Qld Christmas 2015 Case Swap TASTING

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10. antiphile - Extra Pale ESB

Reckon my sinuses are blown so no aroma for me. :)

Nice malts and some crystal/caramel hanging around in after taste. Bitterness is a good level but I can't recognise the hop flavour.

What carb levels are reasonable for an esb? It's not a commercial sure I've had and not brewed either. It might be a bit high on carb levels cause I bothered to BJCP it. Certainly not over the top and I was just reading BJCP to familiarise myself with the style.

I reckon let this one warm up before you start drinking it.

Solid beer. Enjoyed it. I had sometimes English pale ale last swap and really enjoyed it. Reinforces my decision (albeit 6 months on) I should brew some English style beers.

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6. Lukiferj - A Goose in the Northern Sky

Seems to be the gose-to beer for today.

Seriously intrigued!

Coriander in the aroma leads me in the wit direction.

But then the taste leads me vaguely in the direction of gentle sours. Reminds me somewhat of my Berliner weisse.

But I am led further left-field with strange salty after-tastes.

Gets more salty as it warms up. Wish I had some hot chips.

I reckon Liam nailed it with lemon lime gatorade.

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19. antiphile - Jonah Lomu American style IPA (READY) - Labelled #19; Bottled 6 Nov 15; ABV 7.4%-ish

At the conclusion of drinking this beer and with no authority to do so I hereby grant you honorary Queenslander privileges to swaps from this day forth.

Dank, pine, resin with a big malt backbone that doesn't finish too sweet and hides the pretty decent alcohol percentage fairly well until you realise you're drunk before you finish the sentence you're writing.

It's a solid A- (gotta keep you level headed and with incentive to return ;) )
(/me is looking down at his toe aimlessly drawing lines in the dirt) Aww shucks.
Whilst I detest that man from Brisbane's south west (at Chapel Hill we them "westies" :blink: ), I have to defend that nasty Parks just this once. There will be wonderful things to see in the northern sky in a few days time, and if your imagination extends that far you may well see a goose.

(I hope you got away with it this once, mate, but after that you're on your own!)
8. Kegs - galaxy/maris otter smash pale ale (READY) - bottle conditioned

Plenty of carbonation, I accidentally got some yeast in the pour so that might have muddied the flavours a little bit but I'm not getting heaps of galaxy. Either way its a totally smashable lawnmower beer. Which is handy because I just finished whipper snippering, having a beer before I start mowing :)
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Echoing Parks' comments on number 19. Antiphile, for an old bastard you know your way around a hop or two ;) ImageUploadedByAussie Home Brewer1449982884.370109.jpgThe colour is glorious and after half a beer, had me contemplating whether I needed another one. Second half convinced me that I need plenty more beers. It's a creeper with that hidden alc. Well done mate!
22. Aydos - Galaxy Pale Ale

Post-mowing beverage and it's going down very well. Expecting a hit of passionfruit or guava instead I'm getting some kind of juicy sweet apricot/marmalade hop oil dankness with a touch of cut grass at the top (might not be the beer). Very flavoursome, malt is there, bitterness is balanced. Getting some spiciness towards the end of the bottle. I could neck a few of these in a row. Reminds me of the time we crossed swords ImageUploadedByAussie Home Brewer1449986945.494307.jpgImageUploadedByAussie Home Brewer1449986962.482204.jpg
16. Parks belgian pale. Basically everything everyone has said seems to be spot on. Very good would be happy to have this on tap at home anyday
Liam_snorkel said:
22. Aydos - Galaxy Pale Ale

Post-mowing beverage and it's going down very well. Expecting a hit of passionfruit or guava instead I'm getting some kind of juicy sweet apricot/marmalade hop oil dankness with a touch of cut grass at the top (might not be the beer). Very flavoursome, malt is there, bitterness is balanced. Getting some spiciness towards the end of the bottle. I could neck a few of these in a row. Reminds me of the time we crossed swords
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Iron sharpens iron, eh.
PSA: My "Belgian Pale Ale" is actually a Fat Tire clone which is (what I know realise...) a Belgian Amber Ale so...

Whatever cants.
20. BPH87 - Hefeweizen - (16 December)
Oops sorry Ben, accidentally cracked this early, it's carbonated but not quite up to hefe level so I threw it on the carb cap and gave it a bit more fizz.
Pretty much classic hefe with a slightly sweeter maltiness & a bit of bubblegum on top. Yumbos. ImageUploadedByAussie Home Brewer1449994053.437096.jpg
#1 benken's smoked pumpkin beer
Poured with a very generous head that stuck around till I finished it and laced the glass nicely. Aroma of smoky goodness, flavour wise its smoke dominant but underneath you get the pumpkin and a bit of malt sweetness coming through. Only criticism would be that it's a little bit over carbed, but other than that it's a great beer, great job mate. Would love some of this to have on a cold winter night with some ribs, cheers mate
11. Angus - weisse guy eh!! (READY
Very refreshing I'm getting some light lemon zestiness wheat is there and a good amount of acidity without being sour. Very refreshing beer I could sink a lot of these in a row ImageUploadedByAussie Home Brewer1449995684.740237.jpg

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