Nsw Xmas In July Case 2008

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She's getting her 8 pots fed with some Mobil 1 over easter Schooey :beerbang: Its lowered 4 inches so its not the smoothest ride but its a Holden ute. The doors even squeek :)

No guarantees, will depend on work and other commitments but would like to get to sydney to meet some of the crew.

No worries mate, If it doesn't pan out, I can always be a back up delivery boy in the super Kluger.
If someone can get me a date i can say Ya or Na to taking my turn as delivery boy.

Drop off at rutherford may be a bit dificult but im sure Mark can be persuaded with a bottle of beer to mind them for a few days before pick up.

let me know

If someone can get me a date i can say Ya or Na to taking my turn as delivery boy.

Well, how does the 28th June sound to everyone? Anybody already booked for that Saturday? :eek:
Dontg tempt me Les. If i had Rice Gulls in stock i might be tempted! Ahhh its just a call to G&G and they are on the doorstep. I think Mark has some rye malt in his shop too doesnt he.

Mark has a bag of rice hulls the size of a small car in his shop at the moment. I picked up a couple of kg's today

Rightio...... its tentitivly booked in. If the wife isnt working its all good. I will get my mum to pencil it in that she is pn call for grandkid duty on that date if need be.

Sooo..... all wee need is a Newey drop off point........... Schooey?

If Mark isn't willing, I have half a garage at Elermore Vale and I'm home most times of the day. If that fails, with a bit of notice I have a company car and I cruise around this city from one end to the other fairly often so I'm sure we can work something out?
So we need one more...... which sucker is game enough to sign up?

Come on..........you know you want to!

as a good friend of mine used to say to me,

Dont let fear hold you back!

Whats the worst that could happen........ anyone in the last NSW and HAG swap will have a bottle bomb siren installed in the garage by now! :p My wife would laugh as i read a potential bomb warning and ran to the garage to put it in the fridge with great care.

Scott? you know you want to!


Edit: One quick thought...... if we can get a swap date and location up early, i may be able to book it in with the minister of finance and fun and bring the Newey beers down in the back of the ute with one lucky passenger!

cheers again
Did we get a taker for this, or am I a looney to put my hand up?

If I'm in, can we please limit the styles to a max of 2 samples? Too much APA, and everyone thinks that theirs is the best. I know that mine is. I'm just drinking the last growler of my (IPA) Ruination.

I realise that limiting the number of style replicates to 2, but people need to explore their styles, and expand their horizons.
Of course, you can always put in the first bid or two and snag that style, orrr you can dig int your bag of tricks and pull out another style that your do well. Champions one and all (until or unless proven otherwise), NSW case swappers, start your brew-rigs.

Pat made me post this.

Les out :p
OOOO rice gulls :)

Mark..... if you read this. Save me a couple of KG please!

Great idea Les....... the less APA,s the better!

No issue with APA's in general. I'd just like to see a bit of variety, and wouldn't we all?

Les out :p
can we please limit the styles to a max of 2 samples? Too much APA, and everyone thinks that theirs is the best.

Should we just ask from from the outset what people are planning on brewing & lock them in?

I know I was thinking Double APA B)

PS - I agree with you Les, we need variety but I've only brewed pretty much APA's so far :)

Should we just ask from from the outset what people are planning on brewing & lock them in?

I know I was thinking Double APA B)

PS - I agree with you Les, we need variety but I've only brewed pretty much APA's so far :)

Then maybe you should put your name down first.

Or if you have nothing else in your repertoire, it's time to diverge, spread your wings and try another style you like. Brew something different. You know the saying, "Man does not live on bread alone...". Get out there and try to brew something you like from previous swaps or private tastings.

I'd like to believe that everyone has at least two good beers in them.

Trust your brewing technique and your tastebuds.

1. Stuster
2. Steve
3. nifty
4. PoMo
5. Crozdog
6. Kabooby
7. Fatgodzilla
8. Muggus
9. floppinab
10. Insight
11. redbeard - my beer is going to ELEVEN !!
12. Gulpa
13. SAH
14. HomeBrewWorld.com
15. BeerSlayer
16. Schooey
17. Pint of Lager
18. Thirstywench
19. Josh
20. Cortez The Killer
21. Jon W
22. DK
23. Jez
24. tony
25. Loftboy
26. Doc
27. Monkeybusiness
28. Linz
Looks like someone couldn't help themselves

Good to see

Maybe we can see one of those lovely Russian Imperial Stouts :chug:
Just a question re:Allowable bottles. Couldn't remember from other swaps whether anyone used PET bottles. The designation 'screwtops' is a little murky to my mind, since twist-top bottles are also screwtops. Are PET acceptable?

The Coopers PET bottles are 600ml so don't qualify. Plastic soft drink bottles are usually 680ml or 1.25l so don't qualify.

The referenece to screwtops means screwtop long necks (eg Carlton or Tooheys) as opposed to crown seal long necks (eg Coopers).

All these bottles are roughly the same size and fit 14 to a milk crate.

Tentative swap date 28 June 2008 ... bring 'em on boys. Don't let fear hold you back !

1. Stuster
2. Steve
3. nifty
4. PoMo
5. Crozdog
6. Kabooby
7. Fatgodzilla - English Old Ale
8. Muggus
9. floppinab
10. Insight
11. redbeard - my beer is going to ELEVEN !!
12. Gulpa
13. SAH
14. HomeBrewWorld.com
15. BeerSlayer
16. Schooey
17. Pint of Lager
18. Thirstywench
19. Josh
20. Cortez The Killer
21. Jon W
22. DK
23. Jez
24. tony
25. Loftboy
26. Doc
27. Monkeybusiness
28. Linz
Must admit i'm not too keen on this restricting people to what they can or cant brew just so there is more variety. If a person is comfortable brewing a particular style, APA for example and its a bloody good drop (and its their best top shelf brew) then they should be able to enter it. I dont think by going out on a limb and brewing something you havent brewed before or comfortable with just for the sakes of variety is not very fair on the brewer and the other entrants as it may not hit the mark. It comes back to what SJW was saying earlier that there should be no experimental brews it should be your best top shelf brew. I had thought about brewing a stout for a good sipper on the cold winter months...but I have never done an AG stout before. I would rather brew something that I am comfortable with so the end product is worthy of going in the case.
Must admit i'm not too keen on this restricting people to what they can or cant brew just so there is more variety. If a person is comfortable brewing a particular style, APA for example and its a bloody good drop (and its their best top shelf brew) then they should be able to enter it. Steve

Agree with you Steve 100%. Our Xmas swap was good as I parcelled all the individual styles together and drunk them in session (all the APAs, all the EPAs, all the porters, stouts etc) and same will work here. Brew what you want and know you'll do well - it'll be good and fully appreciated.

However I reckon that there will be some who are adept at brewing any style so they may choose a brew not being done by someone else, rather than an "easy beer" for convenience. Therefore put up your choice early and let anyone feeling "adventurous" to have a crack at something else.

As I'm still learning AG, I've gone a fairly easy style that will allow me to expand my knowledge. I'm keen to have a decent crack at lagering Czech darks but realise .. not yet. Still too inexperienced to experiment on you guys. Look for that at the Xmas case swap !
Yeah not sure what to do.......... only been AG for 4 or so months, don't really want to bite off more than I can chew, although that said my first AG was a 50% wheat lager :ph34r: which wasn't bad but suffered from heavy sulphur that I seem be getting out of a lot my lagers for some reason. So it's definately going to be an ale, last swap was an extract Best Bit, maybe a AG ESB..... maybe a Brown.........

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