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+1 abt riding better when pissed.

But seriously, riding a pushie gets you into that alert zone cause of all that ... Well, pushing. Not that I'll try it when obscenely drunk. Hell, its a gamble riding on the road alongside SOBER drivers who honk at ya just to scare the wits out of u. Actually, being drunk you might be able to ignore that, thus improving safety.

PS: tongue in my cheek.

If you can get on without fallin off then your not too pissed to ride it.
One of the downsides of living in a 1st world countries! Damn those laws!

Reminds me of when I was in Portugal a few years ago. I met up with my parents who were also travelling around and one night walking home from a bar dad says to me, "one thing to keep in mind in this country at night, everyone on the road is as drunk as you are". I reckon he was right too.
same with phones, its ok to talk as long as you have both hands on the wheel. (handsfree)

Not any more (in Victoria anyway) - if the "device" (phone, GPS, etc) is not held in a car mounted, device specific holder (i.e. purchased for that model) and/or needs to be touched at all to be operated you will get pinged.

And not in a good way.
Where do I get a 12% Chimay?

And why would one be drinking Chimay from the bottle? EGADS! Surely a cop would only pull you over for drinking it from a goblet to ask you were you got it from?

:super: :beerbang: :chug:
lets all move to china!!! portable keg setups in our cars and all the hops a craft brewer can handle and all of them COMPLETELY FRESH
It's gonna be a bit hard for the cops to catch me riding pissed on my pushbike.
No plates so they can't trace me and I ride better when I'm pissed.

Sure you do :lol:

+1 abt riding better when pissed.

But seriously, riding a pushie gets you into that alert zone cause of all that ... Well, pushing. Not that I'll try it when obscenely drunk. Hell, its a gamble riding on the road alongside SOBER drivers who honk at ya just to scare the wits out of u. Actually, being drunk you might be able to ignore that, thus improving safety.

PS: tongue in my cheek.

Have only ever nearly been run down by a car once, that was on a racetrack as a track marshall and came with the territory. However I have nearly been run down twice by drunks on pushbikes. Once on a footpath, heard someone yelling "lookout mate I'm fcukin out a control", he was, jumped out of the road to watch him career down the footpath and faceplant the concrete path! The other time was on the main street of Coen (Cape York, only street from memory), young indigenous lad coming from the pub with a carton of VB on his shoulder, out of control, hit the bitumen, all he got was some scratches and 4 remaining unbroken stubbies :lol:

Pushbikes and piss don't mix!

I'm guilty of pouring from my keg on the last stretch of a drive to a campground. Got a cheeky one in before we set up camp.
Sure you do :lol:

Have only ever nearly been run down by a car once, that was on a racetrack as a track marshall and came with the territory. However I have nearly been run down twice by drunks on pushbikes. Once on a footpath, heard someone yelling "lookout mate I'm fcukin out a control", he was, jumped out of the road to watch him career down the footpath and faceplant the concrete path! The other time was on the main street of Coen (Cape York, only street from memory), young indigenous lad coming from the pub with a carton of VB on his shoulder, out of control, hit the bitumen, all he got was some scratches and 4 remaining unbroken stubbies :lol:

Pushbikes and piss don't mix!


Yeah true, it's a dangerous combination, especially in heavy traffic. Not as bad as travelling at 110kms/hr with a gut full though. I wouldn't ride my bike on the road blotto, probably couldn't get on it anyway.
Mind you wallking when your pissed can be a dangerous exercise if you've had enough.
Bloody hell this thread reminds me of so many stories ...

The old man used to nip out on his (push)bike to drink Ridleys at a little old pub where the landlord and landlady argued every night about whose turn it was to call time ... so they'd stay open until one of them cracked.
One night he'd had a couple-ish and stopped for a pee on the way home, couldn't get his leg over the bike and fell over, fast asleep in the road ... luckily he woke up at 4am before any cars had come past.

Not so lucky the drunk bloke who fell asleep walking home on another country road just over the brow of a hill near where I grew up - killed by a milk float ... seriously, one of these!

I remember all the yanks at uni in London could never get over how we would drink on the way to the pub 'cos there were no laws against it in England, they'd get all cagey and try and hide it on the street.

But then go to the US and everytime we went out it was drink driving ... in fact I had to commandeer a car after a mate painted a table in one place saying to him "you're not safe to drive." Phew, the irony.
I did enjoy taking a beer on the bus or tube in london when it was allowed. Especially on a friday night on the way home after work.
In WA the driver and passengers drinking in a car are considered to be 'Drinking in public'... I know this because my old boy got done for having passengers drinking in the car (yes, even though we wasn't drinking he still got fined because a car can't be driven with any alcohol being consumed).

It all seems quite harmless, but so does having a beer in the park (also illegal), most of us would be pretty tame and enjoy our beer but there are those idiots who F%$K it up by throwing bottles out of the car, annoying the driver, yelling at people in other cars and pedestrians. As for the people on push-bikes and skateboards, the law is there to protect them (and I'm sure the fine would be hefty enough along with suspension of license (if they have one))...even though you can't smash through someones house on your skateboard, you could very well skate infront of traffic, cause a car to swerve which then causes some major damage etc.

If you don't want to get done, don't do it...or make sure everyone keeps an eye out for cops and don't take a swig when they are driving right beside you :p One of the downsides of living in a 1st world countries! Damn those laws!
OK for passengers in Qld, but not the driver. Don't get out of the car with your stubby in hand or you could be done for drinking in a public place.
I swaer I will give his a serious think next time I'm pissed and about to mount my pushie :)
Any QLD'ers remember when bottled take aways were wrapped in newspaper by the barmaid/barman (before bottlo's). It was illegal to have alcoholic beverages in plain view in public areas so bottles were wrapped of sometimes put into a PLAIN brown paper bag, something that still exists. I was fined in the 60's for consuming beer in the vicinity of a dance hall. Talk about bad luck 4 of us in a car about 70M from the dance hall with one last remaining stubby. Passed it around, torchlight shone through the window just as I took my swig :lol: Ohh I was a baddie!


Even the tallies you won on the punchboard (Remember those Screwy? Every man & his dog had their own system.) were wrapped in newspaper so as not to be in plain sight when you left the pub.

I knew a guy who rode home drunk from a party on a push bike. No one could find him the next day. They eventually found him groaning in a ditch, both his arms were broken.