2006 Nsw Xmas Case (december)

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Thanks again to HBW.com for getting my name on the list (f%$#g M5 traffic!!).....

As soon as I mentioned it to the wife, she said "You've got to do the Wit!!". It was my highest scoring beer at the NSW state comp last year; and a few places behind the comp winner in the same category....So with a little tweek here and there (ala judges notes)

1. Duff - Victory Hop Devil or RyeIPA or TT Landlord or Pliny the Elder
2. Stuster - American Rye (probably)
3. goatherder
4. Trent
5. DJR - APA or Klsch
6. Pint of Lager
7. Doc - Big hoppy IPA or a Saison
8. Homebrewworld.com - Sweet Stout
10. Keith
11. n00ch
12. mikem108
13. Beer Slayer
14. Linz - Belgian Wit bier (like No16)
15. Shonky
16. Stephen - Hoegarden White
17. Hopsta
18. Weizguy
19. Thommo - Bitter
20. Kungy
21. Barry - Munich Dunkel
22. Berto
23. Nifty
24. DrewCarey82 - Golden Amber Ale.
25. T.D. - Blonde Ale
26. PoMo
27. Philmac
28. Crozdog - Southern German lager or Czech pils
How about gracing us with the Imperial Dunkel Weizenbock? ;) Sounds like it would be a treat. You american wheat probably wouldnt go astray either.
I am still debating between a brown ale (my original choice), or maybe an american wheat, or a belgian pale. Dunno yet, I will let you know closer to time.
All the best
How about gracing us with the Imperial Dunkel Weizenbock? ;) Sounds like it would be a treat. You american wheat probably wouldnt go astray either.
I am still debating between a brown ale (my original choice), or maybe an american wheat, or a belgian pale. Dunno yet, I will let you know closer to time.
All the best
Thanks for the vote of confidence, Trent. Is your confidence in my American wheat affected by you tasting it from my fermentor?
I may make a test/evaluation batch of IDWB for the Newie locals and spring it on the next Xmas case (if I get my name on the list in time).

For the Xmas case (to save space here), can someone record me as a Weizen brewer/contributor (haus weizen).

Now I must go and brew a few test batches of 8-day wonder wheat beer.

Seth :p

*several edits to expound and enhance the gist
oops, missed this topic last night. put me down as a reserve :)
Looking at the list, there's already a couple of wits in there. I hope I can get a guernsey as one of the replacements. I will be brewing up my own version of a Belgian Wit just in case I get a late call up anyway.
Xmas Craters,

As some of you may be planning on utilising the nice ambient ale temperatures in the next couple of weeks to brew your contribution, for this December's crates, can you simply use the number beside your name on your bottle cap only.

Sorting will be much easier when I can do a simple 1 - 28 count within the crates instead of SWMBO reading off names and me lifting numerous bottles searching each label.


* Thanks for the PM MHB.

1. Duff
2. Stuster
3. goatherder
4. Trent
5. DJR
6. Pint of Lager
7. Doc
8. Homebrewworld.com
9. Chilled
10. Keith
11. n00ch
12. mikem108
13. Beer Slayer
14. Linz
15. Shonky
16. Stephen
17. Hopsta
18. Weizguy
19. Thommo
20. Kungy
21. Barry
22. Berto
23. Nifty
24. DrewCarey82
25. T.D.
26. PoMo
27. Philmac
28. Crozdog
Hey, i realise that we are submitting longnecks but what is the minimum capacity? Are the 650/640mL longnecks acceptable?

And does anyone mind getting PET (not that mine will be but others might)
Good question as to be quite honest I have numerous volumes for my longnecks some are 650ml(not many) and others are up too 800mls.
Hey, i realise that we are submitting longnecks but what is the minimum capacity? Are the 650/640mL longnecks acceptable?

And does anyone mind getting PET (not that mine will be but others might)

I'll go on the record and say that the definition of a longneck for the NSW Xmas case is 750ml minimum and glass.

I'll go on the record and say that the definition of a longneck for the NSW Xmas case is 750ml minimum and glass.


I predict a massive run of Cooper's longneck case sales in the coming months :lol:

Shame that most "longneck" homebrew bottles are the 650mL variety.
I have to say thats pretty painfull, as also most homebrewshops only sell the 640-650ml variety.....

Ah well, close to 2 months to get the buggers so no biggy.
I have to say thats pretty painfull, as also most homebrewshops only sell the 640-650ml variety.....

Are they glass ?
Probably not, so the glass bit kills you before you even get to the capacity.

I'd be prepared to accept champagne bottles. Thoughts anyone ?

I have to say thats pretty painfull, as also most homebrewshops only sell the 640-650ml variety.....

Are they glass ?
Probably not, so the glass bit kills you before you even get to the capacity.

I'd be prepared to accept champagne bottles. Thoughts anyone ?


Glass indeed the 640mL ones, but no good because of capacity. The Coopers PET ones which are pretty ubiquitous are 750mL.

Champagnes are probably fine, just recapping them is a PITA but hey at least they store beer and keep it carbonated :)
I have to say thats pretty painfull, as also most homebrewshops only sell the 640-650ml variety.....

Ah well, close to 2 months to get the buggers so no biggy.

Haven't you finished off your July case yet. As I recall, there were 28 bottles right there.
Generally none of my bottles are empty for long, the XMas case bottles are probably in a dozen different brews by now.

Its only 3 cases of longies so I am not particularly fussed, and though it gets bagged heavily I still enjoy the odd Tooheys Red.

Sorry for rocking the boat fellas.
You will not fit 14 champagne bottles into a milk crate, thus making transportation and sorting a PITA. Can we simply maintain the regular 750 or 800ml tallie.

You would also have a hard time fitting 14 champagne bottles into your favourite delivery boxes too Doc :)

You will not fit 14 champagne bottles into a milk crate, thus making transportation and sorting a PITA. Can we simply maintain the regular 750 or 800ml tallie.

You would also have a hard time fitting 14 champagne bottles into your favourite delivery boxes too Doc :)

View attachment 9188

Haha they look like the same boxes that Doc lent me well over a year ago, full of emptys so i could join the xmas 05 case. And he got them back in the same boxes a couple of months ago, they have done the rounds! :)
Can u cap champers bottles using regular beer bottle caps?
No. You need larger caps and a different bell for your capper.