Hag 2008 Xmas In July Case Swap!

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I have heard a whisper ....

Mark has ordered a pallet from his supplier, who has ordered from their maltster so Islington should be overflowing with grain next week.

Now all we need is for you local guys to go and buy some of it so that we all get paid ;)

That's cool David. I have plenty of $$ to spend. I only need enough petrol to get to MHB's shop, Oh, and I suppose I need some to get to work too...to earn the money that buys the petrol that gets me to MHB's...and then there's...

Awww, I'm loaded with cash, anyway. That IMC pils malt is pretty good stuff too. Very utilitarian. There's some in my Weizenbock today. I think I cleaned out the shop. Sorry to everyone who needed some. My need was greater. :lol:

I'm quite sure that the locals will buy up, as soon as supplies are in. I need to make a Witbier soon, so I'll need some Pils, and then a Grand Cru, and... :icon_drool2:

Thanks for the tip, Mr Fridge :D
I've got a few free weekends coming up so i'll definately be buying up. Got a big list of beers to brew and think I will do my best to get through them. The majority seem to be big lagers though so getting through them once they are done might be the only issue...
I've got a few free weekends coming up so i'll definately be buying up. Got a big list of beers to brew and think I will do my best to get through them. The majority seem to be big lagers though so getting through them once they are done might be the only issue...
:D :D Les puts his hand up to offer help with consumption of strong lagers. Really! :D :D
haha I didn't really think I'd have much of a issue finding volunteers to help out with the consumption :D

I'll be bottling the majority of them so I'll make sure I swing some your way if they pass quality control. You do drink Eisbock's right?
haha I didn't really think I'd have much of a issue finding volunteers to help out with the consumption :D

I'll be bottling the majority of them so I'll make sure I swing some your way if they pass quality control. You do drink Eisbock's right?
Yes, but... Hmm..., no buts. Just Yes.

Thanks for the offer. Let's hope they meet your stringent standards.
I hope that there are some english base malts in MHB's soon, so I can put down a bitter for the case swap.
Actually, I have a formal request for everybody. I am currently brewing 46L batches, and splitting them into 2 x 23L batches with different yeasts, so I can get a feel for which yeasts I prefer for each style of beer I regularly brew. I am wondering, providing we get less than 27 people, if it is OK that I bottle my bitter in stubbies, giving each swap entrant a stubby each of the exact same bitter, one fermented with 1028 and the other fermented with 1098?
If there are no real complaints, this way you can try the 2 beers side by side, and see what difference the 2 yeasts make to the same beer that I usually pitch at the same temp, ferment next to each other at the same temp, etc....
Just a thought/request
All the best
Trent, that sound s like a great idea. I for one have no problem with that at all. Sounds like a great deal of effort on your part, but great for experimental purposes for everyone.
Sounds good to me Trent!!
A lot of bottling effort though.

If mark is all out of malt already im not going to be happy.

Im working 12 hr days up the valley in the mines and getting to the shop for supplies is nigh on imposible.

I may go postal!

Im almost clean out of malt!

Im a good shot!

Sorry guys I'm out. May well come for the event, but I ain't got the time to bottle.

1. Loftboy - Fat Bastard Ale (Scottish Export 80/-)
2. Schooey - Weizenbock
3. Pok
4. Peve
5. Leeboy - Belgian Dubbel Wyeast 1214 Belgian Ale Yeast
6. Shmick - Aussie Winter Warmer strong ale
7. goatherder - Maibock
8. Les the Weizguy- Weizen/Maibock (Heller Weizenbock)
9. stephen
10. Punter
11. nooch
12. Trent
13. Keith the Beer Guy
14. Offline - Scottish Ale of some type?
15. Colin
16. Smythy
17. Onescooter
18. ThirstyWench
19. RP
20. Tony - Maibock
21. Scotty
23. backyard brewer
I hope that there are some english base malts in MHB's soon, so I can put down a bitter for the case swap.
Actually, I have a formal request for everybody. I am currently brewing 46L batches, and splitting them into 2 x 23L batches with different yeasts, so I can get a feel for which yeasts I prefer for each style of beer I regularly brew. I am wondering, providing we get less than 27 people, if it is OK that I bottle my bitter in stubbies, giving each swap entrant a stubby each of the exact same bitter, one fermented with 1028 and the other fermented with 1098?
If there are no real complaints, this way you can try the 2 beers side by side, and see what difference the 2 yeasts make to the same beer that I usually pitch at the same temp, ferment next to each other at the same temp, etc....
Just a thought/request
All the best

Hey Trent,
Sounds good to me. I've also got a Grand Cru that I brewed a while back that I O.D'ed with honey when I had no sense of smell or taste due to the Flu... happy to bottle and add to the list as well (if nobody minds).
there are blank spots mate........... fill em up.

I am drinking a Maibock right now........... and its nice :)

Still a tad yound and will round out more over the next couple of months.

It has a touch of haze :angry: but its as smooth as silk, ballanced perfectly (IMO) and a faint hint of hops to round it off.

very happy

and its not infected :party:
Just changing my brew for the swap. Currently running a couple of brews behind schedule. funny what a 3 month old will do to a brewer.

1. Loftboy - Fat Bastard Ale (Scottish Export 80/-)
2. Schooey - Weizenbock
3. Pok
4. Peve
5. Leeboy - Munich Dunkel Wyeast Munich Lager yeast
6. Shmick - Aussie Winter Warmer strong ale
7. goatherder - Maibock
8. Les the Weizguy- Weizen/Maibock (Heller Weizenbock)
9. stephen
10. Punter
11. nooch
12. Trent
13. Keith the Beer Guy
14. Offline - Scottish Ale of some type?
15. Colin
16. Smythy
17. Onescooter
18. ThirstyWench
19. RP
20. Tony - Maibock
21. Scotty
23. backyard brewer

I have heard a whisper ....

Mark has ordered a pallet from his supplier, who has ordered from their maltster so Islington should be overflowing with grain next week.

Now all we need is for you local guys to go and buy some of it so that we all get paid ;)

David, that whisper may have been too soft... or your hearing is effected. :lol:

Was nothing there on Thursday just gone. Any idea when?

Oh, BTW, my Hellesweizenbock is just about ready for bottling. Alc % may be as high as 9.9%

David, that whisper may have been too soft... or your hearing is effected. :lol:

Was nothing there on Thursday just gone. Any idea when?

Oh, BTW, my Hellesweizenbock is just about ready for bottling. Alc % may be as high as 9.9%


I went to MHB yesterday to get my co2 bottle filled, lucky for me he was there as it didnt even click that he is closed on mondays. Looked to me like he had just had a big delivery of grain so seems things are on track (i could be wrong but there was a damn lot of packaged grain in his storeroom and he said he had a heap more out the back). On that note Thanks again Mark for letting me get my bottle filled on your day off, greatly appreciated. So maybe give him a call and see what he has.

David, that whisper may have been too soft... or your hearing is effected. :lol:

Was nothing there on Thursday just gone. Any idea when?

Oh, BTW, my Hellesweizenbock is just about ready for bottling. Alc % may be as high as 9.9%


I have been promising Mark that his order would be there 'any day now' - for weeks !

It is not his fault that I can't supply due to problems with our warehouse in Woolongong. If anyone wants to drive to Woolongong and pick up half a tonne of malt I am sure that Mark and I will be very generous with our gratitude.

My hopes for this week are fading fast, but I am pulling out all stops.

Not much that you can do when your staff are all laid low with the nasty gastric bug that is doing the rounds.

My car is full this coming trip up, I could probably do it next week though (thursday week) if it isn't already done by then.
any news. ?

This has gone from the Xmas case thread to the "We have no grain to brew for the Xmas case" thread :lol:

Maybe it will be Xmas case in october?

Keith........... Potters.......... Oktoberfest........... ????????????????????

mmmmmmmmmm :)
Bottled my "Bastardised Lager" tonight. A little sceptic of how it will turn out. Not very happy as it wasn't very clear but time will tell in the bottle I guess....aslong as it tastes alright.


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