Well after 2+month hiatus from brewing and forum trawling due to work commitments, fertility treatment, triathlon training and preparations for major home rennos. Check out the pic of our yard.. Bless the earthmoving contractor that even after having an initial site survey a month ago, he still managed to bust the lids on the first day and we now have open septics with spandeck sheets covering them for another 2-3days..stinky poos up our way.
Anyway, Im back..
I can only give hazy recollections of the chrissy case as my memory is as reliable as a gold fishs.
Vlads Another top ale with many layers of flavours fruitiness, spiciness, sweetness and otherness-nesses..I dont recall hoppyness?
Tonys Top example of an English ale that I managed to serve at the correct temperature(EG: Not freezing cold). Plenty of crystally goodness balanced nicely with some variety of English hops. Again, the memory is cactus so apologies for vague descriptions..
Roger Mellies Top beer with wonderful aroma n flavour of the latest Saaz incarnation(C or D?).
Goats Hefe One of the finest homebrewed weizens Ive tried(Sitting alongside Ashers weizen he brewed using a recipe inspired by the recipe on the Weyermann site). Top effort in achieving a good balance of wheat tartness, fruity goodness and phenolics.
Ashers NS Ale Tidy ale from the king of lagerland. NS ales seem to taste grapefruity and have a kind of acidity that makes a cracking thirst quencher when youve been hard at work watching the boxing day test on the couch.
Deebees Another deebee ripper from the man that thinks outside the square/circle or rectangle(EG: Not style guidelines restricted, just thinks what will taste good together). I remember Amarillo n malt and quite dark. Father in law enjoyed it too.
GL's - Tidy english brew, never played with BC hops or had much to do with them. Very tastey.
All of the high octane and Belgian numbers are tucked away and I will give a more definitive review when I find the perfect moment to imbibe.
A side not regarding the chilla haze Altbier. I am pretty sure I mixed up my base malts when I brewed my chrissy case. I accidentally used Kirin in the chrissy case Alt and JW Trad ale in the house weizen. Well I can only assume the superdry weizen and full bodied Alt is down to this very reason.refer label regarding brewers inventory management skills..
Cheers all for your reviews and tasty beers and apologies for going AWOL for a few months, life gets in the way of brewing sometimes..