For food, where possible can we maintain the "Eat Real" theme.
1. TidalPete .... Oriental Tuckerbox IPA or something similar
2. BribieG - Munich Helles I tell you - yes I'll take that tiger by the tail
3. Scruffy. ...Scruffy is going to try and make an imperial chocolatey vanillary liquoricary stout.
4. Bradsbrew - Castlemaine Dry clone
5. scoundrel_rogue - Punk in Drublic strong Xmas Cider
6. Gavo.... Beer
7. AndrewQld - Dependent on date, Blue Cheese and Dark Strong Belgian Ale
8. DKS - Alt
9. Thomas J. larger of some type?
10. Winkle - 2010 Carpathian Darkling ~9.5% or Smoked Robust Porter?
11. Stillscottish - Old Jock's Crotch Squeezings
12. geoff_tewierik - Might continue down the Doppelbock path, this one will have age on it.
13. Nick B - Fermented goat semen
14. Snow - Imperial Belgian coffee oatmeal chocolate vanilla acerola labrador piss.
15.Lilo - Something Beery methinks
16. Daemon - Cotton socks + Krausen from NickB's batch + trub from DKS's batch, brewed at 35C
17. QldKev
18. Shed101 - Something hard to drink to remind us of colder weather.
19. Screwtop - Cranky old Cnut Bitter
20.Savy - Something Battered fermented
21.Clean Brewer - Fermented Semen of Incider
22. InCider - Sock Tucking Cork Sorking Cider. Sans lactose - don't want to make Snow any more sick in the morning.
23. Florian - Dortmunder Export
24. Chappo - XXXX Bitter Clone
Reserve swap list.
1. _wallace_ - chilli ginger beer, an IPA and something black - swmbo approval pending............
2. Batz
Food & Drinks
Winkle - pizzas? and a keg of something - probably Flying Pig Bitter
NickB - Pizzas, keg of something, and self respect (to be left afterward)
TidalPete - Keg of whatever's on hand
Scoundrel_rogue - pizza, sea scollops to share, keg of something(???)
Batz - Julie's famous Vindaloo and a couple of pizzas
Screwy - Keg of something plus WHO PUT MY ******* GOAT CURRY IN BREAKFAST FOOD
Chappo - Goat Spoof Curry, Keg of beery stuff
_wallace_ - honey & soy chicken wings
jayandcath - small packet of salt and vineger crips
Winkle - bacon + mushrooms
NickB - Hash Browns
TidalPete - Lots tomatoes & bread ATM
Batz - I'll see what the chooks come up with.
Chappo - Homemade pork sausages
_wallace_ - gonna say tomatoes, but now i will say a tonne of baked beans (by the time they kick in, everyone would have gone home or over stayed thier welcome..... laugh.gif
jayandcath - Hangover and half a bar hanging out of my jarmies (with Woomoo scribbled on it, without the wrinkles it spells Woolloomooloo), and a pair boxing gloves hanging around my neck.