I have been drinkin' just not postin'...yet
Ashers NS Summer Ale
Good carbonation, not OTT. Hazier than your usual offerings and the Nelson Sauvin was fairly light to the version I had from keg at your brewday. It's a weird hop, comes thru real strong when young and mellows out so much as it gets some age to it, at least that's what I've found. The summer ale part seemed to fit the bill, nothing standing out, just a real nice beer.
Beer by David
I like the level of carbonation and drunk it straight away. Really nice creamy fine bubbled head that persisted. Nice initial malty sweetness, then the bitterness takes over and finishes it off, not a lingering bitterness though, great balance.
I was expecting a slightly heavier tasting beer than the colour suggested, hop aroma I picked as some kind of noble (checked the recipe and there's the saaz). Really nice beer, love the balance, might give the recipe a spin
"Doctor's scribble" Hefeweizen Is this Goats ?
Basically...not a fan. I got very light carbonation, aroma seemed in place but the rest of the beer was thin,watery, seemed to have some of the right flavours but all too subtle, I personally like my Hefe's a lot bolder. It has been lagering in my shed over Christmas and that probably didn't do it any favours, but I'd suggest that my version was past it's best.
Transylvanian Pale Ale
Still drinking as I type. Light hiss on opening, carbonation on the lowish side. Nice deep Reddish brown hue (though I am colourblind :huh: ), first beer that had real aroma from the bottle, but I can't describe it. I trawled back thru the posts to find what it was and when I saw Belgian, things started to drop in place. I initially got this weird (but pleasant) aftertaste, it reminded me so much of something I've tasted, but can't for the life of me remember what. Kinda toffee, spice as another member suggested, either way, I like it. A really nice beer.
Deuchars IPA
I think the scottish need a lesson in hop flavour. I had a "Twisted Thistle IPA" a while ago and the label ranted of the big C hops and I got none of that. Maybe it's the journey that's killing it ? I got a distinct flavour from the two, not sure how to describe it, but wonder if it's the peat malt flavour, not smoked, but kinda almost, not really like it.
As you've probably guessed, I'm not good at this beer descriptor thingo.
Overall, not a bad effort Barf, but I'm sure you can do better