Nsw Xmas Case 2007 - Consumption

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How's about now then? :D

Steve, you really don't think kit beers should be allowed? I think it's good to let everybody try out, and kit beers can certainly make very reasonable dark beers (especially Imperial Stouts. ;) ).

I'll start a new thread if everyone's ok with that.
Kabooby's dubbel.

On the light end of the range for colour, a warm amber. The warmth continued into the aroma, with a good mix of very Belgian phenolics and light esters. Fruity flavours, combined with a rich sweet maltiness worked well with the warming alcohol. I was struck by the smoothness of the beers as well, probably partly the few months of aging, but it was very well done anyway. One tiny criticism was that I found the beer a bit too sweet after about half of it, and I'd say it could with increasing the bitterness a touch and/or cut back on the specialty malts a bit. But that's only a small issue. Overall, I thought this was a very nice beer and enjoyed it greatly. :super: :chug:
21 - Thommo's Cream Ale

Pale golden in colour, a touch hazy with a smallish course head which retreated back to a persistant collar. The aroma was strong band-aids, not a good sign. A quick taste confirmed the diagnosis - very sour, an obvious infection. Bummer Thommo, I've enjoyed your beers in the past so I'm looking forward to your next case beer.
23 - monkeybusiness' FES

Inky black with no light penetrating, this is a very dark beer. The head is fine and small and off-white in colour. The aroma is big vegemite, kind of meaty with a bit of sweet malt in behind. The flavour leads with some esters, a little tartness followed by a big smooth roasty malt experience. The beer is a little out of balance towards the sweet side but is still drinkable. The carb is low but doesn't detract too much - makes it feel a little more UK. Nice work thanks monkeybusiness.
Drinking n00chs FES now, seeings I'm here I might as well post it up.

Opened with a big big fsssstttt, and then out she came, a gusher. Clearly not infected just quite overcarbed.

OK, lovely burnt caramel/toffee aroma with some buscuity tones in there as well, some fruit pops through as the beer warms up. Jet black, tar black, bat black, black hole black......... did I tell you I can't see through the beer, with a few hop floatys to remind you you are drinking real beer!!!!
Carbonic bittyness tends to overpower although past that very smooth burnt roastiness with a subtle bitterness that pulls up rather quickly. Some alcohol there but passes through very smoothly, medium/almost med-lite body, a very drinkable beer for something of this style. Nicely done n00ch, I haven't made any big black beers myself but after having a few of some mates I suspect picking the end of ferment is tricky which maybe (?) has resulted in the overcarbing, particularly if you are fermenting at good/low ale temps then the bottle sits at 25+ deg. summer temps for a while.
Gents , i know im months late on this one , but ive only just got around to reading through the reviews, thanks to those that left notes on my beer , those of you who know me will know ive had a **** of a six months or so , so please all accept my apologies for not leaving reviews on your beers , those of which i have had from this swap have been up to the usual high standard , sadly i "lost" half of them in a milk crate vs concrete accident whilst moving my gear back to melbourne , garage floor had a fantastic smell to it for a couple of days ...

again thanks for the kind words on my beer , sorry to crozdog for the band aid taste , dunno what happened there, and again apologies for my lack of reviews on your fine brews ....