Ale.

No real aroma to the nose. Head died real quick but still a bit of carbonation there. Love the ruby red colour.

Not a great fan of this type of beer, but if drinking this I reckon it belongs in a small glass drunk with rich red meat. I say that because there is nothing wrong with this beer, its just I'm drinking this in a session when it should be treated with more respect. Though as it gets warmer, it tastes better and better ..

Thanks men for your beers.

Only bottles left - the stouts - KillerRx4, Monkeybusiness and nOOch and Kabooby's Dubbel.

Bring on the weekend.
apologies for slackness in posting prompt reviews over the last few weeks. Anyway here goes with what i recall (sorry for the brevity):

Tony - loved the shagger - big hop presence but really well supported by the malt - loved it.
Muggus - I really enjoyed the armoured hawk
Kabooby - any chance of your recipe?
Oblomov - where's the recipe?
goatherder - yours was the 1st Czech Dark Lager I've tried. fantastic richness and complexity - again where's the recipe?

Unfortunately I have had several others which had noticible phenolics and bandaid notes, which impacted on the enjoyment of some nice beers.

Just got the keiths farmhouse & the stouts left, but I don't feel like drinking stout in this hot weather.

based on the above impressions, i think I need to make some dark ales in readiness for winter, so please post your recipes :)
7 - KillerRx4's JZ Oatmeal Stout

The bottle gushed so it took a while to pour a glass. Once poured the beer was very black, hardly letting any light through. The big tan head stood up well at the start and retreated as the glass emptied. Toasty malt in the aroma with a little roast. Wonderful smooth flavour, malty from start to finish with a nice touch of chocolatey roast towards the end. The body and bitternes are great. The carb is too high, giving a prickly mouthfeel which detracts a little from the smooth flavour. Great easy drinking stout thanks KillerRx4, excellent drinking.
Went camping with a mate and the mrs'es on the long weekend, and took a few beers down for my own consumtion (he is a die hard VB fan - even at age 28!) Anyway, I obviously took no notes, and the sun was beating, the surf was PUMPING, and I couldn't be arsed I am afraid! I quite enjoyed all the beers I took, so here they are from memory.

#10 somebodies Blonde Lager (no offense to whoever it is, a cockroach ate the name after a drop of beer spilled on my printout! Brewer maybe?)
Anyway, it was a nice pale lager, plenty of flavour, and thoroughly enjoyable. Sadly my friend accidentally kicked over my second glass, but I really enjoyed it.

#11 Punters Summer Blonde
Again, a pale coloured beer with heaps of character, some citrusiness (from memory) and it was really easy to drink. I enjoyed it very much, sorry I cannot offer more detailed notes.

#13 floppinab's English Bitter
Being in the HAG swap, I MAY have accidentally gotten the 2 beers mixed up. The beer poured quite a nice dark colour, probabll a little dark for a bitter, but still very nice looking. Medium-high bitterness, and very drinkable, a beer I quite enjoyed, but it was smoky. Really smoky. I had drank a sweeter beer before it, so I could be wrong, but the only thing that makes me thing I effed up, was that number 13 in the HAG case is a smoked porter. If I didnt eff up, it was a bit smokey, but quite enjoyable. If I DID eff up, I will post the review again when I drink the "real" one.

#24 MVZoom's Clayton Koelsch
I had drank a few beers before this one, so luckily I got 2 in my case, but it seemed fairly nice. I have to say, though, that it seemed to have a real residual sweetness that detracted from the overall beer. I will do a better review when I have it on a clean palate.

All the best
4 - Barramundi's Swapale

A nice pale golden colour, brilliantly clear and a coarse white head which faded quickly. Some fruity hop aromas are present, as is some background malt. There is some nice leading hop flavour in the beer and a thinnish malt through to the finish. The bitterness is moderate and reasonably balanced. The carbonation is great and the mouthfeel makes for great drinking. Thanks Barra, a great easy drinking beer for a Friday arvo. Cheers.
15 (underlined). Oblomov - Belgian Dark Strong Ale - WLP500 - Bottled 29-SEP, ABV 8.0% - ready to drink

I poured it in my big mouthed WA belgian challice. Nice easy pour, tight creamy head. This beer was not highly carbed but held a better head than any beer i have had in this glass.

The beer smelt of rich dark fruits and slight hints of chocolate.

in the nouth it was a bit sweet, bordering on cloying for me but was very drinkable. A bit more carb would have fixed this...... and perhaps slightly more attenuation.

Not so much yeast aroma or flavour but some fenels there that were sweet and flaversome.

a very enjoyable beer and if you dont mind i will pour the second glass now and enjoy!

Oblomov's Belgian Strong Dark and kabooby's Dubbel

Unfortunately I don't have a good review for either of you. I took both bottles to a mate's place last night. I can say however, that both beers were outstanding. Oblomov's had a great yeast profile, loads of complex dark fruit type malt character and was perfectly balanced. kabooby's was also top shelf - nice and dry but with a big complex malty middle, way too easy to drink. In between these two we had a bottle of Murray's Grand Cru - I'm happy to say your beers stood shoulder to shoulder with it. Brilliant drinking thanks fellas.
#15 (no line). goatherder - Czech Dark Lager (Wyeast 2001) 5.1% abv. bottled 17/11/2007

Served chilled in glass.
Good nose packed with roasted grain, dark chocolate and burnt character, a touch of vanilla and bready yeast, quite nice. Pours a ruby highlighted black body with thick light tan head and lace. Creamy texture, lean body, decent carbonation, a bit of sharpness possibly from the roasted malt. Roasted flavours dominate the body, bitter chocolate, a touch of dark roast coffee, some burnt flavour in there, sweet vanilla flavour towards a dry finish. Very nice, cheers Goatherder!

#20. Trent - Brown Porter

Served chilled in glass.
Dark brown body with a slight reddish glow, smallish off-white creamy head. Mild aroma, hints of roasted and slightly sweet toffee-like maltiness, a doughy sort of note in there too. Moderately low carbonation, smooth texture, not too dense, slightly drying throughout. Mild roasted coffee flavours on the body, some nice nuttiness and sweetening toffee maltiness. Finishes quite dry, not too much bitterness with a bready yeast note. Nice and smooth, goes down a treat. Good one Trent, cheers!
Monkeybusiness # 23 Stout

I like this Adrian. Had a stubby of Guinness to start the attack on the blacks. Then yours. Lost nothing in taste, visually no hope. Head disappeared on pouring, a malty sweet taste that I like in a black. If this was to be session beer, a touch less sweetness, a touch more bitter and I'd have it on tap any day. Maybe undercarbed that gives it that sweetness. Easy to pour down the gullet, not heavy at all. Overall, I reckon you might be a touch dissapointed in this beer, but tweek this recipe and I reckon this could be a great beer. I'd like to have a go brewing it - we'll discuss this over a brewing session some time this year !

Edit : next bit

KillerRx4's JZ Oatmeal Stout.

Well if the Monkeybusiness foreign extra stout was under carbed, it could have borrowed something from KillerRx4's JZ Oatmeal Stout. Bloody thing opened fined, but wouldn't stop bleeding suds (but only after I poured the first glass. Never seen that before - maybe the coldness kept it under control. More head than an .. no won't say, get into enough trouble as is. Flavour - lovely. After the malty sweetness of the previous bottle, this has that tartish burnt flavour expected. Real easy to open and pour, so to speak. Despite the bottle activity, well behaved in the glass (a large 500ml handled mug) and not overly carbonated tasted - guess lost all its kinetic energy in the bottle. Every mouthful tastes better (as the temperature starts to rise). Overall, this beer is like an unexpected but enjoyable road trip! tah mate.

Edit : next next bit .. tonight's last taste

# 26 nOOch's Foreign Extra Stout

You know you are drinking a good beer when you drink it and when the bottle ends, you looked confused at the bottle and can't work out why the bottle is empty. Nice nOoch. Cannot think of a negative (ten minutes after bottle emptied)

Three very different beers, all labelled as stout. Each very enjoyable. each very different.

No wonder case swaps are such bloody good ideas !

Edit next next next bit.

Last of the case swap. A teary farewll to something I have really enjoyed.

# 12 Kabooby's Belgium Dubbel.

I'm weak. Should go to bed, but got the taste - plus ABC local playing a Led Zeppelin (tribute) session. Too early to sleep - bring out the last contestant. After 3 stouts, this probably silly, but funny enough, an inspired choice. Really enjoyable. Not as heavy as expected, but a great late night drink. Simple colour.

Z ship. They were the freighters Germany sent out to sea that looked liked merchantmen but were armed to the teeth. This looks innocuous but tastes great. Get the alcohol flavour thingy but but this beer is good. Onto second schooner .. deserves to be drunk at a better hour, but isn't.

Good stuff man. Thanks

Case now gone, much thanks to all who contributed. You are gentlemen.
#7. KillerRx4 - JZ Oatmeal stout (WLP002)

Served chilled in glass.
Got a bit of a gusher, managed to salvage most of it luckily. Pours a black near-opaque body with some tan foam that eventually dies. Solid hit of roasted malt on nose, dark chocolate and roasted coffee. Carbonation is decent, body probably a bit lean for a stout but fitting, slightly creamy. Nice roasted malts on the body, dark chocolate certainly stands out, heavy roasted/burnt coffee, some slight vinous berry fruitiness as it warms. Smooth, mildly bitter finish. Enjoyed this beer alot despite the gushing, thanks Killer!

#23. Monkeybusiness - something like a foreign extra stout

Served chilled in glass.
Pours a sinfully black body with dying tan bubbles leaving a collar. A touch of rich dark chocolate on the nose, has a port-like quality to it, some alcohol detectable. Low carbonation, dense body with an oily texture working is way smoothly down the throat. Good balance of malt sweetness with bitter roasted malt flavours, plenty of dark chocolate and burnt nuts, some nice port-like fruitiness, drying with a touch espresso on a lingering finish. I'd like to know how strong this bad boy is! The low carbonation and dense body seems to give an 'after-dinner' beer vibe, which feels wierd at 5 in the arvo after a long day of work. Enjoyed immensely regardless, rich and smooth, cheers!

#26. n00ch - Foreign Extra Stout (Wyeast 1084)

Served chilled in glass.
Chunk laden black body with sizeable tan foam. Bready aroma, some roasted malts in there with a touch of sweetness. Well carbonated, full body, slight creaminess. Nutty flavour most prominant, burnt malt, bread, has an astrigent sort of bitterness, finishes relatively abruptly. Probably a bit overcarbonated, but still nice. Thanks n00ch!
Well my case has now gone. Just want to say thanks to everyone for sharing their beers....will definately be in on another swap. Depending on Stuster of course :p . Big thanks to Stuart for taking mine up and down from Sydney. I did take notes half way through but the wife moved it, filed it, probably lost it. There were some pearlers, some gushers, some strange tastes. Im **** at taking notes, especially when im on the turps. I usually forget. All in all I thoroughly enjoyed them. I think the stand out beer for me was Trents Brown Porter. I didnt have the best setting whilst drinking this (sat on deck in 35 degree heat). I could imagine sitting in front of my old wood fired stove in the middle of a Canberra winter drinking this little bewdy. Goatherders Czech Dark lager was also a pearler. Will definately give that one a burl. There was one summer blonde or blonde lager - cant remember as my son took the sticker off which I thoroughly enjoyed one hot saturday afternoon. Then came the 2 belgians....wow...never had a belgian before...blew me bloody socks off. Magnificent flavours. These beers are a whole new world for me. Tonys sheep shagger was a ripper to drink but now I am not surprised why you were asking me how to get a clear beer. Tony...yours was like pond water :lol: Stusters summer ale, I couldnt believe reading that this didnt have any cascade, amarillo or chinook hops in it? Certainly tasted like it to me. Nice quaffer. Redbeards English bitter - bloody corker. My type of beer. I ended up with 2 stouts from KillerRx4 (I think)...both were gushers so wasted half the bottle. Tasty once it had settled down though. I didnt end up getting any of SJWs beers. Anyway thats my memory blank for this afternoon.
Cheers all for sharing. Until next time eh Stuster.

P.S. My number 9 - Nelsons Bastard Ale was pretty special too! Although I did actually prefer it when it was younger..instead of 3 months old.
Sorry about that Steve, You did not miss much mate. As I remember there was a balls up on swap day. As I was one of the last to get there half of the cases were made up assuming there would be 28 swappers but there was only 27. Anyway if you ever up this way drop me a line and drop in for some roadies.

#12. Kabooby - Belgian Dubbel (WLP550)

Served chilled in glass.
Woah, I thought it'd grabbed the wrong beer when I poured a hazycopper body with a rim of tight lace, but one whiff of the aroma told me otherwise; vanilla, dried fruits, (figs and dates?) some honey/toffee/biscuity malt sweetness, nothing overpowering, well balanced. Dense body, low carbonation, syrupy and sticky, quite sweet without being cloying. Nice honeyish biscuit malt upfront, dried fruit flavours throughout, the odd bit of citrus tang, finishes with a dry woody vanilla note. Fantastic brew Kabooby, big fan of the style and I rate this highly. Thanks alot!

#15(underlined). Oblomov - Belgian Dark Strong Ale (WLP500)

Served chilled in glass.
Fantastically rich aroma vinous dried fruits, dark malts, sultanas and dark chocolate probably most prominantly, deeply complex and compelling, but i'm probably not maKIng a great deal of sense right now. Hazy deep dark brown body with dense offwhite lace and head. Creamy texture and carbonation, dense body, a definitive bitter kick at the end. Certainly a joy to drink, lovely raisin-like fruitiness lending some sweetness that is balanced by a good blast of dark chocolate malt, yet theres so much more; plums, prunes, vanilla, stonefruit seed, with a red wine tannic element in there. Absolutely brilliant, one of the best beers i've tried in a long time. Definately an adventure beer and I enjoyed the ride. Thank you so much for sharing this experience Oblomov!

...only one more to go :blink:
Finally got around to trying the last (but not least) of the case...

Brew #19. Keith - Australian Farmhouse Ale (with extra alcohol, Wyeast 3711 VSS French Saison)

Served chilled in glass.
Woah! Serious gusher! Managed to salvage half the bottle. The foam quickly dies down into a thick syrupy teak containing the odd chunk. Spicy aroma, pepper and clove in there, brown sugar, some woodiness and alcohol. Full mouth, clingy with sweetness, carbonation oddly restrained, somehow reminds me of a dessert wine. Quite alot going on flavour-wise; muscat-like vinous dried fruit, woody spice, bitter orange marmalade, sweet brown sugar, quite prominant alcohol lingering and warmning on the finish. Not sure what to think of this; each sip brings forth something new. Very intriguing, cheers Keith!
When you going to start organising the NSW Xmas in July case Stuster

As long as there is no APA or kit beers. Maybe if we make a list of 28 different beers and everyone takes one, that way we dont end up with a heap of the same stuff.
