Brewery control options

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Hi all

Been a while since posting or even brewing, after my brewery controller died (a build based on the electric brewery). Now i need to replace it, while doing a complete brewery overhaul. About to finish a home made brew stand (with old timer from my recently replaced deck roof), then plan on getting SS piping so i don't need to plug in/out all the pipes on brewday. Done a system map to help set this up. I'll upload some pics when it's finished.

Question i have is what to replace my controller with. Since i built the dead one, there are at least a couple of options. So far the best match seems to be the Cheeky Peak Nano Boss. That said i've failed to find any reviews of this. My system is HERMS, 3 pot, 30A. I'm going to be replacing my 2x2200W with 1x5700W elements in the HERMS and boil kettle.

Not interested in doing a build for one. That last one took me close to 6 mths to build (highly complicated by the 3 mth delivery of parts from NA).

Thanks in advance.

Surely the controller can be fixed given likely just one component has failed? I'd look at refurbishing given you spent all that time and effort. I've built one myself and it is going to come with me to the grave....
Sadly not an option it's toasted. Plus main reason is also i can't guarantee i'd be able to fix it and rely on it after. It's done it's job. Worked well for 7 years. Now time to get one from the professionals. I've now decided on the Auber Instruments Brew Boss I. Pricey, but they've told me they can modify it to make it plug and play. Big deal as otherwise i'd be looking at a big sparkie bill.
Next question. I've been looking wide and far about automation. I understand Rasberry Pi, or some other software is the way to go, but what i've struggled to find is what hardware i need. Reason is, i want to move into this soon, so don't want to get any hardware which is incompatible. Suffice to say, would this controller option be so? Also anyone got a link to where i can get electric 3 way valves?
Your Auber will unlikely be compatible, if you want automation you are best to but into BruControl hardware, or Raspberry PI / Arduino (steep programming learning curve required with that, I opted out on that basis)...