Coopers premium yeast slow to start

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I used a premium yeast from coopers. 48 hours and no bubbling. I think last time was slow or didn’t even bubble. Not sure. But I made a starter and seemed ok with a small head of bubbles. Not sure if I should through kit yeast in? But never had success after opening fermenter. Oxygen seems to cause havoc.

Is this yeast different to others?

Any ideas, hydrometer broke.

I was in the room for a while and doing something, heard a bubble every 2 minutes maybe so is working.. I have found that yeast not as active or is this too slow, 20 degrees..been about 48 hours, but did read can take 72 hours to get going properly.
If you can see condensation on the inside of the lid, that generally tells me it's off and running. I wouldn't be too worried about taking the lid off to have a peek. Fermenters sometimes don't seal properly. Back when I was a kid, my Dad used to brew in a plastic rubbish bin covered by a clean towel. He made pretty good beer and I don't remember any nasties attacking his brews. He'd be amazed to see what goes on in homebrewing nowadays.

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