Is this a bad time to bring up the whole Extract Vs AG thing?
I would like to slightly change my previous post to truman.
Any beer bottles exposed to UV light = Bad
Any beer bottles not exposed to UV light = Better
Beer in Stainless Steel Kegs = Best
so in summary;
UV Light+Beer=bad
The only exception is if you make a Heinekien clone, in which case you want to expose each bottle to approx 10min of direct sunlight.
You know when you walk down the street, and you look up and there's someone in the distance walking towards you. And you both know that you are approaching each other but keep walking with your head down. and as you get closer you look up to see how far away from each other you are.
Then just as you're about to pass each other, you both look up, make eye contact, and raise your eyebrows at each other?
Well, I was thinking...... Chickens cant do that.
Is this a bad time to bring up the whole Extract Vs AG thing?
You know when you walk down the street, and you look up and there's someone in the distance walking towards you. And you both know that you are approaching each other but keep walking with your head down. and as you get closer you look up to see how far away from each other you are.
Then just as you're about to pass each other, you both look up, make eye contact, and raise your eyebrows at each other?
Well, I was thinking...... Chickens cant do that.
If I recall correctly, the common consensus (amongst the more scientific brewers) when I first came here was that green didn't present a signigcant improvement over clear.Next, we should discuss how much of the active visible spetrum gets through GREEN glass. Clearly (pun accidental) this is a discussion that merits further depth of knowledge.
Ahhh Silo ted.. teddyboy, or girl...
Are you still pissed because I didnt send you a picture of me with my ****s showing and my goatee shaved off so you can jerk off? (You never did have a comeback on that thread.)
Let me spell it out to you matey......A forum is for reading information and for asking questions to learn about the topic the forum is about. If you look on any forum on the internet there are hundreds of posts from newbies asking the same questions over and over again. There are also the same amount of answers from people who are only to happy to explain things to noobs. Even on this forum there are plenty of others only too willing to help out.
Ive seen plenty of posts on here that have been asked time and time again and they still get informative answers.
Heres an example
What is BBL?
Googling "Whats a BBL? gave me the answer without even having to follow a Google link, it was right there on the front page" tsk tsk TeddyGirl.
And another
Iphone or Android Plenty of information on Iphones and Android all over the internet, and all your bullet points could have been answered with a Google search.
People in glass houses shouldn't throw stones TeddyGirl.
If this forum doesn't allow the asking of questions maybe the front page should have a banner that says
"Questions are not allowed on this forum that have been asked before. You must search for your answers first by wading through the hundreds of search results to find out what you want to know. It may take you all day but you dont have a life anyway and nothing better to do. Continual asking of questions will see you banned."
You should create your own forum and post that on the front page. I bet you would have 10 members before too long.
Im not lazy and I often do research and search for things before I post. As Ive told you before Teddy not everything you read on the internet is correct, or often its out of date.
Ive had numerous topics that Ive read up on and then been told on here, "Thats not correct anymore", or "Its better to do it this way."
Guys like Manticle have been only to happy to point out some good links that are current and up to date and Ive bothered to go and read those links and thank him for his help.
Now..I dont know what your problem is, maybe daddy didnt spank you enough when you were a little boy or perhaps you were a fat nerdy kid who got picked on in school, so now heres your chance to be the big man and pick on any noob that comes along, whilst hiding behind a cartoon avatar..Although you do seem to have a soft spot for me..(Its that photo you didnt get isnt it Teddy???)
But guess what Teddy..If you dont like my stupid dumb lazy posts...DONT FU^&IN READ THEM. How easy is that??
When Mr Silo Ted asks you why the washing machine isnt working do you tell him "Go and google it and dont be so lazy"
Anyway as I also said in our last little get together..If there are others on here who feel the same way then let me know and I will gladly move on to another forum. (Like the one which I read a post.."You can find that out on AHB if you could be bothered putting up with the bull$hit over there" (They were talking about you TeddyGirl)
Ive had plenty of PM's from members on here telling me to ignore your crap because your a tosser, so until I start getting PM's from members telling me to stop asking stupid questions, Im going to keep asking.
One more thing Teddy, You may have the time to sit there and read every single one of the 300 + search articles that come up about "Clear Bottles" because you have no life.
I on the other hand have a loving wife, a great job, and plenty of family and friends who keep me occupied and busy. If thats what you call lazy then Im a BIG FAT LAZY SON OF A BITCH.....AND LOVING IT.
So Cheers Teddy girl XX I really don't care what you say or think. My life doesn't exist in the internet world, you don't matter to me
TO EVERYONE ELSE That took the time to give good and informative answers and to provide search terms to look up to find more information. A big THANK YOU.
Its people like you that make this place such a great forum.
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