Brewman Dealz

Australia & New Zealand Homebrewing Forum

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  1. warra48
  2. Judanero x 2
  3. MTB x 4
  4. barls x4
  5. yurgy
  6. peteru - 200g (4 packs) (I'd also be interested in some Centennial, Columbus, Simcoe or any noble hops, if available)
  7. fungrel x2
  8. Malt Junkie x2
  9. Coalminer x2
  10. Bonenose x4
  11. Mofox1 x4
  12. julz7250 x 2
  13. Mikeyr x 2
  14. Schikitar x 2
  15. gap x 2
  16. Haciluku x 2
  17. Bribie G x 2 PAID
  18. Storev34 x 2
  19. good4whatAlesU x 1
  20. Mardoo x2
  21. WEAL X2
Reserves at this stage
  1. Black n Tan x4
  2. micbrew x 2
Yeah SBOB I think that's right.

Order received OK, packed and ready to go. This one is in a snug little box.
Order in, dropped quantity to 2 packs to give someone else a chance at some. Looking forward to giving this a crack.
Thanks to these couple guys dropping their order back, (Bonenose and MTB), I can now offer 2 packs to Black n Tan. I know you wanted 4, but with what I have to share around is 2 OK?

And 2 packs to micbrew.

Cheers Steve.
All orders will ship today.

Anyone that added extra bits and pieces will go with Fastway.

For the LupuLN only orders, these will go Auspost to get the best shipping rates for less than 500g orders.
Sorry forgot to put my AHB username against the order but it's Order Id: 8415,
Thanks again Steve, looking forward to using with this! So how/what is everyone going to be brewing with the LupuLN? I'm looking to do a double batch of an Oatmeal XPA recipe my wife (family and friends) really like. It calls for a reasonable amount of Citra (paired with Mosaic), so I think in one batch I'll go all Citra pellets (200g) and in the other I'll go all Citra LupuLN - then compare... should be a fun experiment! Is the powder best suited for kettle, cube or dry hopping do you think (or just doesn't matter)?
I had a smell of this stuff yesterday, stinkypoo - in a good way!
Like walking into a wall of hop aroma, very crumbly pellets, more like powder at parade rest than at attention, so if its dust by the time you get it don't be surprised, mind you its so sticky you could press it into any shape you like - what doesn't stick to your fingers that is, hum little hop elephants...
Looking forward to trying it, personally I 'm hoping some Simcoe becomes available, got a little plan for that.

PS Please let us know how it goes, Steve put some the hop rosins up and I haven't heard much back, How did it go? I'm sure I'm not the only one interested.
I stuck a whole 10ml of simcoe resin in the boil at 20 minutes on the weekend but I have a feeling it probably needed longer than 20 minutes to actually mix properly in the boil, because there was lots of little oily bits stuck around the high wort line and on the immersion chiller. A taste of the wort at the end didn't seem bitter enough to me but we'll see in a week or so.

I do not recommend tasting the resin directly, it will coat your mouth and it's very very difficult to wash out!
Update on the Citra LupuLN.

Most has been shipped. There are a few brewers on the list above that haven't taken up their allocations. Can you guys confirm you still want yours? There are a bunch of guys that will take this in a flash.

Also have a few Wyeast getting around the 4 month old mark that I will put on Dealz.
I stuck a whole 10ml of simcoe resin in the boil at 20 minutes on the weekend but I have a feeling it probably needed longer than 20 minutes to actually mix properly in the boil, because there was lots of little oily bits stuck around the high wort line and on the immersion chiller. A taste of the wort at the end didn't seem bitter enough to me but we'll see in a week or so.

I do not recommend tasting the resin directly, it will coat your mouth and it's very very difficult to wash out!

I think you'll be surprised. IMO the AA% is spot on, but more so you definitely get better utilisation of flavour.

11IBU of Cascade in whirlpool was dinged in comp for masking the grain character in an American Wheat. It's strong stuff.
I stuck a whole 10ml of simcoe resin in the boil at 20 minutes on the weekend but I have a feeling it probably needed longer than 20 minutes to actually mix properly in the boil, because there was lots of little oily bits stuck around the high wort line and on the immersion chiller. A taste of the wort at the end didn't seem bitter enough to me but we'll see in a week or so.

I do not recommend tasting the resin directly, it will coat your mouth and it's very very difficult to wash out!

10ml of resin should yield about 60IBU at 20mins in 20L.
If people don't claim their LupuLN, I'm keen for a couple.
Thanks for the interest, but it is pretty much all gone, and what is left has been allocated to some very reliable brewers.

I'll get the next lot underway. More to come soon.
Any clues about what varietals could be in the next offering ?