I've always looked on this as a cheap experiment that might uncover some excellent surprises, if they'd all turned out ratshit I was prepared for that from day one.
+1 brother, but fortune favours the brave!
I've always looked on this as a cheap experiment that might uncover some excellent surprises, if they'd all turned out ratshit I was prepared for that from day one.
No they are labelled, unless someone wants to try them blind - no real point though, as the difference is not subtle.
I can understand an uneducated nose smelling them on their own, finding them possibly ok, but smelt against any fresh hop or by an educated nose, no way.
As I've said... they may well make fine beers & turn out to be excellent value for money & for this the trial beers will be the important test, but aroma wise in the raw state they leave a lot to be desired.
Cheers Ross
Love the way you assume that because somebody doesn't agree with your assessment that their senses are somehow not up to scratch
. Also interesting that the "onion" character referred to has in fact been established to be sulphur... hmm not sure you are really in a position to be questioning other people's palates...![]()
Thanks Ross.
Hopefully some reports will come through shortly on the Cluster & Nugget
I'm brewing with the Cluster in about half an hour. The Saaz is clean, pleasant and I've done an all Saaz that is fermenting ATM. I have only done an all Saaz once before, and it was Saaz 06 season plugs that I reported on in my thread "The Gremlins have stolen my Saaz". So far my beer is ahead of the Euro Saaz version, let's see how it turns out but no complaints yet.
Have to say I'm amazed - I've got both varieties on trial in the shop & not even the most uneducated nose has had any trouble picking up on the muskiness in the chinese varieties - maybe we have fresher hops here in the East B)
Cheers Ross
not even the most uneducated nose has had any trouble picking up on the muskiness in the chinese varieties
Graham, you're arrogance makes you VERY untrustworthy
a few pages of ****-fighting is going too far.
After all this crap being spewed in this thread, I'll be waiting a while before I decide whether these hops are worth it or not because quite frankly, Graham, you're arrogance makes you VERY untrustworthy and since this buy (which I have nothing against) you now have a nice swag of bum-kissing disciples that will likely back up your enthusiasm for these hops.
Graham, your arrogance makes you VERY untrustworthy and since this buy (which I have nothing against) you now have a nice swag of bum-kissing disciples that will likely back up your enthusiasm for these hops.
I thought what Ross was saying was that when the two hops are side by side, the chinese hops smelt musty compared to the shop ones. And as DrK said they probably should smell different too.I am sure Ross's crew is smelling something that everyone else is not. They are not liers, they smell something.
Now why no-one else smells it is the mystery. I just put up a likely explaination that I think is both logical and feasible, from a lot of experience with smells and tasting.
http://www.aussiehomebrewer.com/forum//ind...st&p=568385All this banter and no-one has actually tried a FINISHED beer with these hops? Come on people, sure it's OK to discuss preconceptions on how you expect it to turn out based on the dry hop aroma, tea, etc., but surely, a few pages of ****-fighting is going too far. Can't we all just sit tight for a week or so until the first beers come in?
My CCAPA is down to 1010 so I took a sample to force carbonate with a carbonation cap (great device for sampling beers early!). It certainly needed the dry hopping to add some aroma back into it, hydrometer samples were fairly plain up until then. The resulting beer is a nice summer ale but certainly not a direct replacement for US Cascade. I'm not an expert in taste but it reminds me of a slightly subdued Riwaka (NZ) hop style. There's some subtle grapefruit flavour and slightly lemony taste to me, which matches my very pale ale nicely.
Overall I'm happy with the hops for the price and the experience, just don't expect "true" Cascade flavours and you won't be disappointed. Going to brew a more subtle summer ale for Xmas for the non-craftbrew drinkers and this would go nicely in smaller quantities. For an IPA it'd need at least one other hop to add some flavour, if the Marco Polo is ok then it might be a nice combo.
The flavours from hop tea isn't always an accurate representation of what will end up in beer, either.
All this banter and no-one has actually tried a FINISHED beer with these hops? Come on people, sure it's OK to discuss preconceptions on how you expect it to turn out based on the dry hop aroma, tea, etc., but surely, a few pages of ****-fighting is going too far. Can't we all just sit tight for a week or so until the first beers come in?
After all this crap being spewed in this thread, I'll be waiting a while before I decide whether these hops are worth it or not because quite frankly, Graham, your arrogance makes you VERY untrustworthy and since this buy (which I have nothing against) you now have a nice swag of bum-kissing disciples that will likely back up your enthusiasm for these hops.
EDIT: this ****** grammar is brought to you by iPhone.
Ahhh yes, but already the discussion has been subjective, with no one actually doing blind tests...so what will change with the beers? Everybodies taste buds will be jumping out of their mouths to find a difference...
The true test will be when a beer is entered in a comp...maybe...