2016 NSW Mid Year Case Swap - Tasting & Recipes thread

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#2 Wet Hopped IPA

Right up my alley, having spent the day on Saturday up the shack working in the garden there was an almost "hummus" aromatic backdrop (or could have been me) and the nice hit of alcohol worked wonders on the muscles! I love the dank stuff, definitely reminded me in the after taste of a hit of Bushmills. I have a second bottle fro side swaps and can't wait to give it another hit.

#5 Tooths

Not a lot of carb left, we were warned and wish I'd tried it earlier. HOWEVER reminded me of the flavour you used to get from coopers kits .....except it was good!! I'm blind tasting each brew, so if it ain't labelled i get a nice surprise each time! Looked up the # and then recipe in BB and it all made sense, bannnas .... i.e. the cooper kit taste and made with sugar so had that slight floral tone. What it had that no kit ever had was a clean finish. Paulyman you've just put another brew in my list, i want it cold off a tap like nature intended! ....and bronzed brews has so many recipes....

#19 The Pompous P*#%k

You had me at hello. Great colour, had it in front of an open fire and with a nice steak. Who needs wine. I don't get 91 IBU seemed far too civilised. I had a bit of "smoke" on my hand from playing with the fire and I wonder how a little smoked rye might work in, not a lot but it goes well with that aroma. We/I need the recipe YB!!
Reman said:
Rye Bock
Had this last night

# 6 Rye Bock

Solid beer Reman, very well made, clean ferment, Rye malt @ 24% is not overpowering with the 7% + abv to match it plus with the supporting malts make it a great beer. Colour was great, nice mousy constant head and got even better as it warmed up. tasty beer

#2 Wet Hopped IPA
lovely dark gold colour with white head. slightly opaque in clarity,
lovely hop notes with a nice supporting malt back bone.
slight brett c aka pineapple character with nice lingering bitterness.
nice medium body and lacing.
​I'm really enjoying it mate.
Pratty1 said:
Had this last night

# 6 Rye Bock

Solid beer Reman, very well made, clean ferment, Rye malt @ 24% is not overpowering with the 7% + abv to match it plus with the supporting malts make it a great beer. Colour was great, nice mousy constant head and got even better as it warmed up. tasty beer

Had a good look for this one. Then realised #6 is the heady topper clone and #7 is the Rye bock. Put I the fridge for tomorrow. Grapefruit sculpin calls.
paulyman said:
Had a good look for this one. Then realised #6 is the heady topper clone and #7 is the Rye bock. Put I the fridge for tomorrow. Grapefruit sculpin calls.
Yes rye bock is #7.
#12 English IPA by Shacked

Top beer, good quality brewing. Carbonation is perfect, crystal clear beer. Low to no hop aroma, some malt aroma on the nose which is slight bready. First gulp was an assertive bitterness, each that followed was an English style flavour with English hops and a supporting malt character. It seems dry, yet has malt flavour on the palate, I think from a good crisp beer and possibly final pH of the beer in the right place. Very drinkable.
First can off the rank for me number 5, paulymans old school brew.

As I drink this I'm imagining sitting on burrunjuck dam on a tinny drinking beer out of tins with the ring pulls you drop in the can.

It's nice and dry which is mandatory for a good session beer, maybe a little too much residual sweetness but a nice malty flavour. Carbonation a little low as anticipated and could have added some carbonic bite.

Will certainly be interested in some recipes from this book.

Cheers guys. Definitely plan on brewing this one again, but I'll make time to bottle condition as I've since listened to Peter on the Session podcast and he mentioned leaving it for 6 months for the flavours to meld, so might do that and sample a bottle every month or so to see how it changes over time.
#18 Clayton's Homegrown Wet-Hop IIPA

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Wasn't quite sure if I misread IIPA instead of IPA but definitely the former.

Pours an orangey copper, nice head that fades to a thin but persistent coating. Med-low fresh hop aroma: pineapple, sweet citrus. Aroma lifts as it warms. Flavour starts out with citrus peel, some supporting sweet malt, dries quickly with firm bitterness and slight but pleasant astringency. Definite alcohol character mingles with the lingering bitterness. Ferment character is otherwise clean with no esters apparent.

Overall a very enjoyable beer which hints at its danger with the warm alcohols. Very well fermented so it must be quite a high ABV to give this impression? Could maybe do with a touch more late/dry hop character/aroma given its a big beer.

Well done Clayton, love to see a recipe (just went and found it, this beer just swallowed those dry hops???). I would also recommend putting away a bottle of this if you have a spare as it's got a certain young US Barleywine character about it that might point to ageing

PS. Given its wet hops it does not have any vegetative character which is impressive
Just cracking into the #11 IPL as a post origin night cap.

Pours a nice light Amber very clear after only a few hours in the fridge.

Nose is fruity C hops, I'm smelling cascade.

Flavour is clean. Nice clean ferment and nicely balanced.

A very enjoyable beer. Tastes like a nice hoppy lager to me.

Mikeyr said:
#19 The Pompous P*#%k

You had me at hello. Great colour, had it in front of an open fire and with a nice steak. Who needs wine. I don't get 91 IBU seemed far too civilised. I had a bit of "smoke" on my hand from playing with the fire and I wonder how a little smoked rye might work in, not a lot but it goes well with that aroma. We/I need the recipe YB!!
Glad you enjoyed Mike.....the recipe is on the label, also in the swap thread.
#7 Never had a Bock so have nothing to compare it to in the old memory banks. Colour and clarity was awesome! This is one complex beer, the rye is spicy and nice and slick in the palate, the malt backbone is there but it's nicely balanced. Plus I can't describe it, but I know it's a yeast thing, it does something to the flavour and aroma that I really like and melds perfectly. Stellar beer Reman.
#11. I got a very slight Bready aroma like Pratty mentioned, it was subtle and to me it worked with the C hop grapefruit aroma and flavour as weird as that sounds. This bottle definitely had strong C hop aroma, after a six pack of Grapefruit Sculpin this week I'm very tuned into that wonderful aroma!

This bottle of IPL is hands down the best IPL I've tasted, clean dry and hoppy.

Edit- just realised I should say it's not my first bottle of IPL otherwise that last statement loses a bit. ;)
Number 18, Clayton's IIPA.

Pours quite bright with a white lingering head. Nose is a combo of pine and fruit.

Very assertive bitterness that lingers and nice malt support. Tasty combo of hops.

It's big but well balanced and very drinkable. Cheers
Number 4 Mikey's chinook IPA.

Pours nice and clear, nice carbonation not a big hoppy nose.

A really nice balance between malt and hops.

Possibly diminished by the previous beer I drank but this is a well made and very drinkable beer.

Cheers mikey and great name by the way!
On a roll here kicking off Friday with shacked's English IPA.

Pours a burnt orangey colour with a small head that fades over the glass but appropriate to style.

Earthy hops blend well with the malt, nicely balanced.

It's chilly down here this evening and as this warms it is a great beer to kick off the weekend.
Just had The English IPA from Shacked. Nice bitterness with an earthy spicy aroma and flavour coming through from the hops which melds well with the malt and crystal. Nice Friday night beer.
Number 9 welly2's best bitter.

Mine was a little over carbed for style but once it settled down was a good example of the style. Nice and malty but good hop balance with some flavour some esters that became more prominent as it warmed up.

Yum beers arrogant bastard clone.

Beautiful red colour small head that lasts well. Lovely malt flavour with well balanced hop flavour and aroma. A splendid night cap.
#16 Waggstew Schwartz Bier

Pours very black with ruby garnet highlights in the light. A mild roast character on the nose. First taste was clean ferment with slight flavours of plum and raisin. As I progressed through the longy it has a nice low carbonation with a creamy/tan head that laces the glass. A flavoursome version of tooheys old. Good beer