Sandgroper Xmas 2007 Recipes And Tasting

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Doogies Kolsch

Pours slightly hazy dark gold with a long lasting medium white head. High carbonation. Honey & diacetyl aroma, with some slight malty/bready notes. Flavour starts buttery, with a bready flavour mid palate. Finishes dry and slightly acidic. Body a little thin and watery. Suspect a pediococcus infection due to diacetyl and acidity. I can tell there is a nice malty kolsch under there, but unfortunately it's hidden by other flavours.

Sorry about that bloke !
That would be my first infected brew :( (glad it wasn't the batch but disapointed that I inflicted it on you bloke !). Sorry to those who have had less than satisfactory carbonation. It was my first attempt at filling from the keg, back to bulk priming bottles next time...

Ok time for a couple of tastes :

Goats Hefe
This is one of the first times I have got to taste a fresh example of the style. The Erdingers that make their way here are generally cactus by the time I get my mitts on them.
Lovely ! A nice up front tartness from the wheat gently holding hands with the carbolic bite :wub: , a slight breadiness on the palate but not out of place. A very refreshing drop. Thanks Goat !

Tony's Justanordinaryale.
Yeah what Rob said. I think the thing that struck me about this was the balance. It's what I think of when the term 'neck oil' is used. Everything was nicely in it's place, the carbonation was spot on and as Tony said the smoothness of the hops was fantastic. Nothing ordinary about this bloke or if it is I'm looking forward to tasting some of your extraordinary brews ! Thanks bloke !

Guys this is just fantastic. It's great coming home and grabbing a new bottle and paying a bit more attention to whats going on with taste etc.
Happy days !

Clay APA

medium carb, laced the glass, very easy to chug, tasted the goods and a single hopped beer! good work tiger :)


Ausdb's Dirty Blonde

low carb, little or no head, huge bitterness more than suggested on the bottle, very muddy think i must have got the last bottle, had a nice aroma and flavour with some sweet caramel notes.


ok on the second glass now and i was going to force carb the bottle but realised it was bottle conditioned so i blended it
50/50 with a aussie ale i currently have on tap.

WOW what a differance that made, it's like i've struck GOLD this is almost how i imagened it to be, can really taste whats
going on now the bitterness is almost halved! cheers darren.

Ausdb's Dirty Blonde
low carb, little or no head, huge bitterness more than suggested on the bottle, very muddy think i must have got the last bottle, had a nice aroma and flavour with some sweet caramel notes.

ok on the second glass now and i was going to force carb the bottle but realised it was bottle conditioned so i blended it
50/50 with a aussie ale i currently have on tap.

WOW what a differance that made, it's like i've struck GOLD this is almost how i imagened it to be, can really taste whats
going on now the bitterness is almost halved! cheers darren.

Good name Rob I'll remember that for next time as it seems like that Mojo still has a way to go, I drank a couple of bottles last week and was actually ashamed that I had foisted that little effort on you all. I can't work out what went on with the bottle conditioning, when I bottled the beer from primary it was crystal clear when you pour it out of the bottle it is flat and muddy. I'll blame that on the coopers carb lollies.

On the bitterness thing that has been a pretty standard comment too, I got pretty liberal with the hop pellets at end of boil and then put some more in the hopback for good measure. Obviously too much good measure plus I didn't take into account the old promash "ghost in the machine understating end of boil IBU calcs" Oh well the feedback is appreciated and the new years resolution is to brew something massive before July so I don't have to worry about it in December just dust off the bottles.
You have been warned :ph34r:
Sorry about that bloke !
That would be my first infected brew :( (glad it wasn't the batch but disapointed that I inflicted it on you bloke !). Sorry to those who have had less than satisfactory carbonation. It was my first attempt at filling from the keg, back to bulk priming bottles next time...

No problem Doug. As I said, it could have come from the bottle cap if it was reused? It had no seal so it is probably a suspect. At least from reading everyone elses notes it looks like it was simply a one-off bottling issue rather than a batch issue. It can happen to anyone :)
Actually...I was meaning to post this a while ago...

Doogies Kolsch

I got the thin, watery taste that you describe Kook. Didn't get any infection flavours though. I thought it was darker than a Kolsch should be and no where near as I dug up a bottle of Reissdorf Kolsch. Admittedly it had been sitting in the fridge for a while (~6months maybe ?) was brilliantly clear, maybe it was the lagering. I didn't get any of the winey tastes that people talk about coming from the Kolsch yeast, all I got was the taste I associate with German pils malt as used by Heineken, Paulaner, Weinstaphner and the such. So in that case, while I didn't like your Kolsch doug, I think it's probably not far of style, needs to be a lot more golden, a fair bit clearer and have some more carb and you're there.

Half Lucky APA

I was dissapointed by this one, to be honest. When I first opened I got all those usual citrus aromas, first taste was of this lovely dark extremely malty explosion..amazing...and then it dissappeared :( I don't know, maybe the beer would have been too much with that strong a malt all the way thru, but it would have been interesting to try. After that the rest of the beer had a great malt backbone, probably the strongest I've experienced in any APA. Usual lovely citrus flavours, and carbonation was one of the best in the case thus far. Personally I would have liked it a bit bolder, it was very well balanced, but I'd like more background bitterness and more malt and more aroma and just MORE !!

Kai's CACA

Interesting...very interesting. I was suprised by the residual sweetness, it seemed very in balance where generally I'd like my own beers to finish a couple of points higher, it's made me think about my mash temps a bit. Maybe it was just that fluffy corn crud that you brewed it with, but I liked it. I can also appreciate why you like that Glacier hop, it added a nice dimension. I couldn't describe the taste though, I kinda agreed with the cream soda analogy that SimonW made while Meaghan picked Orange Poppyseed Muffin and I could see that as well. Think this might have to go into rotation on the brewlist as well.

BTW; Kai had a big influence on the recipe for my entry to this years case to which I owe him a public thank you...even if I ballsed it up and the spice didn't come thru...that was my part of it of course :rolleyes:

Tony's Ordinary Ale

Ok...I did drink
I remember it being far from Ordinary, I liked it, I seem to recall a lot of dark carmael kinda tastes, though I could be confusing it :huh: Something happened and I never got to finish the other half. Bit upset about that, sorry Tony

GL's Brambling Cross

Didn't get a lot of malt back ground to this....from what I remember <_< It was late in the session and I usually don't do that with 'special' beers. Really intense blackcurrant, raisiny type of flavour going on, seemed to drive the beer and I wasn't that excited about it. Still a nice beer.

I'm sure I drunk someone else's in there as well, but I can't figure out who's. I'll check the stocks later and if I find the notes I was scribbling down I'll update the descriptions to reflect.
No problem Doug. As I said, it could have come from the bottle cap if it was reused? It had no seal so it is probably a suspect. At least from reading everyone elses notes it looks like it was simply a one-off bottling issue rather than a batch issue. It can happen to anyone :)

I drank Fletch's bottle last night and although I am not sure I would recognise ped, there was no diacetyl, no off tastes, and it was the same as the one in my case.
Sinkas Divine Hammer

Out of my comfort zone here - there is a first time for everything - no experience with festive beers at all.

Deep Red/Amber hues, surpisingly good carbonation just no head. Smells of candy apples. Has an oily mouthfeel - i guess the 10% contributes to this.

Candy, treacle, toffee characters - appealing sweetness which hid the alcohol well. Excessive length on the palate which shows all sorts of fruitcake flavours. There is also a tart puckering mid palate which complements the huge malt hit.

Appealing - festive - reminded me of sticky date pudding - actually would probably go well with a sticky date or something.

Edit - when this warmed up it took on Muscat flavours - like a sweet wine.


Kai's CACA

Interesting...very interesting. I was suprised by the residual sweetness, it seemed very in balance where generally I'd like my own beers to finish a couple of points higher, it's made me think about my mash temps a bit. Maybe it was just that fluffy corn crud that you brewed it with, but I liked it. I can also appreciate why you like that Glacier hop, it added a nice dimension. I couldn't describe the taste though, I kinda agreed with the cream soda analogy that SimonW made while Meaghan picked Orange Poppyseed Muffin and I could see that as well. Think this might have to go into rotation on the brewlist as well.

BTW; Kai had a big influence on the recipe for my entry to this years case to which I owe him a public thank you...even if I ballsed it up and the spice didn't come thru...that was my part of it of course :rolleyes:

Thanks mika, I definitely owe you thanks for the brewery loan too. I think it made a good beer :) BTW it was Tassie Saaz not Glacier in the CACA, first time I'd used them and I was pleased with the result. I've got a Glacier beer here right now, not a very good one but I'll see if I can save a bottle against the next time our paths cross.
Yeah...there's a mash paddle that need some holes in it isn't there ?

Tas saaz eh ? Show's you how good I am at this :rolleyes:

Divine Mallet

Carbonation, yay, persistent head (the way I like it B) ) Big molasses flavours, the missus seemed to reckon Golden Syrup...but I still tend more towards molasses. BIG beer, I glass was an effort, two glasses a mission, the remaining 1/4 of a glass or whatever got left in the bottle. It'd be a nice beer in the middle of winter, but in the summer afternoon when it's still over 30degs, it just didn't suit (says the brewer who made a 9% Christmas beer for the case...onya Mika...shoulda thought about that a bit more :huh: )
BTW...this stuffed me...I don't know what the alcohol percentage was, but it's a fair bit more than I'm used to, felt a little tender today at work and I only had a couple from the keg before trying this one.
Chilla's Altbier

The first time I opened this there was no pssssst - took it out of the fridge - left if for 2 weeks - a squeeze confirmed it was all good.

Just been for a swim - so my taste buds are a little salty.

Little bit murky - can smell the sweet nutty malt aromas. Excellent carbonation - I love this style. Malt driven, good length, slightly nutty/biscuity notes. Maybe could be a bit drier but on the whole very appealing.

2 to go I think.

Yeah...there's a mash paddle that need some holes in it isn't there ?

Don't worry, we've got all year. I should have it perfected by then ;)
Clay's APA
Perfect Carbonation for my taste with a tightly packed head which lasted to the end. First pour was fairly clear. Aroma and flavour was Amarillo driven as you would expect and reminded me how much I love that Hop :rolleyes: . A thoroughly enjoyable drop Clay, was disappointed when I ran out.

Mike B's Halfwit
Light and spritzy. Again, a great long lasting head. Very refreshing and has given me some more motivation to play with some lighter strength Ales. Thanks Mike !


Doogies Kolsch

I got the thin, watery taste that you describe Kook. Didn't get any infection flavours though. I thought it was darker than a Kolsch should be and no where near as I dug up a bottle of Reissdorf Kolsch. Admittedly it had been sitting in the fridge for a while (~6months maybe ?) was brilliantly clear, maybe it was the lagering. I didn't get any of the winey tastes that people talk about coming from the Kolsch yeast, all I got was the taste I associate with German pils malt as used by Heineken, Paulaner, Weinstaphner and the such. So in that case, while I didn't like your Kolsch doug, I think it's probably not far of style, needs to be a lot more golden, a fair bit clearer and have some more carb and you're there.

PS Mika, Sorry to hear you didn't enjoy my Kolsch. Honestly, I have never tasted a commercial version in my life (excepting the Colonial Spruikers Gold which Randall even admits is not strictly to style). Bloke, I just brewed a batch earlier last year, enjoyed it and thought is was worth sharing. :)
SimonW's Amber Ale
I had this with the remnant's of Little Creature's 'The Knowledge' still drifing around my palate and I was suprised at the similarity of the malt profiles :icon_cheers: . A lovely beer Simon, carbonation was perfect for me with a persistant head lasting through both glasfulls. Nice round medium large malt profile slightly dominant over a nice combo of hop bitterness/ aroma. This one went down very quickly indeed unfortunately. Good stuff Simon !
Cheers Doogs, I had one of my few remaining stubbies last night and it has really improved over the last one I had a month ago. The dark malts have mellowed and allowed the hop aroma and flavour to poke through a bit more, I was kinda thinking a Rogers' on steroids while I was drinking it. It's a keeper, tho I might back off a bit on the 4.5% of CaraAroma next time...
PS Mika, Sorry to hear you didn't enjoy my Kolsch. Honestly, I have never tasted a commercial version in my life (excepting the Colonial Spruikers Gold which Randall even admits is not strictly to style). Bloke, I just brewed a batch earlier last year, enjoyed it and thought is was worth sharing. :)

No need to be sorry dude, just don't do it again !!


That was just my take on it, other people seem to have enjoyed it and after all I'm just a fussy bastard. I even took a negative slant on Rob's APA which was a pretty damn good beer.
Mike B's Belgian Wit

Delicate - In a word

Certainly was white - good carb - very pleasant bready yeasty nose. I got ginger and spice on the palate - slight bitterness/tartness on the aftertaste but I liked this beer.

IMHO this is a well crafted effort - the definite lightness (OG 27 FG 08) makes for a light, pleasant, very clean beer.

Mika's Xmas Beer 2007

This one has been under my floorboards since the case swap. Brought it out tonight to accompany that old chestnut Terminator II.

Fantastic head for a beer of 9%. I poured my glass then let it sit for 5 minutes and instead of dissipating like such a whopper should, the head just packed down dense and thick. It was still thick half way down the glass. Not over-carbed, though. It looks bronze and burnished, a little coca cola about it and just a little cloudy. The aroma is fruity esters (over ripe melon, maybe lychees) and alcohol. It really tastes like a monster, huge belly of malt, fat and sweet, brandied fruit cake, creamy mouthfeel, hypnotic and lovely. I really get into a great grand ale and this one is probably still getting better in the bottle. Might be improved with even more bitterness to hold back the malt (40 IBU you reckon?) Nevertheless, a most enjoyable beer. There is no way I will stay awake till the end of T2.
whoops not a very god shot of the labe;l but u get tat eh