How Do You Like Your Coffee?

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Old Thunder brewery
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A few years ago, i workd with a bloke who had italian parents. Anyway, he introduced me to espresso coffee, the stuff you make on the stove in the aluminum kettle's. Anyway, since then, this is the only way i can have coffee. My parents have a fancy push button machine, but i think the espresso is much better. I can't really drink the instanst stuff anymore. And for a while i went a bit crazy, drinking a 6 cup espresso kettle in a day. Now i only have one every now and then, but i really love it. I usually put a shot ( or 2!! ) in a cup then top up with milk.

Best beans?? I started using the gloria jeans stuff ( ok i'll cop some flak for that!! ), but now im using an aussie brand from qld, roastnpost? i think.
in somebody elses cup while I drink a beer :icon_cheers:
I only drink beer. And Berocca.

I used to live on coffee and still have an espresso machine tucked away somewhere (I keep getting the idea of dragging it out and trying it for late hopping 'extract'). About three years ago I was investigated for stomach pains and ulcers, and was resigned to an early death. I got checked out for Heliobacter, x rays, ultrasound and eventually an endoscopy. They discovered I have a slight hiatus hernia and the doc asked "Do you drink a lot of coffee?".

No ulcers, no heliobacter. Haven't had a coffee ever since and my stomach is fine - eating bacon, eggs, mushrooms, tomatoes and toast as I type greasily. :p
only drink Iced coffee up here ... make our own each morning ...

then onto a beer for smokeO..

Same here mje, get my beans from friends in the Sunshine Coast Hinterland (Hurstvale Park Coffee 07 5494 1857 to give em a plug). Been wanting to experiment with home roasting and have been checking out secondhand shops for an old pop corn maker, the models before the gov't made them include an overheat switch. These work real well according to the home roasting forums.

a really well made double, maybe triple shot espresso, with three sugars, once every four years or so...

I don't like the ethics surrounding the business so never really drank the stuff until i met my better half, her best mate is a barista...

- there's waaay too much snobbery, i reckon,

the luvvies from Paddington said:
dahhhling, we roast our own beans now...

though a nicely made coffee is... err, a drink... i don't get it? can 'a certain friend of ours' get so animated about the beany stew, and yet sit there drinking Carlton out of a tin...
Short black, one sugar - the stronger the better. It has to be able to be able to walk on its own.
I also have a stovetop espresso machine and run Lavazza 'Crema Gusto' through it (weekend or holiday mornings, mmmm)
Can't go past Nescafe instant 'Food Service Blend' in the 1kg tins.

A teaspoon of this, 3/4 boiling water, 1/4 cold milk, straight into my 500ml Hoegaarden glass :ph34r:

Now I know some (most) would consider this :icon_vomit: but as a uni student currently studying for exams, I am sitting at a desk drinking the stuff all day, and the glass reminds me of what it's like to at least hold something beery.

Just hanging to fill it with my hoegarden clone next Tuesday night when the tests are over.
There are a few full-on Coffeesnobs here, so prepare for some flak :)

I'm nowhere near one of them, I buy whole freshly roasted beans every couple of weeks. I've got myself an el-cheapo conical burr grinder and a Breville Cafe Roma espresso machine (with an unpressurised basket :p).

There IS a huge difference between good and crap coffee, but just like beer, 95% of drinkers (deep down) don't know/care what it tastes like and are mainly drinking it for their drug of choice.

The biggest improvement you can make is to grind your own coffee fresh... ground coffee spoils very quickly.

Oh, and milk is for pansies... Feed it to me thick, black, strong and bitter; just how I like my women.
Can I just add this disclaimer...

We've tried the popcorn machine roasting thing - it really does work and anyone called screwtop will probably produce a great coffee with a bit of practice, BUT not endlessly papp on about it to any one that happens to be awake... but just enjoy it for what it is. I still occasionally make the soya latte for her indoors. We bought a Sunbeam thingy, coffee_machine.JPG which seems to make a decent drop...

BTW, screwtop, build yourself a pizza oven and slow roast your beans next to slabs of burning Elder...

OK, maybe I'm a coffee snob!
I don't like the ethics surrounding the business so never really drank the stuff until i met my better half, her best mate is a barista...

There's ethics issues with the production & manufacture, but coffee is one of those products that have been picked up under the "Fair Trade" umbrella by several companies, ensuring that the workers get treated a little bit better (allegedly) than the average slave-labourer. Sure theyre probably still mistreated compared to Aussie industrial relation standards, but its good to know that some businesses are doing their bit. Toby's Estate are one local mob for beans. Ive worked at a place where we got this bean in all the time, and its a pretty good drop as week as some good karma. And it's also certified organic, so youre doing the environment a favour, and probably your health too (note: no scientific evidence on that last comment !)
Another Lavazza fan, either the Crema Gusto or the Caffe Espresso for me, long black no sugar.

Mmmm, may go put one on now :wub:

Depends on where I am.

If I am out and about I won't touch GloriaJeans/Starbucks/McCafe crap, it all tastes over sweetened and burnt.

I tend to drink lattes when I can find a good place to get one, my wife and I are self confessed coffee snobs and have been since we used to both work in the same cafe/bar many years ago and had a great barista working for us.

These days, if I am at work I have the option of 1kg tin of Nescafe blend 43 or paying for a couple of mystery made from powdered stuff in a machine........I work on a system of a dessert spoon of nescafe, 3 sachets of sugar, 1/2 boiling water, 1/2 milk.....It doesn't taste good, it doesn't even taste like coffee, but it's caffeine for when I need it most....
I have a couple stove-top Bialeti coffee makers and a french press/plunger at home. The plunger does most weekday mornings, the Bialetis get a run on weekends. At work, I alternate between Moconna varieties, and the odd treat from the great barista around the corner from my office. Always just straight black coffee.
Only drink fresh ground in a plunger thru the week and thru the machine on weekends. Never drink instant anymore if offered I ask for a glass of water. I am a coffee snob and damn proud. Life to short to be drinking cr@p coffee, beer and soup.

