1. Neander - Robust Porter
2. Jono1492 - Oak Aged Coffee Milk Stout(for now)
3. James nvs - possibly oak aged brown
4. Dent - probably some porter
5. Major Arcana - probably an oatmeal
6. Jyo - Black AIPA or macadamia cookies and cream Wit.
7. spoonta - ris
8. Keifer33 - Raspberry Porter
10. gillie (Amanda Gurney) - Black Forrest stout.
11. barleys - Calendnian Porter
12. Mitch_76 - something appropriate!
13. Rad - Winter warmer
14. Kayne - Dessert stout
15. BRZT6060 - Vanilla Chocolate Stout
16. OBWK - TBC
17. Milk-Lizard84- Wee heavy scotch
18. Teebee- rum barrel porter
19. NME - I'm thinking either American Brown, BIPA or some sort of dark belgian
20. RhysL - dunkelroggenbier
21. mikeybycrikey - something dark and belgian.
22. coopsy182 - not sure yet, but am in