Vic Xmas Case Swap 2011: Tasting Thread

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I had your Saison. I think it would be a ripper if the carbonation issues were resolved. Also I noticed it cleared to brilliant clarity upon warming so a slight chill haze thing going on there methinks. I enjoyed it more as it got less fizzy and warmer.
Ive been slowly degassing one of these, due to fridge it tomoz, I just give it a small twist every time I go into the garage... gotta work dunnit? :unsure:
17. Vitalstatistix - saison

Orange gold colour, very hazey, but gains some clarity once settled down and warming.

Beautiful aroma, spices, leathery and woody.

Rich bready malt upfront, quickly followed by some zesty and floral hops
mingling with the spicy yeast phenolics.
Starts to warm up mid palate and finishes with a smooth warming sensation
not unpleasant, seems to be fairly well integrated.

The high carbonation definitely helps the drinability, low to moderate mouth feel.
I actually would not mind this beer as a winter warmer, a little too hot for me today
but still very enjoyable, lovely complex flavour in the aftertaste that leave me wanting more.

#17: Vitalstatistix: Sorachi Saison

You gave me two of these. This is the second. Normally I don't chill my beers but this was chilled to knock out some carb (obviously in conjunction with releasing the top a few times after chilling) and being such a revoltingly hot day, I decided to leave it cold.

Other one was drunk warmer.

Pours with a tight white head, lots of head. Hazy straw/yellow Aroma mainly of sweet malt, some lemon.

Carb level is moderate after the gas release. Body and mouthfeel moderate.

Flavour of lemon mint, mild bitterness, dry finish. Some sherbert tingles and flavour. The sorachi works well in this. Did you get the idea from the feral wit? There's a very faint finish of something fetid like damp grass but it's not overpowering (sounds more unpleasant than it is) which I picked up in both bottles and I think it may be related to the hop but I'm not familiar enough with sorachi to know.

Nice twist on a theme and unlike beer4U, I think this is totally appropriate for this stinky, hot windy crap I'd hoped to avoid by spending too weeks in Tassie.
#17: Vitalstatistix: Sorachi Saison

havnt tried many saisons...shelterd i know

ended up loving this. its a hot night and this was some good beer! overcarbed yea but just deal with it.
# B - Charst's Black IPA

Man, big beer. Was like a meal. A black, hoppy, tasty beer meal. The only thing I thought was off was the carbonation - a little too high but that may be a personal preference. Nothing that a little patience and swirling didn't fix.

The best home brewed IPA I've had, though!

"The best home brewed IPA I've had, though!"

question: how many have you had? :p

cheers glad you enjoyed it

# B - Charst's Black IPA

Man, big beer. Was like a meal. A black, hoppy, tasty beer meal. The only thing I thought was off was the carbonation - a little too high but that may be a personal preference. Nothing that a little patience and swirling didn't fix.

The best home brewed IPA I've had, though!

24. iamozziyob - APA

one sentence to wrap it up. The best beer of the swap i have had so far.

putting it simply, great malt/hop balance. resinous, pine, grapefruit and soft doughy sweet malt.perfect carbonation nad great moderate to light body. a good thirst quencher.Improvement areas? not much, maybe clarity is a little hazy but thats about it.

Great work bud! :D
#24: iamozziyob:pale ale

Pours very clear golden, tight white head, good retention.
Aroma of US type hops, fruit, sweet malt.

Mouthfeel medium/full, carb low.

Flavour of fruit, bit of caramel, bitterness and sweetness match, not overly sweet on the finish, some lingering bitterness.

I've been sampling Yob's beers for a while and I have to say he's blurred the obvious line between kit and grain for me. A nicely balanced beer, good finishing bitterness.
#B: Charst: Black IPA

Pours as clear as an almost black beer ever will. Tight white head, slow dissipation.

Aroma of malt, light fruity hops. Slight roast and the garlic from my hands.

Mouthfeel and body light, carb low/moderate.

Flavour of coffee and fruit. Lingering bitterness, fairly dry finish.

Kind of nice that a black IPA doesn't taste like a normal IPA (but is curiously dark). The bit of coffee/roast, while maybe not pulling the style gods off, makes a point for the dark malts besides contemporary art.

Carb could probably be higher but it doesn't trouble me as a non fizzy lover. Fruit, roast and bitter balance is good. Worth a revisit. No major faults to my palate, enjoyable beer.
Obviously I'm now the only one drinking these.

#12: Brendo: US Red.

Obviously unhappy about being in te bottle, most of it climbed up and out when I opened it. Consequently I can't reall comment on the likely clarity but my glass is pretty hazy.

Big head that disappeared very quickly to nothing.

Nice hop aroma- citrus and pine with a dslight woodiness. Background of nutty malt.
Carb surprisingly low - must have all jumped out at me at the beginning.

Flavour is as aroma - nutty, piney with a hint of citrus, lingering but smooth bitterness, hint of sweet.

Beautiful tasting beer. Presentation 0 but beer flavour itself can't be faulted. Really tasty.

9. Razz - Bo Pils

I get a really grainy pils aroma from this. Like shoving your face in a bag of pilsner malt! I get a little bit of corn, but I link it more with the pilsner malt character, as opposed to that really strong cooked corn/vegetal character you get from DMS.

Poured a moderate white head, which falls quickly. nice straw/yellow colour with a little haze.

Flavour is good. Good balance between bitterness and sweetness, although it finishes a touch cloying. Fair amount of body in this one too. Nice amount of carb (not too high, but appropriate).

Nice beer, Razz. I can't find any faults. Thanks

I have put the rest in the fridge. Lets see how many more I can crack out tonight. There have been a few I have been looking forward to trying.
13. bullsneck - American Pale Ale

Deep Gold, very persistent tight white head, most lacing i have seen in a long time.

Gentle fruity and citrus aroma, some sweet caramel malt.

Hops straight up followed by prominent bitterness that lingers slightly,sliding into a sweet rich crusty maltiness.
Maybe just a touch of alcohol detectable in the finish only noticeable after half the bottle has been consumed,
prob is just be me, anyway its not at all unpleasant.

Medium body and carbonation, all well balanced, very nice beer, really like the citra
cascade combo.

9. Razz - Bo Pils

I get a really grainy pils aroma from this. Like shoving your face in a bag of pilsner malt! I get a little bit of corn, but I link it more with the pilsner malt character, as opposed to that really strong cooked corn/vegetal character you get from DMS.

Just been reading (in my current favourite book: the principles of brewing science) that certain maillard reactions can lend a sweet corn character rather than the DMS cooked/creamed corn/sulfury/overcooked veg type thing. Rather than being driven off in a longer boil like DMS they may be actively encouraged by this.

I don't find the character unpleasant.
I don't find the character unpleasant.
Neither do I. Although, I have tasted a tainted beer with massive amounts of DMS and that, I do find unpleasant. Razz's beer was definitely not unpleasant
4. Fourstar - APA
loads of nice toasty, malty goodness in the nose. Getting fruity/floral hop aromas along with the sweet malt.

pale copper colour, off white head that holds its own. So far, so good.

First sip: low carbonation. More toasty notes. I get this really nice malt back bone that is perfectly balanced by the bitterness. Hop flavour is more spicy/piney than I would have expected. I was expecting fruity hops going by the aroma.

Probably could have done with a touch more carb. Other than that, this is my kind of beer. I love them more bitter than this, however this level of bittering works well with the malt profile which is just fantastic. The hops and malt are working together so well in the flavour.

The best so far. Thanks, fourstar!
B - Charst - Black IPA

Some ruby highlights when held up to the light. Decent tan head that quickly jumps up if you get careless and pour too fast.

Heaps of fruit and citruis in the aroma. I get some sweet malt as well

Flavor-wise I'm getting heaps of hops. Fruit, especially the citrus type, is the main flavour here. I'm also getting a bit of that dusty roastiness coming through. Bitterness is not over the top, but noticable. Carb is moderate, body is full.

Well crafted, Charst! Thanks.

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