To All Beerfest entrants,
Prizes and judging sheets will be sent by the end of the week (some have already been sent I believe).
The date of end of March to return scoresheets etc, was to allow Melbourne Brewers volunteers plenty of time to allocate and obtain prizes, communicate with the 21 sponsors and prepare & distribute letters etc quite a large task particularly given the number of entries from independent brewers, who have to be written to individually.
We are very happy with the way the competition went - we managed to get through a record number of entries (229) without too many dramas. A very busy few days! Melbourne Based Club brewers submitted 136 entries (60%), 68 of the entries (29%) came from independent brewers and 25 entries (11%) came from interstate Brewing Clubs.
Thanks to all who entered and especially those who participated on the weekend by convening, judging, etc.
In addition we would like to again thank our sponsors who provided such generous support and allowed us to offer some great prizes. Grand Ridge provided magnificent facilities and were very accommodating as usual. They also continue to offer the huge $500 cash prize for Champion Beer. Robin Brown, The Champion Brewer, will be discussing his prize with the Transport Bar and we hope to have details shortly re. a launch date for his commercially brewed recipe.
There has been some post event-discussion within Melbourne Brewers about the growth in entry numbers (mainly independent' brewers) experienced over recent years and the resources required to manage the competition. We are keen to see Beefest continue and grow. However, it has almost reached a point where, unless we are able to get more resources to help at Mirboo North, we may have to consider restricting entries in some way.
We would be very interested in any feedback people may have:.
Do members of inter-state brewing clubs and independent brewers see Beerfest as a worthwhile competition and are keen to see it continue in its present format?
Judges while we had a few new judges from Melbourne Brewers, the bulk of the judging is being done by some regulars again, members of Melbourne based Brewing Clubs . Our concern being these judges get burnt-out (some are judging 3 flights over the weekend with some flights taking 6 hours), especially as Beerfest continues to grow.
Are those that are entering beers (logistics allowing) prepared in future to get involved in event organisation, judging, convening etc if asked?
Independents The logistics of communicating with Independents, distributing prizes, etc as opposed to dealing with brewing clubs, makes the (post-event) administrative side of Beerfest a huge task.
Are independents prepared to join and actively participate in brewing clubs or are there issues that are stopping them from doing so, such as location, time, desire for independence etc?
Cheers and thanks again.
Melbourne Brewers
Prizes and judging sheets will be sent by the end of the week (some have already been sent I believe).
The date of end of March to return scoresheets etc, was to allow Melbourne Brewers volunteers plenty of time to allocate and obtain prizes, communicate with the 21 sponsors and prepare & distribute letters etc quite a large task particularly given the number of entries from independent brewers, who have to be written to individually.
We are very happy with the way the competition went - we managed to get through a record number of entries (229) without too many dramas. A very busy few days! Melbourne Based Club brewers submitted 136 entries (60%), 68 of the entries (29%) came from independent brewers and 25 entries (11%) came from interstate Brewing Clubs.
Thanks to all who entered and especially those who participated on the weekend by convening, judging, etc.
In addition we would like to again thank our sponsors who provided such generous support and allowed us to offer some great prizes. Grand Ridge provided magnificent facilities and were very accommodating as usual. They also continue to offer the huge $500 cash prize for Champion Beer. Robin Brown, The Champion Brewer, will be discussing his prize with the Transport Bar and we hope to have details shortly re. a launch date for his commercially brewed recipe.
There has been some post event-discussion within Melbourne Brewers about the growth in entry numbers (mainly independent' brewers) experienced over recent years and the resources required to manage the competition. We are keen to see Beefest continue and grow. However, it has almost reached a point where, unless we are able to get more resources to help at Mirboo North, we may have to consider restricting entries in some way.
We would be very interested in any feedback people may have:.
Do members of inter-state brewing clubs and independent brewers see Beerfest as a worthwhile competition and are keen to see it continue in its present format?
Judges while we had a few new judges from Melbourne Brewers, the bulk of the judging is being done by some regulars again, members of Melbourne based Brewing Clubs . Our concern being these judges get burnt-out (some are judging 3 flights over the weekend with some flights taking 6 hours), especially as Beerfest continues to grow.
Are those that are entering beers (logistics allowing) prepared in future to get involved in event organisation, judging, convening etc if asked?
Independents The logistics of communicating with Independents, distributing prizes, etc as opposed to dealing with brewing clubs, makes the (post-event) administrative side of Beerfest a huge task.
Are independents prepared to join and actively participate in brewing clubs or are there issues that are stopping them from doing so, such as location, time, desire for independence etc?
Cheers and thanks again.
Melbourne Brewers