Hag 2008 Xmas In July Case Swap!

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What about Potters?

They have a nice grassy area out the side where we wont get in anyones way and i hear the beer is ok.

Aparently the head brewer is a bit of a hard case but im sure he wouldn't mind.

What about Potters?


This is what came to my mind aswell. Would be good for me as it is local. But ultimately it is up to the group as a whole as getting here and back could prove frustrating as public transport is nil.

On a side note I'm sure we all hope Mark gets better soon, I was in his store the other night and his new colleague (Ben I'm sure his name was) was very accommodating and enthusiastic. So good to see things are in good hands while Mark is off hopefully making a recovery.

Anyway if we can come up with a date and place for the swap that would be great.

Loftboy....maybe when you start that new thread you can put a poll in it so it can easily be voted....I figure you already thought of that but if not just jogging your memory.

Cheers, Pok

EDIT: Other option could be the foreshore....but maybe a bit too "public".....and can get rather cold in the arvo being near the water.
+1 for marks recovery.

I have been crook for 3 or 4 weeks now with stints off work. No fun at all!

I was in his shop this arvo to buy some grain but he has none. no crystal malts....... no malted barley.

Hopefully things will improve when he is back on track or im going to have to go for a drive to sydney. Im running low.

Hopefully things will improve when he is back on track or im going to have to go for a drive to sydney. Im running low.

Just order from Ross....save the drive....but anyway back to the thread!!

As for dates the any of the 1st 3 weekends in July should be good. If we can sort a date nice and early I should be able to score the day off and join in the fun properly (Saturday would be preferable.....then again weekdays are great...but most would be working etc....damn weekend job!!).

So I vote for either July 5th, 12th or 19th.
Loftboy....maybe when you start that new thread you can put a poll in it so it can easily be voted....I figure you already thought of that but if not just jogging your memory.


I'll leave it a day or so to see if Potters is a possibility and for any other locations to be suggested. Either way, I'll aim to get a voting thread up by the weekend.


I'll leave it a day or so to see if Potters is a possibility and for any other locations to be suggested. Either way, I'll aim to get a voting thread up by the weekend.


Sounds good to me. I'm keen either way. Hopefully will be able to attend for more than the last 30 mins this year!!! Anyway thanks for taking on the task of getting this going Dave. I'm sure everyone appreciates it.

Beers, Pok
correct.... back on topic! (I wasnt making threats...... only saying he must be crook if he doesnt have stock...... its very unusual. Either that or there is none out there to get?).

Might be better to leave it till the 12th or 19th. Im not real confident that all parties involved even remember they put their names down. Noone has listed what they are making ect. At this rate we could get 20 APA's. :icon_vomit: :p

I guess a location voting thread will show how many are still onboard.

My Maibock is in bottles and starting to carb up as we speak!

My Maibock is in bottles and starting to carb up as we speak!

Damn! I havnt even decided what I am brewing yet. <_<
Better pull my finger out.
Potters would be a great place to have it if they accept the idea.
Either day on a weekend will be good for me, unless its a Saturday I'm working. :angry:
Hope you get better soon Mark.
Glad to see I'm not the only disorganised one :(

I picked up my grain (thanks Ben @ MHB's) ready for last w/e but was too sick with flu to drink so therefore couldn't brew.
Had to make a small adjustment to the recipe on the fly but should be ok.

Fingers crossed we can find and agree on a location for the swap.

+2 for Mark getting better soon.

+1 for mark getting better. Got a few grain orders awaiting only for purchase from mark.

I really dont care where the swap is.
What about Potters?

They have a nice grassy area out the side where we wont get in anyones way and i hear the beer is ok.

Aparently the head brewer is a bit of a hard case but im sure he wouldn't mind.

Should be fine.

How about I suggest the morning of Sat 26th July, 10.00 am.

I'm easy with the venue. Potter's great.
As far as date goes, I'm better mid July i.e. 12th and 19th.

See Yah
have some lunch

Bbq?? Don't want to sound like a bastard but last time I ate at potters I swore I would never grace their "restaurant" floor again. if only they could be as quality driven as the boys in the brewery section.


EDIT: This comment is not meant to be in jest or anything along those lines. Just a simple comment due to a number of bad experiences. Aslong as the beer is good I will be happy.

Jeez Pok, talk about bite the hand that feeds you..

Did it maybe occur to you that Keith may have smoothed it over with Potters on the premise that some people would be using their facility but they may or may not eat some lunch and have a few drinks while they are there? Or maybe the time that you ate there that it was just an off night/day?

I've eaten there numerous times in the past and had no issues with the food/service. Theres always the option of attending the swap and slinking home quietly for a sandwich if you want to...

Jeez Pok, talk about bite the hand that feeds you..

Did it maybe occur to you that Keith may have smoothed it over with Potters on the premise that some people would be using their facility but they may or may not eat some lunch and have a few drinks while they are there? Or maybe the time that you ate there that it was just an off night/day?

I've eaten there numerous times in the past and had no issues with the food/service. Theres always the option of attending the swap and slinking home quietly for a sandwich if you want to...

Sorry Schooey I didn't mean to cause a fuss over that, guess I should have thought of that before I wrote what I did. To be honest the beer side of things at potters is great, the boys and girls on that side deffinatley deserve a pat on the back. But to be honest the food side of things need a royal boot up the bum and I have eaten there more than once so it can't have been a bad night. And from what I have heard there has been alot bad experiences coming out of that kitchen. Hey in the hospitality world reputation and criticism is very important. Thats Why I think its important for the whole building to be on the same plate. Maybe Keith and Co. should run the kitchen aswell??

On that note if it is decided that things will go ahead at Potter's and I can get the day off I will deffinately join in all the festivities (including lunch) and put my judgements of my previous experiences behind me for the greater good.

Anyway back to the topic......

P.S. I do appeciate Keith and the folks at Potters allowing us to potentially hold this gig there. Beers to them :beer:


Location Ideas:

- Speers Point Park or Warners Bay waterfront
- Jesmond Park
- Blackbutt Reserve
- Mount Sugarloaf
- Raymond Terrace near the river
- Morpeth or Maitland
- Potters


- July Sat 12th
- July Sat 19th
- July Sat 26th
not every date is going to suit every person.

Keith has offered up posibly the best venus in the hunter valley for craft brewers to gather and given us a time and date that will obviously fit in with their schedule

I say we run with it.

If you cant make it for work, have a sickie!

If you cant do that, im sure someone will take your case and swap it for you!.

I know it sounds harsh but the next 4 weeks of............ oh i have to work that day, oh its a bit far to drive, ect ect is going to get tedious.

I say set it in stone, and arange youe schedule to fit it in.

Im sure my wife will have something pointless planned for that day........ but i will work it!

just my thoughts


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