Tubes, Vials And Dishes (yeast Farming Supplys) Mini-bulk Buy

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Petri dishes are used to culture samples and for streaking.
1.5ml tubes (as per the first post) are used to store/send small samples.

So what you are saying is that if you are sharing samples of yeast with someone, you can just mail this small sample and they can grow form this small amount, and petri dishes would be used for growing a sample of a particular yeast if you only have very small samples available Ie scrape the bottom of a bottle where the yeast tends to be filtered out, grow it in the petri dish, and then breed up from the sample??

12. Maple
30 mL: 100
Microfuge: 100
Petri Dish: 0
I'm happy to split 100x 30ml tubes with someone in melb. I'd never use 100

I am happy to split with you the 30mL tubes, and will now order the 1.5mL tubes as well.If you want 50 of each, let me know. I may never use the 1.5mL tubes but for the cost, you cannot go too wrong. Can I put you down for 50 of each?

my order has been modified to:

11. Golani51 (Reuven Segal)
30 mL: 100
Microfuge: 100
Petri Dish: 0
@ Golani51 (and Maple, Stux, Pistol) there is still only 400 (1000 needed) 30ml vials requested from the second batch, at this stage it does not appear that there will be sufficient to to order 2000 of them. Unless that number is filled very quickly (or the supplier pre-orders more than I asked for) most likely the second batch of 30ml vials will not be purchased.

So what you are saying is that if you are sharing samples of yeast with someone, you can just mail this small sample and they can grow form this small amount, and petri dishes would be used for growing a sample of a particular yeast if you only have very small samples available Ie scrape the bottom of a bottle where the yeast tends to be filtered out, grow it in the petri dish, and then breed up from the sample??
You do not need a petri dish, or even plastic vials to grow small samples of yeast or reculture yeast from a bottle.
By isolating samples on a streak plate (especially if you use a microscope) it can help to culture more pure sample of yeast since it will be grown from one single cell.
Only if you get enough interest Wolfy:

13. Leigh
30 mL: 100
Microfuge: 0
Petri Dish: 0
I`ll go 100 x 30ml vials to QLD if you get enough orders
I will also take 100 vials if it can happen, vials are on my long list of things for the brewery.

Bizier - WA
30ml vials: 100
1.5ml microfuge: 0
Petri dish: 0
Well that's 700, any more takers to get to 1000?
Well that's 700, any more takers to get to 1000?

OK. Thanks for the update.
It now looks like we have 800 of the 30mL tubes accounted for.
Come on guys...once in a lifetime deal....only 200 to go.
@Citymorgue: any chance you'll take a full 100??
So what you are saying is that if you are sharing samples of yeast with someone, you can just mail this small sample and they can grow form this small amount, and petri dishes would be used for growing a sample of a particular yeast if you only have very small samples available Ie scrape the bottom of a bottle where the yeast tends to be filtered out, grow it in the petri dish, and then breed up from the sample??

Sorry mate 50 will do me and Im taking them from warmbeer as already posted
Sorted for your benefit Wolfy :)

1. Wolfy
30ml vials: 200
1.5ml microfuge: 200-1000
Petri dish: 6

2. MeLoveBeer - Vic
30ml vials: 200
1.5ml microfuge: 0
Petri dish: 0

3. RussTaylor - Adelaide
30ml vials: 200
1.5ml microfuge: 0
Petri dish: 0

4. Ratchie - Qld
30ml vials:100
1.5ml microfuge: 0
Petri dish: 0

5. Andyd - Vic
30ml vials:0
1.5ml microfuge: 200
Petri dish: 0

6. Pennywise
30ml vials: 100
1.5ml microfuge: 0
Petri dish: 0

7. Manticle - Melb
30 mL: 100
Microfuge: 0
Petri Dish: 5

8. Mintsauce - Kalgoorlie, WA
30 mL: 100
Microfuge: 0
Petri Dish: 5

9. Wakkatoo - Creswick (vic)
30 mL: 0
Microfuge: 100
Petri Dish: 0

(if you get the numbers)
10. Stux - Sydney, NSW
30 mL: 100
Microfuge: 0
Petri Dish: 0

11. Pistol - Sydney
30ml vials: 100
1.5ml microfuge: 0
Petri dish: 0

12. Golani51 (Reuven Segal) - Melbourne
30 mL: 100
Microfuge: 100
Petri Dish: 0

13. Maple - Melb
30 mL: 100
Microfuge: 100
Petri Dish: 0

14. Leigh - Melb
30 mL: 100
Microfuge: 0
Petri Dish: 0

15. Murdoch - Qld
30 mL: 100
Microfuge: 0
Petri Dish: 0

16. Bizier - WA
30ml vials: 100
1.5ml microfuge: 0
Petri dish: 0

17. Jackson - Brisbane
30ml vials: 100
1.5ml microfuge: 0
Petri dish: 0

18. Akroplane - Werribee
30ml vials: 100
1.5ml microfuge: 0
Petri dish: 0

Thats 1900 30ml vials.
Sorted for your benefit Wolfy :)


Thats 1900 30ml vials.
Thankyou, much easier that way.

The order has been updated to include 2000 of the 30ml vials.
Unfortunately this will delay when I can pick them up (the first part of the order was placed earlier this week).

If the above numbers are correct there are 1900 30ml vials on order, a maximum of 2000 will be ordered (else this would stay open indefinitely).

The in-laws are visiting this weekend, so I'll be busy, but will sort out (and send via PM) payment, pickup and other information early next week.
The order should be available for pickup some time next week, but it's already been placed and paid for.
Great stuff Wolfy! Good onya.

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