Hag 2008 Xmas In July Case Swap!

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mmm Keith/Potters do a killer octoberfest. Can't wait for that to be on tap again. So going to have to have a big session up there on that again.
any news. ?

This has gone from the Xmas case thread to the "We have no grain to brew for the Xmas case" thread :lol:

Maybe it will be Xmas case in october?

Keith........... Potters.......... Oktoberfest........... ????????????????????

mmmmmmmmmm :)
Latest news, as of Wednesday, is that my beer has not only enough banana to be a banana milkshake, but it has the body of a thickshake. Prob bottle it tonight.

Oh, and Mark had none (or little) base malt on Wednesday.

As for this becoming the "We have no grain to brew for the Xmas case" thread, I'm OK for the case swap, but would like some more grain to make some follow-up beers. Am resorting to a K&K Golden ale on American Ale yeast tonight.

Bottled mine up today. I had to stop myself pouring a second hydro sample so I'd have enough bottles.

1. Loftboy - Fat Bastard Ale (Scottish Export 80/-)
2. Schooey - Weizenbock
3. Pok
4. Peve
5. Leeboy - Munich Dunkel Wyeast Munich Lager yeast
6. Shmick - Aussie Winter Warmer strong ale
7. goatherder - Maibock. S-189, 6.4% abv. Bottled 22/6.
8. Les the Weizguy- Weizen/Maibock (Heller Weizenbock)
9. stephen
10. Punter
11. nooch
12. Trent
13. Keith the Beer Guy
14. Offline - Scottish Ale of some type?
15. Colin
16. Smythy
17. Onescooter
18. ThirstyWench
19. RP
20. Tony - Maibock
21. Scotty
23. backyard brewer
Gee that was quick mate............ or has time gone by faster than i think.

I found CC's the S-189 useless. The beer had 2 or 3 points to go and after 2 weeks at 4 deg hadnt dropped a bit. I removed it from cc and warmend it to 12 deg and it finnished off.

Its like a cool firmenting ale yeast if you ask me. Nice yeast but not really a true lager yeast.

I have dome this with WLP833 in the past and removed it after 2 weeks in cc and its dropped 4 points

i have some 833 im about to pitch in the Potters Oktoberfest (no i havnt brewed it yet) and then may do a second batch of maibock........... its a lovly style.

Sorry fellas im having to pull out. Am rostered on the day of the swap and have had no brewing time anyway. Would like to have met you all but maybe next time. And yes grain has been an issue too.


1. Loftboy - Fat Bastard Ale (Scottish Export 80/-)
2. Schooey - Weizenbock
3. Pok
4. Peve
5. Leeboy - Munich Dunkel Wyeast Munich Lager yeast
6. Shmick - Aussie Winter Warmer strong ale
7. goatherder - Maibock. S-189, 6.4% abv. Bottled 22/6.
8. Les the Weizguy- Weizen/Maibock (Heller Weizenbock)
9. stephen
10. Punter
11. nooch
12. Trent
13. Keith the Beer Guy
14. Offline - Scottish Ale of some type?
15. Colin
17. Onescooter
18. ThirstyWench
19. RP
20. Tony - Maibock
21. Scotty
23. backyard brewer
I think it's gone faster than you think Tony - it spent 5 weeks in primary.

I agree with your S-189 assessment, it's a lot like an ale yeast. I did this one at 10 degrees (as opposed to my normal 12) and found it kicked a bit of sulphur this time. It was only slight so it should lager out. It's normally as clean as a whistle for me, I haven't made a bad beer with it yet.

I hope there is enough yeast in your beer for me to culture it, I'd love to give it a try.

Gee that was quick mate............ or has time gone by faster than i think.

I found CC's the S-189 useless. The beer had 2 or 3 points to go and after 2 weeks at 4 deg hadnt dropped a bit. I removed it from cc and warmend it to 12 deg and it finnished off.

Its like a cool firmenting ale yeast if you ask me. Nice yeast but not really a true lager yeast.

I have dome this with WLP833 in the past and removed it after 2 weeks in cc and its dropped 4 points

i have some 833 im about to pitch in the Potters Oktoberfest (no i havnt brewed it yet) and then may do a second batch of maibock........... its a lovly style.

I used the S-189 in my Maibock too :)

I will save you some 833 if you want mate. I owe you for the 1469.

The oktoberfest will be put dowm before the end of the week so only a few to wait :)

And smyth........... thats a shame. Next time hey.

Cheers mate, I'll take you up on it.

Although I did just learn a tasty little secret - 833 is apparently the same as Wyeast 2478 Hella Bock, one of their seasonals. And there's a packet in Mark's fridge. I would have bought it on Friday if I had known...

I used the S-189 in my Maibock too :)

I will save you some 833 if you want mate. I owe you for the 1469.

The oktoberfest will be put dowm before the end of the week so only a few to wait :)

And smyth........... thats a shame. Next time hey.

I put down my bitter yesterday, though it may be a bit thinner than anticipated, as I missed my target temps by a few points! Originally I thought it had only hit 64C (just recalibrated my thermo's) but it settled in at 67C, a far cry from the 70C I was aiming for. Figured by the time I got another few litres of water boiled, most of the conversion would be done.
Maris Otter, crystal and munich in the grist, bittered with target, and threw in 60g of challenger at flameout (46L batch) to give it a tiny little amount of hop flavour. Never used challenger before, so it should be interesting. Both beers were pitched at 18C, rose to 19C within hours, and are back at 18C due to the bloody cold night. Going to rotate a hot water bottle twice a day to keep em rolling.
Here's to keeping my fingers crossed.
PS I am fairly sure that Mark has a small portion of his grain in the way of lager malt now, so those that are desperate can probably put that to use. T.

Is that the split batch with 2 yeasts? Sounds great. I have positive memories of Bitter ales from both you and Gough.

I have today off work, and so I'll set to bottle my Weizendoppelbock and bail out my dog from the Council dog-napper/ransom/rescuers (alleged).

Thanks for the Zymurgy mags, too. I might make that Roggenbier from Classic Styles, as MHB should have plenty of rye (not a standard base grain).
I was in on Friday and Mark does have plenty of Rye - and the price is good too!


Is that the split batch with 2 yeasts? Sounds great. I have positive memories of Bitter ales from both you and Gough.

I have today off work, and so I'll set to bottle my Weizendoppelbock and bail out my dog from the Council dog-napper/ransom/rescuers (alleged).

Thanks for the Zymurgy mags, too. I might make that Roggenbier from Classic Styles, as MHB should have plenty of rye (not a standard base grain).
leave some for me :)

Roggenbier, here we come.

Just tested my 2 bitters, and so far the verdict is OK. As Mark warned me, the Challenger is a dominant hop, and I MAY have gone a little too heavy on the gypsum, but we will see after it has CC'ed.
Its not a "big" beer, starting life at 1036, with 39IBU. The 1028 batch is now at 1009 before heading into CC tomorrow, and the 1098 batch is at 1011. Funnily enough, the 1098 batch tastes quite a bit thinner and less rounded than the 1028. Again, we will see when it has CC'ed, been bottled and carbonated. At any rate, I am pretty bloody happy with how it is so far.
As an aside, I think it is pretty funny that poor old Mark has been stuck with this rye malt he cannot move for ages - now that he is getting rid of it, everybody wants it :lol:. I cannot laugh, though, as I took 8kg!
All the best, I look forward to tasting everybody's beers.
Im out folks.

My Maibock............ along with just about everything else i have brewed in the last 12 months has developed a lactic sourness.

So all 46 liters will be poured out tomorrow and along with the 27 liters of bitter that grew something strange on the top of the secondary, and the strange white scum growing on the blow off tube water on my belgian tripple........... id say i have nothing to contribute.


I was 5mm from giving up brewing, im now 3mm.

Having a glass of aged Sheep Shagger to remind myself of how good i can get.............. and its good :)

The wife has hidden all sharp knives.

have a good day at potters.


1. Loftboy - Fat Bastard Ale (Scottish Export 80/-)
2. Schooey - Weizenbock
3. Pok
4. Peve
5. Leeboy - Munich Dunkel Wyeast Munich Lager yeast
6. Shmick - Aussie Winter Warmer strong ale
7. goatherder - Maibock. S-189, 6.4% abv. Bottled 22/6.
8. Les the Weizguy- Weizen/Maibock (Heller Weizenbock)
9. stephen
10. Punter
11. nooch
12. Trent
13. Keith the Beer Guy
14. Offline - Scottish Ale of some type?
15. Colin
17. Onescooter
18. ThirstyWench
19. RP
21. Scotty
23. backyard brewer
After my effort last time with bottling I'm actually going to ask for help. Does anyone have a bottle washing tree + capper that I could borrow for a day to get my contribution bottled quickly and with best sterilisation methods. I live at Waratah and am happy to drive a little way to borrow one. Will even drop off a bottle or two of whatever I have on tap at the time. At the moment it is AIPA and German Pils in the fridge.

That's been the curse of a keg system for me. Bottling equipment got passed on and since had a couple of infections when bottling.
boil the jug and rinse out hte bottles with boiling water., drain and fill.

If they were cleaned when you emptied them they will be fine.

i dont see how a bottle wash tree (never seen one) will make the bottles sanatry.

just clean them and rinse them with boiling water.

Im out folks.

My Maibock............ along with just about everything else i have brewed in the last 12 months has developed a lactic sourness.

So all 46 liters will be poured out tomorrow and along with the 27 liters of bitter that grew something strange on the top of the secondary, and the strange white scum growing on the blow off tube water on my belgian tripple........... id say i have nothing to contribute.


I was 5mm from giving up brewing, im now 3mm.

Having a glass of aged Sheep Shagger to remind myself of how good i can get.............. and its good :)

The wife has hidden all sharp knives.

have a good day at potters.

I'm happy to keep you included, Tony. Can't speak for everyone, but you got my vote...or are you scared of my Weizenhell-doppelbock?

Uncle Les :rolleyes:
Mate ive brewed a 1.106 AG doppelbock, a 140 IBU IIPA and a Roggenbier with double cracked (powdered) 45% rye malt

Edit: forgot the Iron bark ale made with home smoked Iron bark flavoured malt. That scared National beer judges. They cried, there were water marks on the score sheet. You could smell the smoke in it 6 feet away when it was poured! I will put it this way. After mashing it, there was a smoky campfire smell im my clothes. It tasted like a bushfire!

No beer scares me !

I found a 50 liter batch of rauchbier on the floor in my garage............. if its ok i will put my name back down........... plenty of spaces but im not entering a sour lager!

Its actually quite drinkable............ its just got this lactic bitter sour thing. May call it a Berlinermaibock????????????

na that wont work............... its ****!
