How Do You Like Your Coffee?

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Coffee fiend here

Was once content with a pecolator to make espressos

But now can't go past a machine

I've got something like this - but red so it makes the coffee faster ie express espresso


Without real coffee in the morning I'm a blubbering mess by early afternoon

My trip to the US was a nightmare with respect to finding real coffee

Like I was in a diner once and a "veal cutlet came down and started beatin' the shit outa my cuppa just wasn't strong enough to defend itself...."

really Kirem? thx for the info.

hmm well i was going to say how much i love coffee. esp fresh dark rich coffee with a little cardomon in it (very middle eastern). but now it looks liike coffee maybe a culprit with my health. you ******* coffee i hate you! i'll have to drink more beer instead.
Either short black or long depending how thirsty I am.

My father got me into coffee when I was in my teens, a friend of his ran the Bellaroma coffee shop in Newcastle West, he had a large and very old roaster which was going a few days a week. The aroma's coming out of that shop were tremendous.

He made a great caramel blend which I still get cravings for. aahh memories.....


Like I was in a diner once and a "veal cutlet came down and started beatin' the shit outa my cuppa just wasn't strong enough to defend itself...."
How the hell do you retain so many of his quotes? ;)
Im placing a three month ban on his quotes.
YOu have been warned.
I got myself a nice little coffee addiction during honours - double espressos a few times a day got me through it. It was too hard to come home to instant so I got a machine similar to those on here, and a grinder. I get freshly roasted beans when I can. I plan to upgrade later in the year to something with a double boiler, and a better group handle.

If you put milk in it, you're drinking coffee and milk, not coffee :)
Nuts to that. Nothing like sipping on a well-made double-shot latt. Silky and strong.

My trip to the US was a nightmare with respect to finding real coffee
I hear you brother. Shitty filtered coffee with 'non-dairy creamer' was standard in the office. Starbucks was the only espresso coffee I could find, and that was just horrid.

Coffee snob? You betcha.
If your living in Adelaide try buying coffee beans from "Simply Coffee" in Melbourne st Kent Town, (no affiliation).

My brother, a fundamentalist coffee snob, put me on to them, He roasts his own beans and his coffee knowledge is excellent and is the single reason behind friends asking us "Why cant I get the same flavour from my machine?"

Its the beans man, the beans!

Try it......It will change your life!

Can't remember the last time I drank coffee.
Never consumed vegemite ever in my life, and never will.

I'm a tea guy. That's real tea, made with proper leaf tea, not that shiiiity paper bagged dust rubbish.
Lapsang Souchong, Yunnan, Russian Caravan, Prince of Wales etc etc.
Lapsang Souchong, Yunnan, Russian Caravan, Prince of Wales etc etc.

Lapsang Souchong - :icon_drool2: . meaty smelling tea. next time you make some have a good smell and think of meat. you'll never smell anything else.
Russian Caravan - good strong first cup of the morning tea at work.

Speak English mate, I can't make an ounce of sense from your gibberish.

Marge: I'll just have a cup of coffee.
Bartender: Beer, it is.
Marge: No, I said "coffee".
Bartender: "Beer"?
Marge: [slowly] Coff-ee.
Bartender: Be-er?
Marge: C -- O --
Bartender: B -- E --
Lapsang Souchong,

What a lovely tea... my favourite... a tea from china that has being smoked....

BUT Warra what is wrong with you... at least try Vegemite just once... toast, crust is best with lots of butter (crust acts as a cup) and just a touch of vegemite. YUM! Also nice mixed into bubble and squeak!
If your living in Adelaide try buying coffee beans from "Simply Coffee" in Melbourne st Kent Town, (no affiliation).

My brother, a fundamentalist coffee snob, put me on to them, He roasts his own beans and his coffee knowledge is excellent and is the single reason behind friends asking us "Why cant I get the same flavour from my machine?"

Its the beans man, the beans!

Try it......It will change your life!


Nice tip, i used to buy from the central markets but thats a hike.... well, technically so is melbourne st but will give it a go when am next there.

A few of us at work have plungers but i would love to have a machine sitting on my desk. I use one of those italian stove top espresso makers at home and for camping.

Black coffee for me, the volume, strength and number of sugars depends on my mood and the time of the day.
There are a few full-on Coffeesnobs here, so prepare for some flak :)

I'm nowhere near one of them, I buy whole freshly roasted beans every couple of weeks. I've got myself an el-cheapo conical burr grinder and a Breville Cafe Roma espresso machine (with an unpressurised basket :p).

There IS a huge difference between good and crap coffee, but just like beer, 95% of drinkers (deep down) don't know/care what it tastes like and are mainly drinking it for their drug of choice.

The biggest improvement you can make is to grind your own coffee fresh... ground coffee spoils very quickly.

Oh, and milk is for pansies... Feed it to me thick, black, strong and bitter; just how I like my women.

+1 Adamt

Roast your own beans, and grind fresh each time. Got a BES400 and modified grinder that came with it - using a Krups unpressurised basket - still working on convincing SWMBO for a Pullman tamp.....


Bloody West End Markets: $$$$$'s cheaper to buy cocaine... i'm told...
Black and strong. Big fan of a well-made macchiato.

Best beans? I'd go for Knockrow Ridge, grow just north of Ballina.
White with one sugar (heaped teaspoon).

I'm happy with any method known for a coffee, but seldomly resort to instant when I couldn't be @rsed.