Sorry to see you pull out Will, I've really enjoyed your beers over the last two cases.
Josh, thanks for your offer. I guess though to be fair to everyone who put their name down we should go in order who got in first. Going back over the thread the brewers who just missed out on the 28 and who got their names down went like this:
1. Tony
2. Barramundi
3. Oblomov
4. Josh
5. Redbeard
So in fairness, with Will pulling out, the spot opens up for Tony if he wishes to contribute. Tony, are you interested?
Also a reminder Xmas Craters, please label your contribution on the caps with the number only corresponding to your name. It makes sorting so much easier.
1. Duff
2. Stuster
3. goatherder
4. Trent
5. DJR
6. Pint of Lager
7. Doc
9. Chilled
10. Keith
11. n00ch
12. mikem108
13. Beer Slayer
14. Linz
15. Shonky
16. Stephen
17. Hopsta
18. Weizguy
19. Thommo
20. TONY
21. Barry
22. Berto
23. Nifty
24. DrewCarey82
25. T.D.
26. PoMo
27. Philmac
28. Crozdog
It is disappointing to see guys miss out on these swaps. That's why I was thinking if we go ahead next July (and I'm sure everyone would be keen to go around again) that we all try and get together somewhere, whether it be in Sydney or the Hunter for a personal swap and all have a few beers together Saturday night, head home Sunday. That way we could then open it to all interested, meet each other, talk beer, etc. I'm sure with 6+ months notice and a venue we can all agree on, it will give us enough time to save some pennies if need be and get in first on our personal 2007 calenders.