Ok, I had a second attempt at the xmas case contribution yesterday.
Due to time restraints and work commitments, the first attempt 2 weeks ago wasn't anything fancy, just an apa. It wasn't meant to be. First off, the pump flow kept stopping during recirc, then packed it in altogether. Bugger. Drained the mash tun via gravity into a bucket and then transferred it to the boiler. A bit of unavoidable splashing occurred. Batch sparged, manually recirced and drained into the bucket again, more splashing. HSA here I come.
Anyway, fired up the boiler and was about to add the first hop additions when the assistant brewer, Widget, a 14 year old kelpie cross, decided to help by checking for food under the table I had the hops on. Because the poor old fella's back legs have had it, he stumbled against the table and knocked the hops all over the ground. It was nearly my whole supply of amarillo. Bugger again. I couldn't go crook, it's just one of those things that happen. Made some hasty substitutions with some bits and pieces I had lying around and finished off as normal, no chilled.
At this stage I had made up my mind not to inflict this beer on the rest of the xmas casers.
I made up the yeast starter and as it was very hot that week, I turned the fridge on to get some temp control for it and discovered that it doesn't work anymore. Crap. Luckily, there were a few empty 2 ltr drink bottles in the recycle bin, so I filled them up and froze them. I am using them to keep the fridge cool.
So, to cut a short story long, I had a go at making an Old Peculier yesterday. I had a few of these in the Uk recently and was very impressed. I just hope it turns out alright as I haven't had a chance to make it before.
Sorry about the ramble, list updated.
1. Duff - Victory Hop Devil or RyeIPA or TT Landlord or Pliny the Elder
2. Stuster - American Rye (probably)
3. goatherder
4. Trent
5. DJR - APA or Klsch
6. Pint of Lager
7. Doc - Big hoppy IPA or a Saison
8. Homebrewworld.com - Sweet Stout
9. Chilled
10. Keith
11. n00ch
12. mikem108
13. Beer Slayer
14. Linz - Belgian Wit bier (like No16)
15. Shonky
16. Stephen - Hoegarden White
17. Hopsta
18. Weizguy
19. Thommo - Bitter
20. Kungy
21. Barry - Munich Dunkel
22. Berto
23. Nifty - some sort of Old Peculier
24. DrewCarey82 - Golden Amber Ale.
25. T.D. - Mongrel Ale
26. PoMo
27. Philmac
28. Crozdog - Southern German lager or Czech pils