Bottling Hb In Clear Glass Bottles.

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Yay ! Im quite satisfied now that I have made him spend 1/2 hour formulating a response. I may get around to reading it one day (although I shall not be poorer for it if I choose not to)

My work here is done.

No need to thank me for educating you on the search function, Truman.

Go forth with your newfound knowledge, son.

Teddyboy, over & out. :icon_cheers:

It only took me ten minutes, but your worth my time teddygirl. :D :D

I don't see any...

Looks more like an invite than a threat.
:eek: :eek: Internet threats ? :lol: :lol:

Should I report this poor community behaviour to a moderator ?

View attachment 49848

Yeh sure, and while your at it report this too.


I don't see any...

Looks more like an invite than a threat.

Thats exactly what it was Big Nath. I was hoping Teddy and I could swap some home brew and chew the fat so to speak. But alas I dont know where he lives.
Thats exactly what it was Big Nath. I was hoping Teddy and I could swap some home brew and chew the fat so to speak. But alas I dont know where he lives.

:lol: :lol:
Win to Truman and my vote is for the fat nerdy kid that always got picked on at school. Teds demeanour on this forum reeks of it. First time in his life he can put shit on someone without having to visit the dentist afterwards.
Bandana is compulsory :lol:

"meet you out back of the school shed, silo".


I must say, Bon Jovi, I am shaking in my little cotton socks.

You, sir, are my hero.
Three bits of advice;

1. Don't come to a battle of wits half armed.

2. Ease up on the vacuum developer it's draining blood from the brain.

3. If you want progeny from that goat your nailin start using the second hole down from the tail not the first.

Have a iddly diddly good day :)
Now back on the bottle thing. I've been using some glass and some PET. I have read on the site that the PET bottles are no good after about 6mths. Is this true or a myth. Has anyone experienced this?
Now back on the bottle thing. I've been using some glass and some PET. I have read on the site that the PET bottles are no good after about 6mths. Is this true or a myth. Has anyone experienced this?

Only ever used the PET for my first kit brew, it was shit. Its the PET's fault for sure. I never used it again. I swear I will never again either.

where is my brew cider in juice bottle thread again
I have read on the site that the PET bottles are no good after about 6mths. Is this true or a myth. Has anyone experienced this?

Im a pure glass man by trade, mostly coopers bottles but I do have a collection of twist tops as well, but Myth to that as far as I know... many people are using them for years without drama, lids need changing is what I understand..

couldnt be arsed with PET bottles myself except for yeast storage etc...

Thanks for the replies. Will have to experiment and compare a couple.
Now back on the bottle thing. I've been using some glass and some PET.
I have read on the site that the PET bottles are no good after about 6mths.
Is this true or a myth. Has anyone experienced this?
It's true - I have quite a few beers that have been in PET bottles a year or
more and they've lost a lot of CO2 - still some in the beer but pretty flat

Also, I've had botles of tonic water in unopened PET bottles older than a year
and they're flat as ... flat tonic water ... :icon_vomit:

So don't use PET bottles for long term storage - good keeping a few in
PET for short term as checks against over-high carbonation levels though
(if you're bottling) - if any PET bottles get really hard really quick, watch
out! :ph34r:

It's true - I have quite a few beers that have been in PET bottles a year or
more and they've lost a lot of CO2 - still some in the beer but pretty flat

So don't use PET bottles for long term storage - good for short term as
checks against over-high carbonation levels tho.


Might use them for my quick drinking beers then. Thanks for the tip.

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