Vic 2015 Xmas Case Swap

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Thanks to everybody who put in to make this a memorable weekend. Especially Tracey and Bruce. Thanks for having us, for letting us take over the place, for answering our questions, for explaining everything and for the beers!!

I liked the brew day best. It was awesome being able to feed grain and hops in. To push the buttons and turn the knobs. Even the clean up wasn't too bad.



Love it!! Looks like a grouse weekend was had. [emoji106][emoji106][emoji106]
Dammit dammit dammit! Looks like you folks had a blast.

At least I got to guilt the missus into shep next year, after all the fun times posts. Just hope it lasts for long enough!
No worries guys we had an absolute ball too. Must give a big thanks to Martin for organising the grain and or course the stag seamen, Jessie for the hops and the all important bacon and egg breakfast (very much required after the late night RIS), Grant for his awesome recipe and taking the helm as head brewer and ensuring we achieved all the correct rest and timely hop additions. Thanks to everyone else for your contributions of snacks, amazing beers but most of all your exceptional company and great sensor of humour which made for an awesome time.
Not to sure what's going on here.
Adam and the esky.jpeg

The much needed Bacon and egg breakfast to start the day
Bacon and egg breaky.jpg

The cool kids caught hanging out in the coolroom.
Cool kids hanging out in the coolroom.jpg
More pictures.

Brewing Away
Brewing away 1.jpg

Grant looking very much at home and enjoying being at the helm.
Head Brewer Grant 1.jpg

My favourite shot for the weekend is Martin having some fun on the case swap bottles
Martin having fun 1.jpg
Thank you to Tracey and Bruce for hosting & having us trapse all your brewery for the whole weekend, and letting us play with your awesome system, also for the food and just answering a million questions. That coolroom saved me a couple of times too ;) Gotta thank yob for helping organise the weekend too, plus the great bacon and egg breakfasts, hops, wicked aged RIS, etc. Huge thanks to Black and Tan for the recipe and brewing, that kegged u flecku was magnificent. Actually thanks to everyone for such an awesome weekend. Some freakin incredible beers were shared the Mildura boys Flanders red is magic, Stouty Stout veeery nice too, John's berlinners were a fave & AJ is inspirational as always from the mead to the sours & everything else in between, loved it! Feel like i should name everything i tried, but needless to say i loved them all!

Massive thanks to DJ Lethal, Nullnvoid & Micbrew for getting me & the circus tent up there & back too, champions!

Never seen this AHB message before "You have reached your quota of positive votes for the day"
Thanks everyone for a great weekend. Had a blast! Special mention to Tracey and Bruce, you guys are bloody hard workers!! Hope we didn't create too much more work for you.

Never thought I would be balls deep in a commercial mash tun, definitely another thing crossed off my bucket list.

Beers were great, had some beautiful Hefes, Belgian, :icon_vomit: thanks to everyone who let me sample them all!!! :D Honestly some great beers, great people.




Just wanted to reiterate all the previous comments and say what an awesome experience it was to brew with the Bandicoot crew. What wonderful hosts Tracey and Bruce were, incredibly hospitable and just genuine legends.

Will definitely be back up with the wife and son to say hello to them in the future!
idzy said:
Just wanted to reiterate all the previous comments and say what an awesome experience it was to brew with the Bandicoot crew. What wonderful hosts Tracey and Bruce were, incredibly hospitable and just genuine legends.

Will definitely be back up with the wife and son to say hello to them in the future!
And to pick up your 1000litre esky?
Also want to thank Bruce and Tracey for not only giving up their brewery to us hacks but also their time!

Everyone for the beers and laughs.

Jesse for helping me get up there, it was a much needed weekend.

Top notch weekend!
A big thanks to our hosts Tracey & Bruce ..great people and loads of generosity !!

As well as the organizers Jessie Grant & Martin we couldn't ask for more !!

A big shout out to Russell and Nathan for transporting our gear and getting us there !
as well as great company blokes sheilas and brewers alike

reckon we were the enyoy of the land !!

the countdown to Shepparton is underway ... NO PRESSURE WAYNE

thanks MickIMG_0193.JPG
As a case swap virgin I had no idea what to expect but was blown away by everyone's friendliness and their beers.
Cheers to everyone who gave me a sample of their beers and I hope the ones that got to try mine enjoyed them.
It was good to chat about brewing with a lot of you., even tho I probably didn't make any sense after a while.
Thanks to Tracy and Bruce for hosting and to all the people that helped put it together you have done a great job.
I'm already counting down to the next one! .
Whoever ended up with an extra mystery bottle in their swap beers, better drink it soon.

Cheers, Paul.

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