2006 Nsw Xmas Case (december)

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id love to be in it but i dont know that ill have the time to get the brew ready and settled in the bottle and for that matter i dont know that ill have the glass ware , having comitted to another smaller swap too leaves me a bit short all round, unless champagne bottles are legal tender ??? if they are i can probably make it happen ..are the plastic coopers bottles acceptable or is it glass only ??
Re: Champagne Bottles.

My dislike of them comes primarily from a transport point of view. If we have someone like Linz volunteer some time again to transport from the south to here, as well as the transport for the north to here, using champagne bottles will make it difficult for him to transport. You only had to see Linz's van loaded up with the crates for the July swap to get an idea. Everything sat together well.

Problem is, you WILL NOT get 14 bottles into a milk crate if one of them is a champagne bottle. What do we do then with the extra and how will that be transported? Lets keep it simple and easy for those to transport. Obtaining regular 750/800ml tallies is not hard.

I'll try to come up with some dates in the next couple of weeks, very busy at Uni at present.

Remember to only put a number on the cap for ease of sorting.

Barramundi - 28 bottles of the 750/800ml type are required by the end of November/start of December. If not, then we'll have to ask Oblomov to be fair.
yeah obtaining them isnt hard duff but finding 30 of them b4 end of november
aint gonna be easy but f**k it im in and ill find a way !!!!
just means i gotta drink more commercial beer , no big drama...
having said that duff im all in favor of the latest date you can possibly come up with ...

If you ever get to Newcastle, I have a large quantity of near-new 800ml brown twist tops. They still have the original labels, too. Happy to sling U some for free, of course. Bring crates or boxes, please.
You could even have a beer with a few of the locals.

Just a thought
Seth :p

If you ever get to Newcastle, I have a large quantity of near-new 800ml brown twist tops. They still have the original labels, too. Happy to sling U some for free, of course. Bring crates or boxes, please.
You could even have a beer with a few of the locals.

Just a thought
Seth :p

Or the Linz to the rescue again......since I'll be at Potters this weekend to help with the Stewarding of the NSW state comp, I'll lug them back to Sydney if you like???
I hear you Duff, got some 750's sorted now so fear not there will be no champagne bottles

If you ever get to Newcastle, I have a large quantity of near-new 800ml brown twist tops. They still have the original labels, too. Happy to sling U some for free, of course. Bring crates or boxes, please.
You could even have a beer with a few of the locals.

Just a thought

Or the Linz to the rescue again......since I'll be at Potters this weekend to help with the Stewarding of the NSW state comp, I'll lug them back to Sydney if you like???
That would be great, Linz, you rescuer. :D :beer: :D

How many bottles are required/ are you willing to carry? I'll check my capacity to supply that number.

Seth :p
thats would be much appreciated weizguy and linz , will save me running around like a nutter chasing bottles , this way i can concentrate on making a good beer instead , all i need is the 28 for the swap , unless your trying to make them go away , ill take as many as ya wanna give at this stage but of course it depends on how many linz can carry too....

It seems to me that you linz are a bit of a home brewing macgyver this isnt the first time youve come to the rescue , ive read more than one post that has you saving the day...

if you can PM me linz we can swap details and arrange this further off the forum rather than clutter it further than it needs to be , i got told off the other day for goin off topic so id hate for that to happen again .....LOL

cheers all NED
Guys ,

Im going up in a rented corolla.....????with the missus.

...so a squeeze for 2 milk crates amongst the cases
im sure little squares wouldnt mine cradling one crate on her lap the whole way back.... what ever you can manage is good linz , i have none at present but that will change by swap day ....
im sure little squares wouldnt mind cradling one crate on her lap the whole way back.... what ever you can manage is good linz , i have none at present but that will change by swap day ....
last post, I swear, as I know this is off-topic.

I'm sure LittleSquares is the correct spelling. Either way, I'm sure she puts up worse in her life. I reckon she could nurse 2 crates if there was a blanket on her lap, for comfort. I'm sure this will upset her to hear such extravagance.
I reckon that U could fit a couple of crates onboard, comfortably, and that'll get U out of trouble.

Although if Linz and the beautiful missus wish to carry more, U better give 'em some beer for their trouble.

In negotiation currently (off-forum).

Seth out :p

Edit of quoted post in red to corr3ct spelling error, coz I'm a pedant...
Linz and weizguy , cancel all negotiations on my part ive managed to gather enough bottles for the swap and then some locally, thanks enourmously for offering to help out to the both of you , sorry if ive messed anyone about at all , that was never my intention ...

Thanks again ...

And I was looking forward to seeeing the missus balance 2 crates on her lap for 2 hours+......
Ok, I had a second attempt at the xmas case contribution yesterday.

Due to time restraints and work commitments, the first attempt 2 weeks ago wasn't anything fancy, just an apa. It wasn't meant to be. First off, the pump flow kept stopping during recirc, then packed it in altogether. Bugger. Drained the mash tun via gravity into a bucket and then transferred it to the boiler. A bit of unavoidable splashing occurred. Batch sparged, manually recirced and drained into the bucket again, more splashing. HSA here I come.

Anyway, fired up the boiler and was about to add the first hop additions when the assistant brewer, Widget, a 14 year old kelpie cross, decided to help by checking for food under the table I had the hops on. Because the poor old fella's back legs have had it, he stumbled against the table and knocked the hops all over the ground. It was nearly my whole supply of amarillo. Bugger again. I couldn't go crook, it's just one of those things that happen. Made some hasty substitutions with some bits and pieces I had lying around and finished off as normal, no chilled.

At this stage I had made up my mind not to inflict this beer on the rest of the xmas casers.

I made up the yeast starter and as it was very hot that week, I turned the fridge on to get some temp control for it and discovered that it doesn't work anymore. Crap. Luckily, there were a few empty 2 ltr drink bottles in the recycle bin, so I filled them up and froze them. I am using them to keep the fridge cool.

So, to cut a short story long, I had a go at making an Old Peculier yesterday. I had a few of these in the Uk recently and was very impressed. I just hope it turns out alright as I haven't had a chance to make it before.

Sorry about the ramble, list updated.



1. Duff - Victory Hop Devil or RyeIPA or TT Landlord or Pliny the Elder
2. Stuster - American Rye (probably)
3. goatherder
4. Trent
5. DJR - APA or Klsch
6. Pint of Lager
7. Doc - Big hoppy IPA or a Saison
8. Homebrewworld.com - Sweet Stout
9. Chilled
10. Keith
11. n00ch
12. mikem108
13. Beer Slayer
14. Linz - Belgian Wit bier (like No16)
15. Shonky
16. Stephen - Hoegarden White
17. Hopsta
18. Weizguy
19. Thommo - Bitter
20. Kungy
21. Barry - Munich Dunkel
22. Berto
23. Nifty - some sort of Old Peculier
24. DrewCarey82 - Golden Amber Ale.
25. T.D. - Mongrel Ale
26. PoMo
27. Philmac
28. Crozdog - Southern German lager or Czech pils
Sorry for the late notice fellas, but I'm going to bail this time too :(
I have way too many commitments at the moment, and sadly brewing has to suffer first. Will not be able to put out a worthy batch in time to save my life, I'm afraid.

Looks like there's an opportunity open for

3. Oblomov
4. Josh
5. Redbeard

Will catch you in the next one. Hope everyone enjoys the case and Xmas!


(PS if worst comes to worst, let me know and I'll try and whip up a kit or something to keep the case full, but really, that's not what I'd like to put in).
That's a shame, PoMo. Hopefully you'll be right for the next one. :super:

So, who' ready to join the fun?
im in the small swap, so thats my 1st priority.

if Oblomov or Josh are not interested, then i could be in if i scrounge another dozen longnecks. i guess a decision in the next week would be good !
Alas, I can't handle both the small swap and this one. I'm out.