Hag 2008 Xmas In July Case Swap!

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1. Loftboy - Fat Bastard Ale (Scottish Export 80/-)
2. Schooey - Dunkel Weizenbock^2
3. Pok
4. Peve - Coriander Porter - 6.3%, S-04
5. Leeboy - Munich Dunkel Wyeast Munich Lager yeast DRINK late August
6. Shmick - Aussie Winter Warmer strong ale
7. goatherder - Maibock. S-189, 6.4% abv. Bottled 22/6.
8. Les the Weizguy- Weizen/Maibock (Heller Weizenbock)
10. Punter
11. nooch - Maibock, Wyeast 2487VSS Hella-Bock
12. Trent - English Ordinary Bitter in stubbies, showcasing the same wort with 2 different yeasts - WY1028 and WY1098. No yeast farming available, I added a fresh slug of 1098 to each beer at priming.
13. Keith the Beer Guy
14. Offline - Scottish Ale of some type?
15. Colin - Vienna Lager 5.5% ABV, S-189, Carbonated but still needs a month or so in the fridge before drinking.
17. Onescooter - Schwartbier
18. ThirstyWench- Australian Amber Ale
19. RP
21. Scotty
23. backyard brewer - Georgetown/India Pale Ale. High hopped for that long boat journey from the lounge to the fridge... 5.8% 60 IBU ish

Just adding my brew to the list
I have tiied one of my Belgian trippels yesterday and it seemed ok to me. It probably tastes like swamp water :rolleyes:

I have put another one in the fridge to really scrutinise tomorrow night and if i deem it half decent i would still like to be in if thats OK.

Im really nervous about this........... i thought my NSW swap beer was ok too.

I will put my name down for sure if i deem it drinkable........... It was No chilled and is still young. It was cloudy but tasted OK......... but i was brewing and had had a few.

might even look for a second opinion.

Chuck it in the swap mate, who cares, seriously? I know you set yourself a high standard, but I'll take the chance I might be missing out on a great beer if you don't
i care ........... thats the problem.

I feel like hiding in a corner from the NSW swap.............. if its my own brew club friends.....................


To be honest Tony I would love you to put in something you are not happy with so that I can learn more and see what others deem as good and bad. Would be a great learning opportunity. And on that not that is totally the reason I like being involved in these swaps and this forum....to learn.

So anyway..dont be shy Tony...even if it turns out to not be your best by your standards, atleast you will be teaching others.

Cheers, Pok
Go for it Tony. Surely a big Tripel has got to be a good chance of being clean.
Howdy all.
Im sorry to say tragedy has struck, I came home Sunday morning to find that 2/3 had relocated itself from the fermenter onto my floor. Unfortunately I don't have another beer to put in so I guess I'm out.
Sorry follks.

I'm in 2 minds about going up cause I don't particularly want to feel like an intruder, but on the other hand it would be good to see some familiar faces.

Sorry to leave you guys short of beer.. Maybe next time.

Not a happy camper..

will let you all know in a day or 2

cheers :)
Im in!

Its hazy....... was no chilled and only bottled a week or 2 ago but its already quite smooth and drinkable.

4 to 6 weeks in the bottle should see it improve markedly

1. Loftboy - Fat Bastard Ale (Scottish Export 80/-)
2. Schooey - Weizenbock
3. Pok
4. Peve
5. Leeboy - Munich Dunkel Wyeast Munich Lager yeast
6. Shmick - Aussie Winter Warmer strong ale
7. goatherder - Maibock. S-189, 6.4% abv. Bottled 22/6.
8. Les the Weizguy- Weizen/Maibock (Heller Weizenbock)
9. Tony - a hazy Belgian Trippel
10. Punter
11. nooch - Maibock, Wyeast 2487VSS Hella-Bock
12. Trent - English Ordinary Bitter in stubbies, showcasing the same wort with 2 different yeasts - WY1028 and WY1098. No yeast farming available, I added a fresh slug of 1098 to each beer at priming.
13. Keith the Beer Guy
14. Offline - Scottish Ale of some type?
15. Colin
17. Onescooter
18. ThirstyWench- Australian Amber Ale
19. RP
21. Scotty
23. backyard brewer - Georgetown/India Pale Ale. High hopped for that long boat journey from the lounge to the fridge... 5.8% 60 IBU ish

So is this the final list?

1. Loftboy - Fat Bastard Ale (Scottish Export 80/-)
2. Schooey - Dunkel Weizenbock^2, Wyeast 3068, 6.3% abv, Bottled Mar 08, drink now
3. Pok
4. Peve
5. Leeboy - Munich Dunkel Wyeast Munich Lager yeast
6. Shmick - Aussie Winter Warmer strong ale
7. goatherder - Maibock. S-189, 6.4% abv. Bottled 22/6.
8. Les the Weizguy- Weizen/Maibock (Heller Weizenbock)
9. Tony - a hazy Belgian Trippel
10. Punter
11. nooch - Maibock, Wyeast 2487VSS Hella-Bock
12. Trent - English Ordinary Bitter in stubbies, showcasing the same wort with 2 different yeasts - WY1028 and WY1098. No yeast farming available, I added a fresh slug of 1098 to each beer at priming.
13. Keith the Beer Guy
14. Offline - Scottish Ale of some type?
15. Colin

17. Onescooter

19. RP

21. Scotty

23. backyard brewer - Georgetown/India Pale Ale. High hopped for that long boat journey from the lounge to the fridge... 5.8% 60 IBU ish

..and by my sums, that makes 19 bottles? Or are we bringing extras?
Well I've just bottled mine so it's going to need a good month before drinking.

I just spoke with the RP swapper and is unfortunately out due to infection...

1. Loftboy - Fat Bastard Ale (Scottish Export 80/-)
2. Schooey - Dunkel Weizenbock^2, Wyeast 3068, 6.3% abv, Bottled Mar 08, drink now
3. Pok
4. Peve
5. Leeboy - Munich Dunkel Wyeast Munich Lager yeast
6. Shmick - Aussie Winter Warmer strong ale
7. goatherder - Maibock. S-189, 6.4% abv. Bottled 22/6.
8. Les the Weizguy- Weizen/Maibock (Heller Weizenbock)
9. Tony - a hazy Belgian Trippel
10. Punter
11. nooch - Maibock, Wyeast 2487VSS Hella-Bock, 6.3% abv.
12. Trent - English Ordinary Bitter in stubbies, showcasing the same wort with 2 different yeasts - WY1028 and WY1098. No yeast farming available, I added a fresh slug of 1098 to each beer at priming.
13. Keith the Beer Guy
14. Offline - Scottish Ale of some type?
15. Colin

17. Onescooter

21. Scotty

23. backyard brewer - Georgetown/India Pale Ale. High hopped for that long boat journey from the lounge to the fridge... 5.8% 60 IBU ish

So looks like 18 now.
so 18.......... i get to keep quite a few Trippels for myself then............. happy about that.

Going to tuck them away for 6 months and forget about them............ perhaps pull them out a xmas and see what they are like.

my wife has a chiropractor apointment on saturday morning but shoould be there before lunch

Just bottling my contribution now, so it wont be ready to drink for a while, I have been so busy with work that it has been sitting ready to bottle for a week and a half now <_<oops .
I was just checking how many I needed as I only have 21 bottles, so its all smiles then :D .

I'm in 2 minds about going up cause I don't particularly want to feel like an intruder, but on the other hand it would be good to see some familiar faces.

Don't let a minor tragedy hold you back, Carol. Come along for some lunch and a few chocolate porters anyway. I severely doubt anyone would feel you are intruding
Hey Gents,

I'll see all you guys on Saturday (as the new assistant brewer at Potters). Can't wait to see what special brew Keithy brings. All my homebrew is in Wagga so I won't get in the swap but I look forward to meeting everyone.


Ok bad news.... I'm out for the days events tomorrow but will take my case to potters today and give them to Keith and Co. (well got to ring them first).

My car decided to die yesterday so unfortunately I will be forced to work otherwise the car doesnt get fixed.

I hope everyone has a good day and the beer flows nicely.

Cheers, Pok
Anyone else wish to add their produce???
We are almost at Swap Day.

1. Loftboy - Fat Bastard Ale (Scottish Export 80/-)
2. Schooey - Dunkel Weizenbock^2, Wyeast 3068, 6.3% abv, Bottled Mar 08, drink now
3. Pok
4. Peve
5. Leeboy - Munich Dunkel Wyeast Munich Lager yeast
6. Shmick - Aussie Winter Warmer strong ale
7. goatherder - Maibock. S-189, 6.4% abv. Bottled 22/6.
8. Les the Weizguy - Heller Weizenbock 9.8% ABV (Bottled 24/7/08 - I recommend 3-12 months b4 drinking) W3638
9. Tony - a hazy Belgian Trippel
10. Punter
11. nooch - Maibock, Wyeast 2487VSS Hella-Bock, 6.3% abv.
12. Trent - English Ordinary Bitter in stubbies, showcasing the same wort with 2 different yeasts - WY1028 and WY1098. No yeast farming available, I added a fresh slug of 1098 to each beer at priming.
13. Keith the Beer Guy
14. Offline - Scottish Ale of some type?
15. Colin
17. Onescooter
21. Scotty
23. backyard brewer - Georgetown/India Pale Ale. High hopped for that long boat journey from the lounge to the fridge...
5.8% 60 IBU ish
Sorry guys, I lost this thread for a while.
Was planning on putting in a dopplebock, but thats still fermenting <_<
So you will get a nice Pilsner instead. It's not to any style, bittered with Super Alpha and Czech Saaz
for flavour. Will only be bottling it tonight unfortunately :eek: , so it will have to carb for a few weeks.
What time is everyone showing up? My father in law is tagging along and its his birthday, so we will probably be hammered by 11 :D
And is this the final list? I will have enough beer, just need to know how many to bring.
Will see you all tomorrow.
Cheers, Duane.

1. Loftboy - Fat Bastard Ale (Scottish Export 80/-)
2. Schooey - Dunkel Weizenbock^2, Wyeast 3068, 6.3% abv, Bottled Mar 08, drink now
3. Pok
4. Peve
5. Leeboy - Munich Dunkel Wyeast Munich Lager yeast
6. Shmick - Aussie Winter Warmer strong ale
7. goatherder - Maibock. S-189, 6.4% abv. Bottled 22/6.
8. Les the Weizguy - Heller Weizenbock 9.8% ABV (Bottled 24/7/08 - I recommend 3-12 months b4 drinking) W3638
9. Tony - a hazy Belgian Trippel
10. Punter- Quaffing Pilsner WY2278 Czech Pils. (Bottled 25/7/08 so leave for a month)
11. nooch - Maibock, Wyeast 2487VSS Hella-Bock, 6.3% abv.
12. Trent - English Ordinary Bitter in stubbies, showcasing the same wort with 2 different yeasts - WY1028 and WY1098. No yeast farming available, I added a fresh slug of 1098 to each beer at priming.
13. Keith the Beer Guy
14. Offline - Scottish Ale of some type?
15. Colin
17. Onescooter
21. Scotty
23. backyard brewer - Georgetown/India Pale Ale. High hopped for that long boat journey from the lounge to the fridge...
5.8% 60 IBU ish
Just updating. Will drop my batch of in the morning if things stay the way they are. Hopefully this car bill will turn out alright and I will be able to attend

1. Loftboy - Fat Bastard Ale (Scottish Export 80/-)
2. Schooey - Dunkel Weizenbock^2, Wyeast 3068, 6.3% abv, Bottled Mar 08, drink now
3. Pok - Bastardised Lager....other info unknown off the top of my head.
4. Peve
5. Leeboy - Munich Dunkel Wyeast Munich Lager yeast
6. Shmick - Aussie Winter Warmer strong ale
7. goatherder - Maibock. S-189, 6.4% abv. Bottled 22/6.
8. Les the Weizguy - Heller Weizenbock 9.8% ABV (Bottled 24/7/08 - I recommend 3-12 months b4 drinking) W3638
9. Tony - a hazy Belgian Trippel
10. Punter- Quaffing Pilsner WY2278 Czech Pils. (Bottled 25/7/08 so leave for a month)
11. nooch - Maibock, Wyeast 2487VSS Hella-Bock, 6.3% abv.
12. Trent - English Ordinary Bitter in stubbies, showcasing the same wort with 2 different yeasts - WY1028 and WY1098. No yeast farming available, I added a fresh slug of 1098 to each beer at priming.
13. Keith the Beer Guy
14. Offline - Scottish Ale of some type?
15. Colin
17. Onescooter
21. Scotty
23. backyard brewer - Georgetown/India Pale Ale. High hopped for that long boat journey from the lounge to the fridge...
5.8% 60 IBU ish
Hey all,

I just bottled my remaining keg of OVER-HONEYED Grand Cru and got 17 bottles worth. I'll bring it along as well. It will be right to drink straight away. After drinking 40L of it I'm happy to pass it on... See you all tomorrow.

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