Australia & New Zealand Homebrewing Forum

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    • Barry
      Barry reacted to wbosher71's post in the thread Returning member with Like Like.
      Hi guys, Been gone a long time and no longer have access to my email so have a slightly different username (was wbosher), not sure if...
    • Barry
      Barry replied to the thread Cold / Hot Break Trub.
      You will get some cold break in your fermenter regardless how careful you are at a home brew level. Cold break takes hours to fall out...
    • Barry
      Barry replied to the thread Verdant IPA.
      I always get less extraction from rolled oats than estimated.
    • Barry
      Barry reacted to MHB's post in the thread Verdant IPA with Like Like.
      Just a word about the Oats. The worst possible choice would be "Quick Oats" they are often cut rather than rolled, which makes the...
    • Barry
      Barry reacted to mjoelnir's post in the thread New brewer Sydney with Like Like.
      Hello. New to the place. Started brewing again recently but going the more involved full grain route - latest was a riwaka ale that...
    • Barry
      Barry reacted to DJ_L3ThAL's post in the thread Pub Gas Sydney? with Like Like.
      Commercial brewers carbonate their beer with pure CO2. The reason CO2:N2 (ie. "Cellamix" etc) gas mixes are used is because you need...
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