2016 Qld xmas in july case swap tasting thread

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# 6. Lukifers Rye Hard - great way to start my Sunday afternoon, lots going on as it got warmer, nice work
#16. evoo4u's Baltic Porter - ******* cracker of a beer, very good, so tasty, loved it!
aydos said:
5. Motabika- Lichtenhainer

Nice subtle smoke in the aroma and flavour but the sourness really goes to town at the enamel on my teeth. The sourness is the predominant flavour for this beer and doesn't disappoint. This is quite an enjoyable drink, I do really like a good sour drop.

What was the recipe? Did you do a kettle sour and what lacto did you use?

Thanks for the cracker beer mate.
Just 50/50 Pils and pale wheat

5g of aged hops

Yeast was a cake of Gigayeast Fast lacto and us-05. Used this cake for 5 beers and just kept getting better and better
Motabika said:
Just 50/50 Pils and pale wheat

5g of aged hops

Yeast was a cake of Gigayeast Fast lacto and us-05. Used this cake for 5 beers and just kept getting better and better
This is interesting...

Did you reduce the size of the cake volume before pouring on the next cube? Or did you just leave the whole cake to do its thing on the fresh sugar each time?
Nope. Didn't reduce the cake volume, mainly cos I couldn't be arsed.

Produced five awesome lacto sours including a red apple berlinner which tastes like a more sour Flanders.

No off flavours that I could taste
cool, An overpitch I'd think it's called. I've done this onto US05 a few times and it has been excellent each time.

I don't yet appreciate the overpitch problem.

Edit: and certainly don't know about lacto at all... yet
Liam_snorkel said:
10. Ciderman - Gingerbread Brown Ale 6.0% 35ibu.
Smells like ginger bread, tastes like gingerbread. Wtf are you willy wonka?
Beer is very dark but clear with red highlights and lacing well. Smooth & balanced malt/bitterness, well attenuated not sweet, *maybe* some diacetyl or I could just be imagining the butter as an ingredient. Either way this is delicious. Any chance of posting the recipe?
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Glad you enjoyed it. It's a bit weird. Didn't think i could drink a whole keg of it but wanted more after i enjoyed the last few stubbies i had.

I basically just used the spices from gingerbread minus the cloves. Just thought it might overpower the others. I guessed the spice quantity but went on the low side to be safe. I'm happy with how it turned out but you could up the grams if you so choose.

83.3% Maris Otter Pale Malt (TF)
5.6% Biscuit Malt (dingemans)
5.6% Brown Malt (Bairds)
4.2% med crystal (Bairds)
1.4% Chocolate Malt (Bairds)

Single mash @ 68 degrees for 1 hour

90m Boil

60g EKG @ 60mins

All spices added at flameout

2g Ground Cinnamon
2g Ground Ginger
2g Ground All Spice
2g Ground Nutmeg

Fermented at 18 degrees with Wyeast #1099 Whitbread

SG 1.060
FG 1.014
17. Natdene - BIPA

IPA's and me must have a close affinity - love 'em! This one, despite being a dark beer, displayed (to me) none of the normal attributes of a dark beer - just the hops shone through.With a restrained elegance, this is one IPA I could keep coming back for. Beautiful! (Hops seemed similar to the last IPA I raved over, NickB's - what were they?)

12 b Lord Raja Goomba - American Standard Bitter

Well, not too sure about this one. Didn't give me much malt, or hops, or character. If anything, the first and lasting impression was that it had a sort of soft drink flavour. Coming on top of a couple of glasses of Reisling might have distorted my taste buds. No bad tastes or anything, but just not my style.

17 to go....
14. Dan Barrington - Chilli Brown Ale/ Porter

Mate this beer is a beauty, I get all of the porter qualities with some nice cocoa and dark chocolate highlights and slight biscuity sweetness. The Chilli is a really nice aftertaste and isn't over powering, it's got great balance.

Good work mate, for a 6% it sure is smashable.

Natdene said:
Thanks Parks! Have you tried that bottle of RIS yet?
Yeah mate,

It was thick, chewy, hugely roasty and a nice balance of oak and hint of Shiraz.

It is a little cloying for my liking but definitely no more cloying than some commercial ones (the 4 pines one in the black box set for instance).

Would love to see what it's like in 6 months.
Parks said:
Yeah mate,

It was thick, chewy, hugely roasty and a nice balance of oak and hint of Shiraz.

It is a little cloying for my liking but definitely no more cloying than some commercial ones (the 4 pines one in the black box set for instance).

Would love to see what it's like in 6 months.
I'll book it in to let you know :D :beerbang:
9. Seehuusen - Brett Rechs Extra Stout. Pours a dark ruby brown red with a persistent dark tan tight head. Fruity and mild chocolate on the nose. Tastewise - bit bretty fruity funk but really balanced. This is the type of beer that got me into Bretty and Lacto beers. I got a nice, not too roasty stout, overlaid with the brett, fruity (I'm getting cherries and dark berries), a little bourbon/oaky flavour too. Top, cracking beer. Loved it.
5. Motabika - Lichtenhainer. Bum still puckered, warhead in a bottle. Nice one mate.

15. Radshoes - infected saison Really enjoyed this one, for me it was a really full bodied slighttly dank/fruity saison. Stuff going on that I couldn't get a handle on.

16. evoo4u - probably a Baltic Porter - top drop, absolutely delicious. Full, rich and smooth.
17. Natdene - BIPA - loved it.

Question...how and where does one try and learn chracteristics of beers in somewhat greater depth?
Chew chew - Bribie G

Well this was a trip.

Aroma was a massive malt hit and I actually giggled on the way to continue watching moto gp.

But the first part of my glass was fairly noticeable hot alcohol. The malt flavours took a back seat and to be honest, it was a bit of a struggle for a while.

But warming up I got more marmalade and some other citrus flavours. The alcohol was certainly still present but started playing nicely with other flavours.

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Madpierre: join a homebrew club that runs mini-comps. I found my ability to ******** about flavours and crap in beers increased greatly after attending babbs.
They run a monthly mini-comp and try to sit people with a BJCP judge on each table. The first few times I sat on a table with Parkes. He was really good where he would let people describe their experience, and then he would describe some more technical aspects of the beer. Explain flaws if there were some.
Besides that the only other redeeming quality parks has is the ability to brew a slightly better dunkel than me.
angus_grant said:
Madpierre: join a homebrew club that runs mini-comps. I found my ability to ******** about flavours and crap in beers increased greatly after attending babbs.
They run a monthly mini-comp and try to sit people with a BJCP judge on each table. The first few times I sat on a table with Parkes. He was really good where he would let people describe their experience, and then he would describe some more technical aspects of the beer. Explain flaws if there were some.
Besides that the only other redeeming quality parks has is the ability to brew a slightly better dunkel than me.
Thanks Angus...I've been to a couple already, and probably took a bit of a back seat. Guess I can't expect to ******** at a higher level until I've spent a bit more time with the likes of Parks and such, eh.
madpierre06 said:
Thanks Angus...I've been to a couple already, and probably took a bit of a back seat. Guess I can't expect to ******** at a higher level until I've spent a bit more time with the likes of Parks and such, eh.
Hey mp - this might give you some ideas. Might even try some meself next time I'm pissed and post a review :D:

Increase Your Vocabulary with Wine Words

A wine that smells really intense
  • aromatic lift (white wine)
  • bold aromas (red wine)
  • tremendous nose
  • brooding
  • pungent

A wine that doesn’t smell very much
  • delicate
  • closed
  • subtle
  • soft
  • light

A wine that tastes really strong

A wine that doesn’t taste very strong
  • elegant
  • nuanced
  • airy
  • subdued
  • mellow

A wine that tastes bitter
  • tannic
  • chewy
  • muscular
  • structured
  • firm

A wine that tastes smooth
  • plush
  • round
  • velvety
  • supple
  • opulent

A wine that tastes tart
  • elegant
  • lean
  • racy
  • crisp
  • zippy

A wine that tastes earthy
  • herbaceous
  • loamy
  • forest floor
  • mossy
  • savory

Or the full kit'n'caboodle - http://winefolly.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/09/wine-descriptions-infographic.png#fullsize
angus_grant said:
Chew chew - Bribie G

Well this was a trip.

Aroma was a massive malt hit and I actually giggled on the way to continue watching moto gp.

But the first part of my glass was fairly noticeable hot alcohol. The malt flavours took a back seat and to be honest, it was a bit of a struggle for a while.

But warming up I got more marmalade and some other citrus flavours. The alcohol was certainly still present but started playing nicely with other flavours.

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I had this after a few other bevvies and it was a mistake.

"All I taste is malt, and booze, and malt - clean malt, booze, malt. Where was this drink in my first year of uni?"

It was exactly as advertised. Not really my type of drink, but would be great to share and only have maybe 100ML :D
angus_grant said:
Besides that the only other redeeming quality parks has is the ability to brew a slightly better dunkel than me.
You may be the only person to have ever conducted an exhaustive list of my redeeming qualities. Most people just say I have none :lol: